Results for 'Mansoor Niaz'

  1. Integrative Managerial Capabilities; a New Managerial Mechanism to Achieve a Firm Competitive Response.Hamdan O. Mansoor, Richard H. Weston & Hussam Al Halbusi - 2021 - مجلة تكريت للعلوم اإلدارية واالقتصادية 17 (45):264-472.
    Aims: Companies that should operate in competitive business environments must be able to sustain competitive responses over time. Making such responses, however, typically necessitates the firm's managerial capacity to constantly integrate its properties, ensuring that they are all matched with changing market needs. Based on the literature of Knowledge Management and Dynamic managerial capabilities, this paper contributes to our understanding by developing an Integrative Managerial Capabilities concept, which refers to “managers’ ability to orchestrate a firm resource base through the processes (...)
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