Results for 'Deligny'

  1. Fernand Deligny et le droit d’exister.Carlos Machado - 2023 - Pratique 1 (102):46-48.
    Tout au long de sa carriêre, Fernand Deligny expérimente de nouveaux modes de vie auprês d'individus en dehors des normes d'existence majoritaires. Subvertissant les hiérarchies et promouvant les pratiques libertaires, il affronte les structures correctrices dans sa logique d'adaptation.
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  2. La Aracneida, Fernand Deligny y la tentativa de una filosofía gestual.Luis Guerra - 2024 - Arte Individuo y Sociedad 36:15-24.
    This article explores the work and thought of French pedagogue Fernand Deligny (1913-1996), focusing on his last project commonly referred to as the Tentative des Cévennes, developed between 1967-1996. From this experience that Deligny forged together with his collaborators, the article exposes the generation of a particular form of knowledge, a philosophy subordinated to a gestural solidarity network formed by human and non-human bodies, environments and situations, minimal gestures, everyday actions, and contingent events, visible only through a series (...)
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