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  1. (1 other version)The meaning of 'meaning'.Hilary Putnam - 1975 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7:131-193.
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  • Nonexistence.Nathan Salmon - 1998 - Noûs 32 (3):277-319.
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  • (1 other version)Theories of actuality.Robert Merrihew Adams - 1974 - Noûs 8 (3):211-231.
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  • (1 other version)The transfiguration of the commonplace.Arthur C. Danto - 1974 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 33 (2):139-148.
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  • In defense of the contingently nonconcrete.Bernard Linsky & Edward N. Zalta - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 84 (2-3):283-294.
    In "Actualism or Possibilism?" (Philosophical Studies, 84 (2-3), December 1996), James Tomberlin develops two challenges for actualism. The challenges are to account for the truth of certain sentences without appealing to merely possible objects. After canvassing the main actualist attempts to account for these phenomena, he then criticizes the new conception of actualism that we described in our paper "In Defense of the Simplest Quantified Modal Logic" (Philosophical Perspectives 8: Philosophy of Logic and Language, Atascadero, CA: Ridgeview, 1994). We respond (...)
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  • Explaining Language Use.Noam Chomsky - 1992 - Philosophical Topics 20 (1):205-231.
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  • To think is to have something in one’s thought.Alberto Voltolini & Elisabetta Sacchi - 2012 - Quaestio 12:395-422.
    Along with a well-honoured tradition, we will accept that intentionality is at least a property a thought holds necessarily, i.e., in all possible worlds that contain it; more specifically, a necessary relation, namely the relation of existential dependence of the thought on its intentional object. Yet we will first of all try to show that intentionality is more than that. For we will claim that intentionality is an essential property of the thought, namely a property whose predication to the thought (...)
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  • Possibility and Combinatorialism: Wittgenstein versus Armstrong.Raymond Bradley - 1989 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):15 - 41.
    In his recently published paper, ‘The Nature of Possibility,’ David Armstrong presents an account of possibility which, he correctly claims, is partly an elaboration of the early Wittgenstein's. Both are combinatorialists. That is to say, both hold that there is a fixed ontology of individuals, properties and relations whose combinations determine the range of all possible states of affairs, and therewith the range of all those totalities of states of affairs which they call possible worlds.But Armstrong's account, I believe, is (...)
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  • Ficta versus Possibilia.Alberto Voltolini - 1994 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 48 (1):75-104.
    Although both belong to the domain of the nonexistent, there is an ontological distinction between ficta and possibilia. Ficta are a particular kind of abstract objects, namely constructed abstract objects which generically depend on authors for their subsistence. Moreover, they are essentially incomplete entities, in that they are correlates of finite sets of properties. - On the other hand, possibilia are concrete objects. Being a possible object is indeed being an entity that might have existed, that is, that might have (...)
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  • Normatività e riferimento: postille a una discussione con Diego Marconi.Paolo Casalegno - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 34 (34):199-212.
    Alcuni anni or sono, poco dopo l’uscita dell’edizione italiana di Lexical Competence, mi è capitato di pubblicare un breve articolo in cui analizzavo e criticavo certe tesi sostenute da Diego Marconi nel suo libro. L’articolo era seguito, nello stesso numero della rivista, da una risposta di Marconi alla quale non ho mai replicato. La presente nota vuole essere, più che una replica tardiva, una riconsiderazione complessiva di quella discussione. La strategia argomentativa che avevo adottato a...
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  • Contingent and necessary identities.Alberto Voltolini - 1997 - Acta Analytica 12:73-98.
    A new theory of identity statements is put forward which appeals to a basic distinction between two notions of identity, i.e. strict and loose identity. The former is the traditional necessary relation of an object with the object itself, whereas the latter is a contingent relation of reduction of some (at least two) possible unactual objects to a possible actual object. By appealing to strict identity, one can maintain that some tokenings of identity sentences express a semantic content which is (...)
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  • Why the Computational Account of Rule‐Following Cannot Rule out the Grammatical Account.Alberto Voltolini - 2001 - European Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):82-104.
    In recent works, Chomsky has once more endorsed a computational view of rulefollowing, whereby to follow a rule is to operate certain computations on a subject’s mental representations. As is well known, this picture does not conform to what we may call the grammatical conception of rule-following outlined by Wittgenstein, whereby an elucidation of the concept of rule-following is aimed at by isolating grammatical statements regarding the phrase ‘to follow a rule’. As a result, Chomskyan and Wittgensteinian treatments of topics (...)
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  • Semantic Holism Without Semantic Socialism: Twin Earths, Thinking, Language, Bodies, and the World.Hector-Neri Castañeda - 1989 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 14 (1):101-126.
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  • Is It Merely Loose Talk?⋆.Alberto Voltolini - 2000 - Dialectica 54 (1):51-72.
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