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  1. The Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance Debate.Jennifer J. Griffin & John F. Mahon - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (1):5-31.
    This article extends earlier research concerning the relationship between corporate social performance and corporate financial performance, with particular emphasis on methodological inconsistencies. Research in this area is extended in three critical areas. First, it focuses on a particular industry, the chemical industry. Second, it uses multiple sources of data-two that are perceptual based (KLD Index and Fortune reputation survey), and two that are performance based (TRI database and corporate philanthropy) in order to triangulate toward assessing corporate social performance. Third, it (...)
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  • Measurement of Corporate Social Action.James E. Mattingly & Shawn L. Berman - 2006 - Business and Society 45 (1):20-46.
    The contribution of this work is a classification of corporate social action underlying the Social Ratings Data compiled by Kinder Lydenburg Domini Analytics, Inc. We compare extant typologies of corporate social action to the results of our exploratory factor analysis. Our findings indicate four distinct latent constructs that bear resemblance to concepts discussed in prior literature. Akey finding of our research is that positive and negative social action are both empirically and conceptually distinct constructs and should not be combined in (...)
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  • A Brand New Brand of Corporate Social Performance.Tim Rowley & Shawn Berman - 2000 - Business and Society 39 (4):397-418.
    We argue that corporate social performance (CSP) has become a legitimizing identity (brand) for researchers in the business and society field, but it has not developed into a viable theoretical or operational construct. Because measuring CSP is contingent on the operational setting (industry, issues, etc.), it is difficult to produce worthwhile comparisons across studies or generalizing beyond the boundaries of a specific study. The authors suggest that researchers remove the CSP label from their operational variables, and instead narrowly define their (...)
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  • The Corporate Social-Financial Performance Relationship.Lee E. Preston & Douglas P. O'Bannon - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (4):419-429.
    This research note analyzes the relationship between indicators of corporate social and financial performance within a comprehensive theoretical framework. The results, based on data for 67 large U.S. corporations for 1982-1992, reveal no significant negative social-financial performance relationships and strong positive correlations in both contemporaneous and lead-lag formulations.
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  • The Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance Debate: 25 Years ofIncomparable ReseaarchJ.J. Griffin & Mahon John - 1997 - Business and Society 1:73-75.
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  • Corporate Social Performance and Firm Risk: A Meta-Analytic Review.Marc Orlitzky & John D. Benjamin - 2001 - Business and Society 40 (4):369-396.
    Building on earlier work on the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and a firm’s financial performance, this integrative empirical study supports the theoretical argument that the higher a firm’s CSP the lower its financial risk. Specifically, the relationship between CSP and risk appears to be one of reciprocal causality, because prior CSP is negatively related to subsequent financial risk, and prior financial risk is negatively related to subsequent CSP. Additionally, CSP is more strongly correlated with measures of market risk (...)
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  • Socially Irresponsible and Illegal Behavior and Shareholder Wealth A Meta-Analysis of Event Studies.Jeff Frooman - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (3):221-249.
    This article provides empirical results indicating that acting in a socially respon- sible and lawful manner is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition for increasing shareholder wealth. It meta-analyzes 27 event studies that have mea- sured the stock market's reaction to incidences of socially irresponsible and illicit behavior. It finds that for firms engaging in socially irresponsible and illicit behavior, the effect on shareholder wealth is negative (wealth decreases), statisti- cally significant (p <.001), and so substantial in size (D = (...)
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  • The Worth of Values: A Literature Review on the Relation between Corporate Social and Financial Performance.Pieter van Beurden & Tobias Gössling - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):407 - 424.
    One of the older questions in the debate about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is whether it is worthwhile for organizations to pay attention to societal demands. This debate was emotionally, normatively, and ideologically loaded. Up to the present, this question has been an important trigger for empirical research in CSR. However, the answer to the question has apparently not been found yet, at least that is what many researchers state. This apparent ambivalence in CSR consequences invites a literature study that (...)
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  • The construct validity of the Kinder, lydenberg & domini social performance ratings data.Mark Sharfman - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (3):287 - 296.
    Carroll (1991) encouraged researchers in Social Issues Management (SIM) to continue to measure Corporate Social Performance (CSP) from a variety of different perspectives utilizing a variety of different measures. In addition, Wolfe and Aupperle (1991) (and others) have asserted that there is no, single best way to measure CSP and that multiple measures and perspectives help develop the field. However, Pfeffer (1993) suggest that a lack of consistent measurement has constrained organization studies (and by implication, the field of social issues (...)
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  • The Worth of Values – A Literature Review on the Relation Between Corporate Social and Financial Performance.Pieter Beurden & Tobias Gössling - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):407-424.
    One of the older questions in the debate about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is whether it is worthwhile for organizations to pay attention to societal demands. This debate was emotionally, normatively, and ideologically loaded. Up to the present, this question has been an important trigger for empirical research in CSR. However, the answer to the question has apparently not been found yet, at least that is what many researchers state. This apparent ambivalence in CSR consequences invites a literature study that (...)
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  • The Relationship between Social and Financial Performance.Ronald M. Roman, Sefa Hayibor & Bradley R. Agle - 1999 - Business and Society 38 (1):109-125.
    A primary issue in the field of business and society over the past 25 years has been the relationship between corporate social performance and corporate financial performance. Recently, Griffin and Mahon (1997) presented a table categorizing studies that have investigated this relationship. Motivated by concerns with this table, as well as a desire to account for progress in research in this area, the authors reconstructed it. The authors present a portrait of this relationship that is (a) substantially different from that (...)
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  • Researching Corporate Social Responsibility: An Agenda for the 21st Century.Paul C. Godfrey & Nile W. Hatch - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (1):87-98.
