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  1. “Zionism as Holistic Idea: Mordecai M. Kaplan’s Pragmatic Approach” [in Hebrew], in: Zion and Diaspora: Past, Present, Future, ed. Joseph (Yossi) Turner and Ari Ackerman (Jerusalem: Carmel 2023).Nadav S. Berman - 2023 - In Zion and Diaspora: Past, Present, Future, eds. Joseph Turner and Ari Ackerman. Jerusalem: Carmel. pp. 321-356.
    This book-chapter investigates the pragmatist Zionist thought of Mordecai M. Kaplan, and considers its pluralistic and holistic traits, vis-a-vis monist and fundamentalist approaches to Zionism.
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  2. “What is the Juxtaposition Between Silicon Valley and Mount Sinai? Covenantal Principles and the Conceptualization of Platform-User Relations”.Nadav S. Berman & Tal Z. Zarsky - 2022 - Journal of Law and Religion 37 (3):446-477.
    Over recent decades, several global tech giants have gained enormous power while at the same time generating various disputes with their end-users, local governments, and regulators. We propose that the Jewish concept of covenant can help the above parties, legal scholars, and wider society, in addressing this complex legal reality. We present the challenge of disequilibrium between the above four parties against the main points of conflict: the requirement of customer consent; clear contractual provisions upon entry; options for reasonable customer (...)
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  3. "Eliezer Schweid: Some Premises of a Pragmatic Jewish Thinker" [in Hebrew].Nadav S. Berman - 2020 - In The Philosophy of Eliezer Schweid: Jewish Culture and Universal Perspectives, ed. Yehoyada Amir and Joseph Turner. Jerusalem: Carmel. pp. 103-141.
    This book-chapter briefs Eliezer Schweid's thought, and demonstrates the role of some core-concepts of classical American pragmatism within it.
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  4. “Interest, Disinterestedness, and Pragmatic Interestedness: Jewish Contributions to the Search for a Moral Economic Vision”.Nadav S. Berman - 2022 - In Michel Dion & Moses Pava, The Spirit of Conscious Capitalism: Contributions of World Religions and Spiritualities. Springer. pp. 85-108.
    This chapter does not presume to outline a new economic theory, nor a novel perspective on Jewish approaches to economy. Rather, it suggests the concept of pragmatic interestedness (PI) as means for thinking on the search for conscious or moral forms of capitalism. In short, pragmatic interestedness means that having interests is basic to human nature, and that interestedness is or can be non-egoistic and pro-social. This chapter proposes that PI, which has a significant role in normative Jewish tradition, can (...)
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  5. “The Application of the ‘Pragmatic Maxim’ in Jewish Tradition: The Case of R. Ḥayyim Hirschensohn”.Nadav S. Berman - 2022 - Journal of Religion 102 (4):441-481.
    This article argues that certain interpretive trajectories within Jewish tradition – both halakhic (nomos) and aggadic (narrative) – can be illuminated vis-a-vis classical American pragmatism (CAP). Contrary to a prevalent belief, Peirce, James, and Dewey were neither anti-metaphysical nor anti-traditional. They contended, in different ways, that the ‘pragmatic maxim’ (PM) – “truth is what works” in James’s phrasing – is not a narrowly instrumentalist truth test. The PM rather implies that ideas and beliefs (philosophical and religious alike) should be examined (...)
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  6. “How to Live Communally Amidst Doubts”, on Moshe Halbertal, The Birth of Doubt: Confronting Uncertainty in Early Rabbinic Literature (Brown, 2020). [REVIEW]Nadav S. Berman - 2021 - Review of Rabbinic Judaism 24:265-275.
    This review-essay considers the book by Moshe Halbertal, The Birth of Doubt: Confronting Uncertainty in Early Rabbinic Literature (Brown, 2020), and highlights certain pragmatist trajectories in the book and in its scholarly object - early rabbinic law. Inter alia, the middle rabbinic path between realism and nominalism is discussed.
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  7. “Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking in Judaism” [in Hebrew], review essay on D. Brezis, Between Zealotry and Grace and H. E. Hashkes, Rabbinic Discourse as a System of Knowledge. [REVIEW]Nadav S. Berman - 2016 - Daat 82:405-417.
    This review-essay considers two books by David Brezis and Hannah E. Hashkes, and discusses their significance for exploring the philosophical links between Jewish thought and classical American pragmatism.
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