Results for 'Kaywana Raeburn'

  1. Islam's Foundational Equality. [REVIEW]David Raeburn Finn - 2017 - American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 34:98-112.
    In Feminist Edges of the Qur’an, Aysha Hidayatullah argues that certain Qur’anic verses are incorrigibly male-privileging and are themselves privileged. Hence, egalitarian readings of the Qur’an are unsupported and unsupportable. If, as egalitarians propose, such verses are unjust, then either the Qur’an is not God’s word or God is unjust. By contrast, I argue that no evidence suggests any such verses are incorrigibly male- privileging. Further I indicate egalitarian rereadings for relevant contenders and note that, in any case, no Qur’anic (...)
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