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  1. The Sickness Unto Death.Søen Kierkegaard & Walter Lowrie - 1946 - Princeton University Press.
    Best known as a philosopher, one of the founders of existentialism, Kierkegaard also wrote books whose themes were primarily religious, psychological or literary. He was opposed to much in organised Christianity, stressing the necessity for individual choice against prescribed dogma and ritual. In this book, he concentrates his penetrating psychological observations on the theme of despair.
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  • The envious mind.Maria Miceli & Cristiano Castelfranchi - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (3):449-479.
    This work provides an analysis of the basic cognitive components of envy. In particular, the roles played by the envious party's social comparison with, and ill will against, the better off are emphasised. The ill will component is characterised by the envier's ultimate goal or wish that the envied suffer some harm, and is distinguished from resentment and sense of injustice, which have often been considered part of envy. The reprehensible nature of envy is discussed, and traced back to the (...)
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  • The Emotions.Nico Frijda - 1986 - Cambridge University Press.
    What are 'emotions'? This book offers a balanced survey of facts and theory.
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  • Functional Accounts of Emotions.Dacher Keltner & James J. Gross - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (5):467-480.
    In this article we outline the history, elements, and variations of functional accounts of emotions. Summarising diverse theories and observations, we propose that functional accounts of emotions: (1) address why humans have emotions; (2) define emotions as solutions to problems and opportunities related to physical and social survival; (3) treat emotions as systems of interrelated components; and (4) focus on the beneficial consequences of emotions. This conceptual approach to emotion is complemented by several empirical strategies, including the study of emotion (...)
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  • When envy leads to schadenfreude.Niels van de Ven, Charles E. Hoogland, Richard H. Smith, Wilco W. van Dijk, Seger M. Breugelmans & Marcel Zeelenberg - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):1007-1025.
    Previous research has yielded inconsistent findings concerning the relationship between envy and schadenfreude. Three studies examined whether the distinction between benign and malicious envy can resolve this inconsistency. We found that malicious envy is related to schadenfreude, while benign envy is not. This result held both in the Netherlands where benign and malicious envy are indicated by separate words (Study 1: Sample A, N = 139; Sample B, N = 150), and in the USA where a single word is used (...)
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  • Admiration and adoration: Their different ways of showing and shaping who we are.Ines Schindler, Veronika Zink, Johannes Windrich & Winfried Menninghaus - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (1):85-118.
    Admiration and adoration have been considered as emotions with the power to change people, yet our knowledge of the specific nature and function of these emotions is quite limited. From an interdisciplinary perspective, we present a prototype approach to admiration and what has variously been labelled adoration, worship, or reverence. Both admiration and adoration contribute to the formation of personal and collective ideals, values, and identities, but their workings differ. We offer a detailed theoretical account of commonalities and differences in (...)
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  • On the counterfactual nature of envy: “It could have been me”.Niels van de Ven & Marcel Zeelenberg - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):954-971.
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  • Linking admiration and adoration to self-expansion: Different ways to enhance one's potential.Ines Schindler, Juliane Paech & Fabian Löwenbrück - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (2):292-310.
    How is admiration different from adoration? We provided one answer to this question by examining the pathways through which admiration and adoration linked to self-expansion in a questionnaire and an experimental (autobiographical recall of emotion episodes) study. Both emotions were associated with increased potential efficacy to accomplish goals (i.e., self-expansion), but different action tendencies accounted for these links. While our emotion inductions did not successfully distinguish between admiration and adoration, we could statistically disentangle their effects through mediator models. In both (...)
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