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  1. What We Owe to Each Other.Thomas Scanlon (ed.) - 1998 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    How do we judge whether an action is morally right or wrong? If an action is wrong, what reason does that give us not to do it? Why should we give such reasons priority over our other concerns and values? In this book, T. M. Scanlon offers new answers to these questions, as they apply to the central part of morality that concerns what we owe to each other. According to his contractualist view, thinking about right and wrong is thinking (...)
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  • What We Owe to Each Other.Thomas Scanlon - 2002 - Mind 111 (442):323-354.
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  • Émotions et Valeurs.Christine Tappolet - 2000 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Pour contrer le scepticisme au sujet de la connaissance des valeurs, la plupart soutiennent avec John Rawls qu’une croyance comme celle qu’une action est bonne est justifiée dans la mesure où elle appartient à un ensemble de croyances cohérent, ayant atteint un équilibre réfléchi. Christine Tappolet s’inspire des travaux de Max Scheler et d’Alexius von Meinong pour défendre une conception opposée au cohérentisme. La connaissance des valeurs est affirmée dépendre de nos émotions, ces dernières étant conçues comme des perceptions des (...)
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  • Rational Behaviour and Bargaining Equilibrium in Games and Social Situations.John C. Harsanyi - 1977 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a paperback edition of a major contribution to the field, first published in hard covers in 1977. The book outlines a general theory of rational behaviour consisting of individual decision theory, ethics, and game theory as its main branches. Decision theory deals with a rational pursuit of individual utility; ethics with a rational pursuit of the common interests of society; and game theory with an interaction of two or more rational individuals, each pursuing his own interests in a (...)
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  • The Cement of Society: A Survey of Social Order.Jon Elster - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
    The question Jon Elster addresses in this challenging book is what binds societies together and prevents them from disintegrating into chaos and war. He analyses two concepts of social order: stable, predictable patterns of behaviour, and co-operative behaviour. The book examines various aspects of collective action and bargaining from the perspective of rational-choice theory and the theory of social norms. It is a fundamental assumption of the book that social norms provide an important kind of motivation for action that is (...)
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  • Value, Respect, and Attachment.Joseph Raz - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The book is a contribution to the study of values, as they affect both our personal and our public life. It defends the view that values are necessarily universal, on the ground that that is a condition of their intelligibility. It does, however, reject most common conceptions of universality, like those embodied in the writings on human rights. It aims to reconcile the universality of value with the social dependence of value and the centrality to our life of deep attachments (...)
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  • The Sociology of Religion.Max Weber & Ephraim Fischoff - 1963 - Philosophy 41 (158):363-365.
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  • On The Genealogy Of Norms: A Case For The Role Of Emotion In Cultural Evolution.Shaun Nichols - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (2):234-255.
    One promising way to investigate the genealogy of norms is by considering not the origin of norms, but rather, what makes certain norms more likely to prevail. Emotional responses, I maintain, constitute one important set of mechanisms that affects the cultural viability of norms. To corroborate this, I exploit historical evidence indicating that 16th century etiquette norms prohibiting disgusting actions were much more likely to survive than other 16th century etiquette norms. This case suggests more broadly that work on cultural (...)
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  • Cement of Society.Jon Elster - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy 88 (12):728-738.
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  • Troubled voices: stories of ethics and illness.Richard M. Zaner - 1993 - Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press.
    This honest, forthright, and beautifully-written book introduces readers to the human variations on medical topics spoken of in abstract in the daily news--euthanasia, assisted suicide, abortion, "extreme procedures", genetic testing, experimental surgeries--and to the people who must agonize over those decisions regarding themselves and their loved ones.
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  • Troubled Voices: Stories of Ethics and Illness.Richard M. Zaner - 1998 - Human Studies 21 (1):49-55.
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  • Practice of Value.Joseph Raz - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Christine M. Korsgaard, Robert B. Pippin, Bernard Williams & R. Jay Wallace.
    The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, which are presented annually at each of nine universities in the United States and England, are among the most prestigious and notable events of the academic year. This volume inaugurates a new interdisciplinary series of books based on the Tanner Lectures given at the University of California, Berkeley. The series aims to make these distinguished lectures, and the lively debates stimulated by their presentation in Berkeley, available to a broad readership.The Practice of Value explores (...)
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  • Revision of norms.Edna Ullmann-Margalit - 1990 - Ethics 100 (4):756-767.
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  • Valeurs et élaboration de compromis d’après l’expérience des États généraux de la bioéthique.Caroline Guibet Lafaye, Picavet & Emmanuel - 2010 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 53:366-381.
    Dans les formes contemporaines de gouvernance éthiquement significative, on insiste sur l’attention accordée, dans le dialogue et dans la délibération, aux personnes autres que les décideurs et les experts. Cela est illustré par l’expérience des « États généraux de la bioéthique » en France, en 2009. Dans ce processus, toutefois, les représentations sous-jacentes de l’éthique, de l’État et du règne du droit ont comme résultat un ensemble de contraintes significatives sur les possibilités d’incorporer dans les choix sociaux les opinions exprimées (...)
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