Results for 'Bodo Morawe'

6 found
  1. Dark Energy and the Time Dependence of Fundamental Particle Constants.Bodo Lampe - manuscript
    The cosmic time dependencies of $G$, $\alpha$, $h$ and of Standard Model parameters like the Higgs vev and elementary particle masses are studied in the framework of a new dark energy interpretation. Due to the associated time variation of rulers, many effects turn out to be invisible. However, a rather large time dependence is claimed to arise in association with dark energy measurements, and smaller ones in connection with the Standard Model.
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  2. Tractatus de Natura Mundi.Bodo Lampe - 2018 - München, Deutschland: BOD Publishing.
    Aus dem Inhalt Vorrede 7 Ontologie der Substanz 12 Die Letztbegründung der Welt 24 Metaphysik und Transzendenz 40 Das Nichts 54 Zur Erkenntnistheorie 65 Möglichkeit und Kausalität 102 Subjekt, Determination, Freiheit 120 Bewusstsein - Unbewusstes 148 Gesellschaft und Sein 157 Versuch über Sartre 165 Philosophie der Geschichte 182 -/- .
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  3. Molecular Characterization of Aerobic Heterohophic Bacteria Isolated from Petroleum Hydrocarbon Polluted Brackish Waters of Bodo Creeks, Rivers State Nigeria.Tersagh Ichor - 2014 - Open Journal of Ecology 4:715-722.
    Surface water sources in the oil producing Niger Delta region of Nigeria are highly susceptible to pollution by petroleum hydrocarbons and so it is important to understand the microbial diversity of such ecosystems. Water and sediment samples were collected between April-August, 2013 from Bodo creeks and taken to Environmental Microbiology laboratory of University of Portharcourt for analysis. A total of thirty aerobic heterotrophic bacterial strains isolated ranged from 3.0 - 7.0 × 104 cfu for surface water and 1.6 - (...)
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  4. Eckart Förster, Grenzen der Erkenntnis? Untersuchungen zu Kant und dem Deutschen Idealismus, hrsg. v. Johannes Haag u. Bodo Beyer (=Spekulation und Erfahrung II,62), Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog 2022, 490 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-7728-2932-1. [REVIEW]Jens Pier - 2024 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 131 (2):175–177.
    This is a review of a volume comprising 18 of Eckart Förster’s most important essays. Written between 1987 and 2022, all of them touch upon the theme of limits of cognition. Among the issues tackled are Kant’s Opus Postumum, Goethe’s project of a scientia intuitiva or science of the intuitive understanding, the significance of §§76–77 of the third Critique for post-Kantianism, the case for Hölderlin’s authorship of the Oldest System-Programme of German Idealism, and Hegel’s early ideas on logic and phenomenology. (...)
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  5. Mac Lane, Bourbaki, and Adjoints: A Heteromorphic Retrospective.David Ellerman - manuscript
    Saunders Mac Lane famously remarked that "Bourbaki just missed" formulating adjoints in a 1948 appendix (written no doubt by Pierre Samuel) to an early draft of Algebre--which then had to wait until Daniel Kan's 1958 paper on adjoint functors. But Mac Lane was using the orthodox treatment of adjoints that only contemplates the object-to-object morphisms within a category, i.e., homomorphisms. When Samuel's treatment is reconsidered in view of the treatment of adjoints using heteromorphisms or hets (object-to-object morphisms between objects in (...)
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  6. PRESERVING LOCAL WISDOM: CULTURAL STRATEGIES OF BUGINESE-PAGATAN ETHNIC GROUP LIVING IN A 1 3 MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY.Andi Kaharuddin - 2020 - Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17 (6):10038-10053.
    This study aims to describe the cultural strategy of the Buginese people of Pagatan (one of ethnic group in Indonesia) in preserving their local wisdom living in a multicultural society. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive method through three methods of data collection i.e. in-depth interview, observation and literature involving community leaders and ordinary people as informants. The historical-interpretative method was used to analyze the Data. The findings from this study indicate that the people of Buginese-Pagatan use two strategies (...)
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