Results for 'Kartik Upadhyaya'

  1. The essence of result-driven categorization.Kartik Sharma - manuscript
    This paper attempts to argue that it is categorization, not generalization, that is more valuable by examining essence, interest, ontology, rationalism, and truth. While generalization is invariably oversimplified, categorization gives an exact insight with a fine grain into the entities by referring to their intrinsic properties. Categorization supplies an ordered, transparent form for knowledge through a rationalist approach, thereby arriving at clearer and more accurate representations of reality. The importance of categorization lies in its philosophical contribution to differentiating things in (...)
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  2. Gaṅgeśa on Epistemic Luck.Nilanjan Das - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (2):153-202.
    This essay explores a problem for Nyāya epistemologists. It concerns the notion of pramā. Roughly speaking, a pramā is a conscious mental event of knowledge-acquisition, i.e., a conscious experience or thought in undergoing which an agent learns or comes to know something. Call any event of this sort a knowledge-event. The problem is this. On the one hand, many Naiyāyikas accept what I will call the Nyāya Definition of Knowledge, the view that a conscious experience or thought is a knowledge-event (...)
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