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  1. Moral Distress, Moral Residue, and the Crescendo Effect.Elizabeth Gingell Epstein & Ann Baile Hamric - 2009 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (4):330-342.
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  • Nurses' perceptions of and responses to morally distressing situations.Colleen Varcoe, Bernie Pauly, Jan Storch, Lorelei Newton & Kara Makaroff - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):488-500.
    Research on moral distress has paid limited attention to nurses’ responses and actions. In a survey of nurses’ perceptions of moral distress and ethical climate, 292 nurses answered three open-ended questions about situations that they considered morally distressing. Participants identified a range of situations as morally distressing, including witnessing unnecessary suffering, being forced to provide care that compromised values, and negative judgments about patients. They linked these situations to contextual constraints such as workload and described responses, including feeling incompetent and (...)
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  • A Genealogy of Homo-Economicus: Neoliberalism and the Production of Subjectivity.Jason Read - 2009 - Foucault Studies 6:25-36.
    This article examines Michel Foucault’s critical investigation of neoliberalism in the course published as Naissance de la biopolitique: Cours au Collège de France, 1978-1979. Foucault’s lectures are interrogated along two axes. First, examining the way in which neoliberalism can be viewed as a particular production of subjectivity, as a way in which individuals are constituted as subjects of “human capital.” Secondly, Foucault’s analyses is augmented and critically examined in light of other critical work on neoliberalism by Wendy Brown, David Harvey, (...)
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  • Ethical nursing practice: inquiry‐in‐action.Gweneth Hartrick Doane, Janet Storch & Bernie Pauly - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (3):232-240.
    Although the need to theorize ethics within the complexities of nursing practice has been identified within the nursing literature, to date the link between ethics epistemology and specific nursing actions has received limited attention. In particular, little exploration has been carried out to examine how nurses ‘know’ what is ethical and the knowledge they draw upon to inform their nursing actions within the complexities of their everyday practice. This study describes a participatory inquiry project that focused on developing and articulating (...)
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  • The muted conscience: moral silence and the practice of ethics in business.Frederick Bruce Bird - 1996 - Westport, Conn: Quorum Books.
    A new approach to understanding the nature of ethics and ethical decision making, not only in the context of business, but also in other life contexts.
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  • Healthcare Provider Moral Distress as a Leadership Challenge.Jennifer Bell & Jonathan M. Breslin - 2008 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 10 (4):94-97.
    climate are both linked to an organization's ability to retain healthcare professionals and increase their level of job satisfaction, leaders have a corollary responsibility to address moral distress. We recommend that leaders should provide access to ethics education and resources, offer interventions such as ethics debriefings, establish ethics committees, and/or hire a bioethicist to develop ethics capacity and to assist with addressing healthcare provider moral distress....
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