Results for 'Lynda Chubak'

  1. “The Other” in The novel “Tangsir” based on Bakhtin’s theory.Mohaddeseh Rabbaninia - 2022 - In Literature and Intercultural Thinking. Tehran: Qabaspub. pp. 213-222.
    Hearing the other’s voice in literary text is one of Bakhitan's main concerns. Bakhtin take the remarkable capacity of literature to concideration to express differences and break monologues. This article seeks to ponder Sadegh Chubak's novel Tangsir based on Bakhtin's views. The main character of this novel is a southern Tangsir named Zair Mohammad who seeks revenge on those who in his opinion have violated his rights. The story of the novel takes place in Bushehr after the First World (...)
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