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  1. Vision.David Marr - 1982 - W. H. Freeman.
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  • Sentimental rules: on the natural foundations of moral judgment.Shaun Nichols - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Sentimental Rules is an ambitious and highly interdisciplinary work, which proposes and defends a new theory about the nature and evolution of moral judgment. In it, philosopher Shaun Nichols develops the theory that emotions play a critical role in both the psychological and the cultural underpinnings of basic moral judgment. Nichols argues that our norms prohibiting the harming of others are fundamentally associated with our emotional responses to those harms, and that such 'sentimental rules' enjoy an advantage in cultural evolution, (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Vision: Variations on Some Berkeleian Themes.Robert Schwartz & David Marr - 1985 - Philosophical Review 94 (3):411.
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  • An argument for basic emotions.Paul Ekman - 1992 - Cognition and Emotion 6 (3):169-200.
    Emotions are viewed as having evolved through their adaptive value in dealing with fundamental life-tasks. Each emotion has unique features: signal, physiology, and antecedent events. Each emotion also has characteristics in common with other emotions: rapid onset, short duration, unbidden occurrence, automatic appraisal, and coherence among responses. These shared and unique characteristics are the product of our evolution, and distinguish emotions from other affective phenomena.
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  • The Life You Can Save: Acting Now to Stop World Poverty.Peter Singer - 2009 - Random House.
    Acting Now to End World Poverty Peter Singer. were our own, and we cannot deny that the suffering and death are bad. The second premise is also very difficult to reject, because it leaves us some wiggle room when it comes to situations in.
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  • Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    What is morality? Where does it come from? And why do most of us heed its call most of the time? In Braintrust, neurophilosophy pioneer Patricia Churchland argues that morality originates in the biology of the brain. She describes the "neurobiological platform of bonding" that, modified by evolutionary pressures and cultural values, has led to human styles of moral behavior. The result is a provocative genealogy of morals that asks us to reevaluate the priority given to religion, absolute rules, and (...)
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  • The Ethics of Care and Empathy.Michael Slote - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    Eminent moral philosopher Michael Slote argues that care ethics presents an important challenge to other ethical traditions and that a philosophically developed care ethics should, and can, offer its own comprehensive view of the whole of morality. Taking inspiration from British moral sentimentalism and drawing on recent psychological literature on empathy, he shows that the use of that notion allows care ethics to develop its own sentimentalist account of respect, autonomy, social justice, and deontology. Furthermore, he argues that care ethics (...)
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  • Empathy: Its ultimate and proximate bases.Stephanie D. Preston & Frans B. M. de Waal - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):1-20.
    There is disagreement in the literature about the exact nature of the phenomenon of empathy. There are emotional, cognitive, and conditioning views, applying in varying degrees across species. An adequate description of the ultimate and proximate mechanism can integrate these views. Proximately, the perception of an object's state activates the subject's corresponding representations, which in turn activate somatic and autonomic responses. This mechanism supports basic behaviors that are crucial for the reproductive success of animals living in groups. The Perception-Action Model, (...)
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  • Against Empathy.Jesse Prinz - 2011 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 49 (s1):214-233.
    Empathy can be characterized as a vicarious emotion that one person experiences when reflecting on the emotion of another. So characterized, empathy is sometimes regarded as a precondition on moral judgment. This seems to have been Hume's view. I review various ways in which empathy might be regarded as a precondition and argue against each of them: empathy is not a component, a necessary cause, a reliable epistemic guide, a foundation for justification, or the motivating force behind our moral judgments. (...)
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  • Moral Sentimentalism.Michael Slote - 2009 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    There has been a good deal of interest in moral sentimentalism in recent years, but most of that interest has been exclusively either in meta-ethical questions or in normative issues about caring or benevolence. The present book seeks to offer a systematically unified picture of both sorts of topics by making central use of the notion of empathy. The hope is that such an approach will give sentimentalism a "second chance" against the ethical rationalism that has typically dominated the landscape (...)
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  • Is empathy necessary for morality.Jesse J. Prinz - 2011 - In Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie, Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 211--229.
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  • Empathy, sympathy, care.Stephen Darwall - 1998 - Philosophical Studies 89 (2-3):261–282.
    In what follows, I wish to discuss empathy and sympathy’s relevance to ethics, taking recent findings into account. In particular, I want to consider sympathy’s relation to the idea of a person’s good or well-being. It is obvious and uncontroversial that sympathetic concern for a person involves some concern for her good and some desire to promote it. What I want to suggest is that the concept of a person’s good or well-being is one we have because we are capable (...)
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  • Moral Sentimentalism.Michael Slote - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (1):3-14.
