  1. Digital Nomadism in the Anthropocene: Philosophical-Anthropological Analysis of the Contradictions and Limits of this Phenomenon.Katarína Podušelová - 2023 - Green Marble 2023: Estudos Sobre o Antropoceno e Ecocrítica / Studies on the Anthropocene and Ecocriticism.
    The article focuses on the phenomenon of digital nomadism in the context of the Anthropocene. Digital nomadism is a phenomenon characterized by the ability of people to travel the world voluntarily and with the help of technology and to change their place of work on a regular basis. It is often referred to as either a new form of lifestyle or a working life. Despite this general description, digital nomadism is a phenomenon without a clear definition. Interest in digital nomadism (...)
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  2. Problematika Antropocénu V Dvoch Významových Rovinách.Katarína Podušelová - 2021 - Myslieť Inak - Iné V Myslení - Zborník Vedeckých Príspevkov.
    The paper points out two levels of meaning of the term anthropocene, which is directly related to the human impact on the state of the global ecosystem. This influence is reflected on the one hand in the field of natural sciences, where the term anthropocene denotes a new stage in the geological history of the Earth. On the other hand, in the field of humanities, the concept of anthropocene has become the starting point for theoretical analyzes of the direct relationship (...)
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  3. Antropcén ako potvrdenie environ-mentálnej revolúcie.Katarína Podušelová - 2022 - Young Philosophy 2022/ Proceedings of the International Conference of Phd. Students in the 17Th Year of the Young Philosophy Series.
    The paper aims to capture the fundamental points that suggest that the conceptual system of the Anthropocene is an acknowledgement of an Environ-mental Revolution within human thought, cognition, and action in relation to life-supporting conditions on Earth. The revolutionary change in thought and knowledge is expressed through epochal consciousness, the emergence of which correlates with the coming of environmental thought and later the establishmento f the Earth system science, in which the concept of the Anthropocene for the Earth System was (...)
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