    Corporate social responsibility is a tortured concept. We review the current state of the art across a number of academic disciplines, from accounting to management to theology. In a world that is increasingly global and pluralistic, progress in our understanding of CSR must include theorizing around the micro-level processes practicing managers engage in when allocating resources toward social initiatives, as well as refined measurement of the outcomes of those initiatives on stakeholder and shareholder interests. Scholarship must also account for the (...)
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  • Assessing the Concurrent Validity of the Revised Kinder, Lydenberg, and Domini Corporate Social Performance Indicators.Mark Sharfman & Timothy A. Hart - 2015 - Business and Society 54 (5):575-598.
    This article examines the concurrent validity of the Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini Research & Analytics corporate social performance measures. Because KLD changed its evaluation methods to richer approaches, a new look at the concurrent validity of the indicators is necessary. To do this new look, the authors examine the new “Binary” and “Continuous” versions of the KLD and compare them with previous versions of KLD. The results suggest that the continuous scores provide better measurement characteristics than do the binary version. Overall, (...)
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  • Enhancing Stakeholder Practice.Laura Dunham, R. Edward Freeman & Jeanne Liedtka - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (1):23-42.
    Lack of specificity around stakeholder identity remains a serious obstacle to the further development of stakeholder theory andits adoption in actual practice by business managers. Nowhere is this shortcoming more evident than in stakeholder theory’s treatment of the constituency known as “community.”In this paper we attempt to set forth what we call “the Problem of Community” as indicative of the definitional problems of stakeholdertheory. We then begin the process of gaining greater specificity around our notions of community and the role (...)
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  • Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Firm Performance of Indian Companies?Supriti Mishra & Damodar Suar - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (4):571 - 601.
    This study examines whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) towards primary stakeholders influences the financial and the non-financial performance (NFP) of Indian firms. Perceptual data on CSR and NFP were collected from 150 senior-level Indian managers including CEOs through questionnaire survey.Hard data on financial performance (FP) of the companies were obtained from secondary sources. A questionnaire for assessing CSR was developed with respect to six stakeholder groups - employees, customers, investors, community, natural environment, and suppliers. A composite measure of CSR was (...)
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  • Corporate Social and Financial Performance: The Role of Size, Industry, Risk, R&D and Advertising Expenses as Control Variables.Margaret L. Andersen & John S. Dejoy - 2011 - Business and Society Review 116 (2):237-256.
    This article investigates the role of commonly specified control variables in moderating the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP). In addition, there are separate measures for positive (strengths) social actions, and for negative (concerns) social actions. The results support the positive relationship between CSP and CFP. The best model, as determined using factorial analysis of variance, is one which has the following control variables: size, industry, risk, and research and development expenditures. In examining the CSP/CFP (...)
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  • How Hot Is Your Bottom Line? Linking Carbon and Financial Performance.Timo Busch - 2011 - Business and Society 50 (2):233-265.
    This study adds two new perspectives to the long-running debate regarding the linkage between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP): First, we add the aspect of issue materiality and suggest research to put more emphasis on the question of how individual CSP issues can be assumed to systematically influence the business environment from a theoretical point of view. Second, we highlight the measurement level of the underlying data screens as an important determinant of the actual effects of (...)
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  • An empirical investigation of the relationship between change in corporate social performance and financial performance: A stakeholder theory perspective. [REVIEW]Bernadette M. Ruf, Krishnamurty Muralidhar, Robert M. Brown, Jay J. Janney & Karen Paul - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 32 (2):143 - 156.
    Stakeholder theory provides a framework for investigating the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance. This relationship is investigated by examining how change in CSP is related to change in financial accounting measures. The findings provide some support for a tenet in stakeholder theory which asserts that the dominant stakeholder group, shareholders, financially benefit when management meets the demands of multiple stakeholders. Specifically, change in CSP was positively associated with growth in sales for the current and subsequent (...)
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  • Sustainability Practices and Corporate Financial Performance: A Study Based on the Top Global Corporations. [REVIEW]Rashid Ameer & Radiah Othman - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (1):61-79.
    Sustainability is concerned with the impact of present actions on the ecosystems, societies, and environments of the future. Such concerns should be reflected in the strategic planning of sustainable corporations. Strategic intentions of this nature are operationalized through the adoption of a long-term focus and a more inclusive set of responsibilities focusing on ethical practices, employees, environment, and customers. A central hypothesis, that we test in this paper is that companies which attend to this set of responsibilities under the term (...)
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  • Corporate social and financial performance: An extended stakeholder theory, and empirical test with accounting measures. [REVIEW]Gerwin Van der Laan, Hans Van Ees & Arjen Van Witteloostuijn - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (3):299-310.
    Although agreement on the positive sign of the relationship between corporate social and financial performance is observed in the literature, the mechanisms that constitute this relationship are not yet well-known. We address this issue by extending management’s stakeholder theory by adding insights from psychology’s prospect decision theory and sociology’s resource dependence theory. Empirically, we analyze an extensive panel dataset, including information on disaggregated measures of social performance for the S&P 500 in the 1997–2002 period. In so doing, we enrich the (...)
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  • Corporate Social and Financial Performance Re-Examined: Industry Effects in a Linear Mixed Model Analysis. [REVIEW]Philip L. Baird, Pinar Celikkol Geylani & Jeffrey A. Roberts - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (3):367-388.
    In this research, we shed new light on the empirical link between corporate social performance (CSP) and corporate financial performance (CFP) via the application of empirical models and methods new to the CSP–CFP literature. Applying advanced financial models to a uniquely constructed panel dataset, we demonstrate that a significant overall CSP–CFP relationship exists and that this relationship is, in part, conditioned on firms’ industry-specific context. To accommodate the estimation of time-invariant industry and industry-interaction effects, we estimate linear mixed models in (...)
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