Results for 'Luṭf'

  1. A Study and Critique of the «Tark-i Awlà» Approach in Justifying Prophets' Lapses.Hossein Atrak - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical-Theological Research 20 (76):29-56.
    Abstract This article delves into the study of the term «tark-i awlà» (abandoning performance of that which is better and doing that which is less than better) as an approach for defending the infallibility of the prophets when confronting verses from the Holy Qur‘ān that apparently prove the prophets committed sins; and after going into the semantics of «tark-i awlà», the following question has been made the focus of discussion and study: are the intellectual arguments proving the infalliblity of the (...)
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  2. Methods and Varieties of Guidance According to Imām Māturīdī.Harun Çağlayan - 2019 - ULUM Journal of Religious Inquiries 2 (1):29-50.
    Māturīdī, one of the prominent Kalām scholar, is mostly considered to have played a significant role in the construction of a sustainable religious approach today. This recognition originates from his joint reference to intellect and divine inspiration with regard to issues in Kalām in addition to his contributions to the Sunni way of thinking. His balanced use of the intellect and divine inspiration in his solutions for issues of Hidāyat increased his popularity. In the Muslim world, just as in any (...)
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