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  1. The Theory of Island Biogeography.Robert H. Macarthur & Edward O. Wilson - 2002 - Journal of the History of Biology 35 (1):178-179.
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  • The parasite-stress theory may be a general theory of culture and sociality.Jaimie N. Wall, Todd K. Shackelford, Corey L. Fincher & Randy Thornhill - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (2):99-119.
    In the target article, we presented the hypothesis that parasite-stress variation was a causal factor in the variation of in-group assortative sociality, cross-nationally and across the United States, which we indexed with variables that measured different aspects of the strength of family ties and religiosity. We presented evidence supportive of our hypothesis in the form of analyses that controlled for variation in freedom, wealth resources, and wealth inequality across nations and the states of the USA. Here, we respond to criticisms (...)
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  • Individual identity and freedom of choice in the context of environmental and economic conditions.Roy F. Baumeister, Jina Park & Sarah E. Ainsworth - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):484 - 484.
    Van de Vliert's findings fit nicely with our recent arguments implying that (1) differentiated selfhood is partly motivated by requirements of cultural groups, and (2) free will mainly exists within culture. Some cultural groups promote individual freedom, whereas others constrict it so as to maintain elites' power and privilege. Thus, freedom is, to a great extent, a creation of culture.
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  • Play, animals, resources: The need for a rich (and challenging) comparative environment.Gordon M. Burghardt - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):484-485.
    Van de Vliert proposes a comprehensive explanation for differences in in diverse human populations based on climate and monetary resources. This intriguing approach, though derived from an evolutionary view covering all species, is based exclusively on human populations. This anthropocentric lens is challenged by ways of testing Van de Vliert's thesis more generally using playfulness as a surrogate for freedom.
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  • Aggression and violence around the world: A model of CLimate, Aggression, and Self-control in Humans.Paul A. M. Van Lange, Maria I. Rinderu & Brad J. Bushman - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:1-63.
    Worldwide there are substantial differences within and between countries in aggression and violence. Although there are various exceptions, a general rule is that aggression and violence increase as one moves closer to the equator, which suggests the important role of climate differences. While this pattern is robust, theoretical explanations for these large differences in aggression and violence within countries and around the world are lacking. Most extant explanations focus on the influence of average temperature as a factor that triggers aggression, (...)
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  • Social versus reproductive success: The central theoretical problem of human sociobiology.Daniel R. Vining - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):167-187.
    The fundamental postulate of sociobiology is that individuals exploit favorable environments to increase their genetic representation in the next generation. The data on fertility differentials among contemporary humans are not cotvietent with this postulate. Given the importance ofHomo sapiensas an animal species in the natural world today, these data constitute particularly challenging and interesting problem for both human sociobiology and sociobiology as a whole.The first part of this paper reviews the evidence showing an inverse relationship between reproductive fitness and “endowment” (...)
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  • The weirdest people in the world?Joseph Henrich, Steven J. Heine & Ara Norenzayan - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):61-83.
    Behavioral scientists routinely publish broad claims about human psychology and behavior in the world's top journals based on samples drawn entirely from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies. Researchers – often implicitly – assume that either there is little variation across human populations, or that these “standard subjects” are as representative of the species as any other population. Are these assumptions justified? Here, our review of the comparative database from across the behavioral sciences suggests both that there is (...)
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  • Fundamental Dimensions of Environmental Risk.Bruce J. Ellis, Aurelio José Figueredo, Barbara H. Brumbach & Gabriel L. Schlomer - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (2):204-268.
    The current paper synthesizes theory and data from the field of life history (LH) evolution to advance a new developmental theory of variation in human LH strategies. The theory posits that clusters of correlated LH traits (e.g., timing of puberty, age at sexual debut and first birth, parental investment strategies) lie on a slow-to-fast continuum; that harshness (externally caused levels of morbidity-mortality) and unpredictability (spatial-temporal variation in harshness) are the most fundamental environmental influences on the evolution and development of LH (...)
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  • Climato-economic habitats support patterns of human needs, stresses, and freedoms.Evert Van de Vliert - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):465-480.
    This paper examines why fundamental freedoms are so unevenly distributed across the earth. Climato-economic theorizing proposes that humans adapt needs, stresses, and choices of goals, means, and outcomes to the livability of their habitat. The evolutionary process at work is one of collectively meeting climatic demands of cold winters or hot summers by using monetary resources. Freedom is expected to be lowest in poor populations threatened by demanding thermal climates, intermediate in populations comforted by undemanding temperate climates irrespective of income (...)
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  • Attachment and time preference.James S. Chisholm - 1999 - Human Nature 10 (1):51-83.
    This paper investigates hypotheses drawn from two sources: (1) Belsky, Steinberg, and Draper’s (1991) attachment theory model of the development of reproductive strategies, and (2) recent life history models and comparative data suggesting that environmental risk and uncertainty may be potent determinants of the optimal tradeoff between current and future reproduction. A retrospective, self-report study of 136 American university women aged 19–25 showed that current recollections of early stress (environmental risk and uncertainty) were related to individual differences in adult time (...)
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  • Cultural adaptations to the differential threats posed by hot versus cold climates.Damian R. Murray - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):497 - 498.
    Hot and cold climates have posed differential threats to human survival throughout history. Cold temperatures can pose direct threats to survival in themselves, whereas hot temperatures may pose threats indirectly through higher prevalence of infectious disease. These differential threats yield convergent predictions for the relationship between more demanding climates and freedom of expression, but divergent predictions for freedom from discrimination.
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  • Cold climates demand more intertemporal self-control than warm climates.George Ainslie - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):481-482.
    A climate that is too cold to grow crops for part of the year demands foresight and self-control skills. To the extent that a culture has developed intertemporal bargaining, its members will have more autonomy, but pay the cost of being more compulsive, than members of societies that have not. Monetary resources will be a consequence but will also be fed back as a cause.
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