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  1. A Daoist theory of Chinese thought: a philosophical interpretation.Chad Hansen - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This ambitious book presents a new interpretation of Chinese thought guided both by a philosopher's sense of mystery and by a sound philosophical theory of meaning. That dual goal, Hansen argues, requires a unified translation theory. It must provide a single coherent account of the issues that motivated both the recently untangled Chinese linguistic analysis and the familiar moral-political disputes. Hansen's unified approach uncovers a philosophical sophistication in Daoism that traditional accounts have overlooked. The Daoist theory treats the imperious intuitionism (...)
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  • The Philosophy of the Mòzĭ: The First Consequentialists.Chris Fraser - 2016 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Mohism was an ancient Chinese philosophical movement founded in the fifth century B.C.E. by the charismatic artisan Mozi, or "Master Mo." The Mohists advanced a consequentialist ethics that anticipated Western utilitarianism by more than two thousand years and developed fascinating logical, epistemological, and political theories that set the terms of philosophical debate in China for generations. They were the earliest thinkers to outline a just war doctrine and to explain the origin of government from a state of nature. Their epistemology (...)
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  • (1 other version)Later Mohist logic, ethics, and science.Angus Charles Graham (ed.) - 1978 - London: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
    This a general account of the school of Mo-tzu, its social basis as a movement of craftsmen, its isolated place in the Chinese tradition, and the nature of its later contributions to logic, ethics, and science. It assesses the relation of Mohist thinking to the structure of the Chinese language, and grapples with the textual dynamics of later Mohist writings, particularly in regard to grammar and style, technical terminology, the use and significance of stock examples, and overall organization. Includes edited (...)
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  • The Mozi: A Complete Translation.Ian Johnston (ed.) - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    The _Mozi_ is a key philosophical work written by a major social and political thinker of the fifth century B.C.E. It is one of the few texts to survive the Warring States period and is crucial to understanding the origins of Chinese philosophy and two other foundational works, the _Mengzi_ and the _Xunzi_. Ian Johnston provides an English translation of the entire _Mozi_, as well as the first bilingual edition in any European language to be published in the West. His (...)
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  • Polarity and Analogy: Two Types of Argumentation in Early Greek Thought.Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd - 1992 - Hackett Publishing.
    "The book's major parts, one on polarity and the other on analogy, introduce the reader to the patterns of thinking that are fundamental not only to Greek philosophy but also to classical civilization as a whole. As a leading classicist in his own right, Lloyd is an impeccable guide. His sophistication in adducing anthropological parallels to Greek models of polarity and analogy broadens his perspective, making him a forerunner in the study of what we are now used to calling semiotics. (...)
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  • Analogical Investigations: Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Human Reasoning.G. E. R. Lloyd - 2015 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Western philosophy and science are responsible for constructing some powerful tools of investigation, aiming at discovering the truth, delivering robust explanations, verifying conjectures, showing that inferences are sound and demonstrating results conclusively. By contrast reasoning that depends on analogies has often been viewed with suspicion. Professor Lloyd first explores the origins of those Western ideals, criticises some of their excesses and redresses the balance in favour of looser, admittedly non-demonstrative analogical reasoning. For this he takes examples both from ancient Greek (...)
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  • (1 other version)Plato's Earlier Dialectic.Richard Robinson - 1941 - London, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Following strict rules of interpretation, this book focuses on the ideas in Plato's early and middle dialogues that lie within the fields now called logic and methodology, specifically elenchus and dialectic and the method of hypothesis.
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  • (3 other versions)Polarity and Analogy, Two types of argumentation in early Greek thought.G. E. R. Lloyd - 1969 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 159:275-278.
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  • Comparative Essays in Early Greek and Chinese Rational Thinking.Jean-Paul Reding - 2004 - Routledge.
    This collection of essays, by Reding, in the emergent field of Sino-Hellenic studies, explores the neglected inchoative strains of rational thought in ancient China and compares them to similar themes in ancient Greek thought, right at the beginnings of philosophy in both cultures. Reding develops and defends the bold hypothesis that Greek and Chinese rational thinking are one and the same phenomenon. Rather than stressing the extreme differences between these two cultures - as most other writings on these subjects - (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Plato's Earlier Dialectic.Richard Robinson, R. C. Lodge, R. Klibansky & C. Labowski - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (112):67-69.
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  • Distinctions, Judgment, and Reasoning in Classical Chinese Thought.Chris Fraser - 2013 - History and Philosophy of Logic 34 (1):1-24.
    The article proposes an account of the prevailing classical Chinese conception of reasoning and argumentation that grounds it in a semantic theory and epistemology centered on drawing distinctions between the similar and dissimilar kinds of things that do or do not fall within the extension of ‘names’. The article presents two novel interpretive hypotheses. First, for pre-Hàn Chinese thinkers, the functional role associated with the logical copula is filled by a general notion of similarity or sameness. Second, these thinkers’ basic (...)
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  • The Mozi as an Evolving Text: Different Voices in Early Chinese Thought.Carine Defoort & Nicolas Standaert (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    The book Mozi , named after master Mo, was compiled in the course of the fifth-third centuries BCE. The seven studies included in the The Mozi as an Evolving Text analyse the Core Chapters, Dialogues, and Opening Chapters of the Mozi as an evolving text.
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  • (3 other versions)Polarity and Analogy, Two Types of Argumentation in Early Greek Thought.G. E. R. Lloyd - 1968 - Philosophy 43 (165):288-290.
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  • Justification and debate: Thoughts on moist moral epistemology.Hui-Chieh Loy - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (3):455-471.
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  • Darkness and Light: Absence and Presence in Heidegger, Derrida, and Daoism.Steven Burik - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (3):347-370.
    The light metaphor is a perpetual favorite for philosophers, both East and West. I seek to revaluate its opposite, darkness. I claim that there are good reasons to favor darkness over light, or at least to not see them as mutually incompatible or in hierarchical fashion. In recent Western philosophy, both Heidegger and Derrida argue that what the light metaphor represents, the promise of clarity and objectivity, is exactly what makes Western metaphysics problematic. In Chinese philosophy, classical Daoism offers a (...)
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  • Analogical Propositions in Moist Texts.Jinmei Yuan - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (3):404-423.
    This article is an effort to improve understanding between Moist and Aristotelian logics on analogy. I argue that Chinese logic can neither fit in Aristotelian deductive framework, nor completely fit in Aristotelian inductive framework. One of the major reasoning skills that ancient Chinese logicians applied is analogical reasoning. Having examined thirteen Moist analogical propositions in a Moist text, the Da Qu 〈大取〉from the perspective of finding rationales (li 理) among things, I conclude that if the rationales can be found in (...)
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  • Chinese Logic and the Absence of Theoretical Sciences in Ancient China.Sun Weimin - 2009 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 8 (4):403-423.
    In this essay, I examine the nature of Chinese logic and Chinese sciences in the history of China. I conclude that Chinese logic is essentially analogical, and that the Chinese did not have theoretical sciences. I then connect these together and explain why the Chinese failed to develop theoretical sciences, even though they enjoyed an advanced civilization and great scientific and technological innovations. This is because a deductive system of logic is necessary for the development of theoretical sciences, and analogical (...)
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  • (3 other versions)Polarity and Analogy: two types of argumentation in early greek thought. [REVIEW]G. E. R. Lloyd - 1968 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 73:364.
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