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  1. The Negativity of Negative Propositions.Carl Erik Kühl - 2012 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 47 (1):87-110.
    The problem of truthmakers for negative propositions was introduced by Bertrand Russell in 1918. Since then the debate has mostly been concerned with whether to accept or reject their existence, and little has been said about what it is that makes a negative proposition negative. This is a problem as it is obvious that you cannot just read it off from the grammar of a sentence. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that propositions may be negative or positive (...)
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  2. Musikalske omgangsformer [Musicking as a form of life].Carl Erik Kühl - 1973 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 1:1-20.
    Denne artikel hedder ”Musikalske Omgangsformer”. Men den fortæller ikke så meget om, hvorledes musikalske omgangsformer tager sig ud, som den fører til et punkt, hvor musikalske omgangsformer bliver sigtbare og påtrængende. Snarere end at præsentere en teori om musikalske omgangsformer anviser den et sted, hvor en teoridannelse er påkrævet. Udgangspunktet bliver en påvisning af, hvorledes den fænomenologiske tilgang til det musikalske fænomen svigter ved tematisk og dog stiltiende at hævde musikstykket, satsen, som sin genstand. Utilstrækkeligheden påpeges inden for den fænomenologiske (...)
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  3. Worlds and Operations.Carl Erik Kühl - 1983 - In Praxeology. Bergen: pp. 38-69.
    When a philosophical or scientific project comes of age, it finds itself possessed of a tradition, and consequently of scope for a display of its classics. If Praxeology is such a project, then Jakob Meløe’s article The Agent and His World is just such a classic. It’s often no very long step from acquiring a tradition to becoming one. But a project that suffers this transformation stands in risk of losing its character as a project. It then remains only to (...)
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  4. Epistemisk og epimonisk sansning.Carl Erik Kühl - 2007 - Filosofiske Studier 1:1-30.
    ”Hvad er musik?” lyder et gammelt og godt spørgsmål, og svaret udformes i reglen som en redegørelse for, hvordan musik lyder. Med modernismen (Ligeti, Stockhausen, etc.). har vi imidlertid gjort den erfaring, at musikken kan forblive musik, selv når den er uden melodi, uden metrisk puls etc. Men hvis der ingen grænser er for, hvordan musik- ken kan lyde, kan vi heller ikke afgrænse – definere – musikken ved at henvise til, hvordan den lyder. Vi må, mener jeg, snarere tage (...)
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  5. Beating the Air. Phenomenological remarks on the semiotics of conducting.Carl Erik Kühl - 2003 - Acta Semiotica Fennica 15:183-196.
    The subject of the article is conducting as typically known from the classical symphonic practice. The question to be discussed is: In what respect is the conductor’s beat properly to be understood as ”signing” within the frames of a sign language, and as such a proper object of semiotic analysis. My approach to the topic is primarily phenomenological. It makes analytical comments on the task of the conductor; to the very nature of the cooperative and communicative framework embedding the conductor (...)
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