    In a way reminiscent of Hume's approach in the Treatise, a reviving moral sentimentalism can use the notion of empathy to ground both its normative account of moral obligation and its metaethical account of moral language. A virtuous person is empathically caring about others and expresses such feeling/motivation in her actions. But the judgment that something is right or good is also based in empathy, and the sentimentalist can espouse a form of moral realism by making use of a Kripkean (...)
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  • Naturalism and Normativity.Mario De Caro & David Macarthur (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Normativity concerns what we ought to think or do and the evaluations we make. For example, we say that we ought to think consistently, we ought to keep our promises, or that Mozart is a better composer than Salieri. Yet what philosophical moral can we draw from the apparent absence of normativity in the scientific image of the world? For scientific naturalists, the moral is that the normative must be reduced to the nonnormative, while for nonnaturalists, the moral is that (...)
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  • The impartial spectator: Adam Smith's moral philosophy.D. D. Raphael - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    D. D. Raphael examines the moral philosophy of Adam Smith (1723-90), best known for his famous work on economics, The Wealth of Nations, and shows that his thought still has much to offer philosophers today. Raphael gives particular attention to Smith's original theory of conscience, with its emphasis on the role of 'sympathy' (shared feelings).
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  • Are there basic emotions?Paul Ekman - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (3):550-553.
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  • 6. Skills for a Social Life.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - In Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 118-162.
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  • Is liberal naturalism possible?Mario de Caro & Alberto Voltolini - 2010 - In Mario De Caro & David Macarthur, Naturalism and Normativity. Cambridge University Press. pp. 69-86.
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  • Altruism in Humans.Charles Daniel Batson - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Altruism in Humans takes a hard-science look at the possibility that we humans have the capacity to care for others for their sakes rather than simply for our own. Based on an extensive series of theory-testing laboratory experiments conducted over the past 35 years, this book details a theory of altruistic motivation, offers a comprehensive summary of the research designed to test the empathy-altruism hypothesis, and considers the theoretical and practical implications of this conclusion. Authored by the world's preeminent scholar (...)
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  • Without Conscience. The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us.Robert D. Hare - 1993 - The Guilford Press.
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  • Empathy, Group Identity, and the Mechanisms of Exclusion: An Investigation into the Limits of Empathy.Thomas Fuchs - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):239-250.
    There is a conspicuous tendency of humans to experience empathy and sympathy preferentially towards members of their own group, whereas empathetic feelings towards outgroup members or strangers are often reduced or even missing. This may culminate in a “dissociation of empathy”: a historical example are the cases of Nazi perpetrators who behaved as compassionate family men on the one hand, yet committed crimes of utter cruelty against Jews on the other. The paper aims at explaining such phenomena and at determining (...)
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  • Moral Sentimentalism.Antti Kauppinen - 2002 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Is empathy a virtue.H. Battaly - 2011 - In Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie, Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 277--301.
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  • Facial Affect Scoring Technique: A First Validity Study.Paul Ekman, Wallace V. Friesen & Silvan S. Tomkins - 1971 - Semiotica 3 (1).
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  • Psychopathy and moral rationality.Eric Matthews - 2014 - In Thomas Schramme, Being Amoral: Psychopathy and Moral Incapacity. MIT Press. pp. 71-89.
    The chapter offers a philosophical account of the capacity to recognise moral considerations to be used in investigating whether psychopaths are amoral, as opposed to immoral. The author criticizes Simon Baron-Cohen and James Blair et al., who maintain that psychopaths are amoral insofar they lack empathy, for endorsing a sentimentalist account of moral understanding. Moreover, the author criticizes Kant's version of rationalism for assuming an impersonal notion of moral rationality that is unconstrained by specific human features. He offers, instead, an (...)
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  • The Ethics of Care and Empathy * By M. SLOTE. [REVIEW]M. Slote - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):190-192.
    Most moral philosophers who have recently expressed sympathy with feminist or ‘care-based’ perspectives on ethical theory have thought that such perspectives can make valuable contributions to more comprehensive ethical theories. Few have thought that an ethics of care can offer a complete normative theory. However, Michael Slote is one of the ambitious few. In his recent book, The Ethics of Care and Empathy, he seeks to show that a care-based perspective can do a lot of service in first-order moral and (...)
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  • On Virtue Ethics.Michael Slote - 2013 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 8 (1):22-30.
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  • The aesthetic attitude.Herbert Sidney Langfeld - 1920 - Port Washington, N.Y.,: Kennikat Press.
    We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
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  • Reconsiderations 2The Aesthetic Attitude.Rudolf Arnheim & Herbert S. Langfeld - 1980 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 39 (2):201.
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