Results for 'Renzo Zanotti'

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  1. Affective Artificial Agents as sui generis Affective Artifacts.Marco Facchin & Giacomo Zanotti - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3).
    AI-based technologies are increasingly pervasive in a number of contexts. Our affective and emotional life makes no exception. In this article, we analyze one way in which AI-based technologies can affect them. In particular, our investigation will focus on affective artificial agents, namely AI-powered software or robotic agents designed to interact with us in affectively salient ways. We build upon the existing literature on affective artifacts with the aim of providing an original analysis of affective artificial agents and their distinctive (...)
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  2. QATIPANA: Devenir e Individuación sobre los encuentros entre los aparatos técnicos y sistemas naturales en el arte Latinoamericano.Renzo Filinich Orozco - manuscript
    This essay unfolds on the fundamental question that invariably dominates today's discussions, about new technology and its ability to have a transformative effect in all areas of contemporary life and in human beings themselves. Obviously, the true qualitative novelty of the technological advances that occur before our eyes lies not only in the emergence of new artistic practices related to one or another scientific research. Its essence consists in the fact that these practices, when interacting with each other, begin to (...)
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  3. State Legitimacy and Self-defence.Massimo Renzo - 2011 - Law and Philosophy 30 (5):575-601.
    In this paper I outline a theory of legitimacy that grounds the state’s right to rule on a natural duty not to harm others. I argue that by refusing to enter the state, anarchists expose those living next to them to the dangers of the state of nature, thereby posing an unjust threat. Since we have a duty not to pose unjust threats to others, anarchists have a duty to leave the state of nature and enter the state. This duty (...)
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  4. Political Authority and Unjust Wars.Massimo Renzo - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (2):336-357.
    Just war theory is currently dominated by two positions. According to the orthodox view, provided that jus in bello principles are respected, combatants have an equal right to fight, regardless of the justice of the cause pursued by their state. According to “revisionists” whenever combatants lack reasons to believe that the war they are ordered to fight is just, their duty is to disobey. I argue that when members of a legitimate state acting in good faith are ordered to fight, (...)
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  5. Rights Forfeiture and Liability to Harm.Massimo Renzo - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 25 (3):324-342.
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  6. Electromecánicas IV - Despliegue y activación de un espacio-tiempo barroco.Renzo Christian Filinich Orozco & Monica Salinero Rates - 2018 - Enclave Sonora Espacio, Editorial Sonec.
    En Electromecánicas IV, – Despliegue y activación de un espacio-tiempo barroco, Mónica Salinero socióloga y Renzo Filinich artista, se sumergen en el trabajo de análisis de la obra de Raúl Díaz, “Electromecánicas IV, poniendo en valor la diferencia conceptual y la diversidad del universo latinoamericano como espacio de creación situado. Inspirados en las teorías de Bolivar Echevarria, discuten la complejidad simbólica que rodea a esta experiencia estética, deteniéndose en los valores y funciones que se encuentran dentro del espectro cultural (...)
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  7. El Origen Platónico de la Mirada.Renzo Roncagliolo Jones - 1996 - Dissertation, Pontificia Universidad Católica Del Perú
    El origen platónico de la mirada es una investigación sobre el orígenes de la Teoría de las Ideas, a partir del análisis de los términos εdoς e ἰδέα a partir de la búsqueda de la definición. Esta investigación tienen como objetivo el análisis de aquellos principales pasajes en los cuales Platón emplea εdoς e ἰδέα para referirse a la forma o carácter común a una multiplicidad, siendo este carácter el requisito fundamental para lograr la definición de un término moral: ¿cómo (...)
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  8. Lo que es: Los eleatas, Parménides, Zenón, Meliso.Renzo Roncagliolo - 1995 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 7 (1):177-180.
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  9. El Laques y la búsqueda de lo común.Renzo Roncagliolo Jones - 2000 - Estudios de Filosofía Pucp 4:15-23.
    Resumen Este artículo examina el diálogo Laques de Platón desde la perspectiva de su contribución a la evolución del pensamiento filosófico platónico sobre la unidad de los conceptos. Se argumenta que, aunque Laques es considerado un diálogo temprano, su importancia ha sido subestimada en la tradición interpretativa platónica, ya que plantea una de las primeras formulaciones de la pregunta socrática sobre la naturaleza de un concepto, en este caso, el valor (andreia). A través de un análisis detallado del diálogo, se (...)
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  10. On Renzo’s Attempt to Ground State Legitimacy in a Right to Self-Defense.Uwe Steinhoff - manuscript
    Massimo Renzo has recently offered a theory of legitimacy that attempts to ground the state’s right to rule on the assumption that people in the state of nature pose an unjust threat to each other and can therefore, in self-defense, be forced to enter the state, that is, to become subject to its authority. I argue that depending on how “unjust threat” is interpreted in Renzo’s self-defense argument for the authority of the state, either his premise that “those (...)
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  11. Review of Rowan Cruft, S. Matthew Liao, and Massimo Renzo (Eds.), Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights. [REVIEW]Robert Mark Simpson - 2019 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 16 (4):517-520.
    This is a review of a long, comprehensive, and mostly very good collection of philosophical essays on human rights. I briefly summarise the main ideas put forward in some of the essays that I most admired in the collection. While the collection includes essays from proponents of a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives, I suggest in my review that the collection's overall function is to serve as a kind of demonstrative rejoinder to those philosophers, like Raz, who argue (...)
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  12. Helping Buchanan on Helping the Rebels.Daniel Weltman - 2019 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 15 (1).
    Massimo Renzo has recently argued in this journal that Allen Buchanan’s account of the ethics of intervention is too permissive. Renzo claims that a proper understanding of political self-determination shows that it is often impermissible to intervene in order to establish a regime that leads to more self-determination for a group of people if that group was or would be opposed to the intervention. Renzo’s argument rests on an analogy between individual self-determination and group self-determination, and once (...)
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  13. Fundamento Ontológico del Modelo en Hayek.Agustina Borella - 2019 - Procesos de Mercado. Revista Europea de Economía Política 2 (XVI):103-124.
    In the debate on realism of models in economics, the Austrian School and Hayekin particular, seem to have, in a certain way, remained outside. Assuming neoclassical models asunrealistic, the theory of the market as a process looks like a more realistic proposal. However, oneof the fundamental issue s in Hayek’s dissent is not so much the unrealism of the assumptions, but that the market equilibrium theory was not correctly raised, especially with regards to the perfectknowledge assumption. Despite this, in this (...)
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  14. La fenomenología realista de Hayek: un camino abierto.Agustina Borella - 2018 - Libertas: Segunda Época 3 (1):59-69.
    Si bien no es habitual pensar a Hayek en términos de realismo, sino comprenderlo como neokantiano, presentaremos la interpretación realista fenomenológica de Hayek que ofrece Zanotti a lo largo de su obra. Señalaremos los aspectos centrales de la epistemología de Hayek y la lectura realista fenomenológica como una posición superadora tanto del positivismo como de una hermenéutica relativista.
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  15. The Italian Enlightenment and the Rehabilitation of Moral and Political Philosophy.Sergio Cremaschi - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (7-8):743-759.
    By reconstructing the eighteenth-century movement of the Italian Enlightenment, I show that Italy’s political fragmentation notwithstanding, there was a constant circulation of ideas, whether on philosophical, ethical, political, religious, social, economic or scientific questions—among different groups in various states. This exchange was made possible by the shared language of its leading illuministi— Cesare Beccaria, Ludovico Antonio Muratori, Francesco Maria Zanotti, Antonio Genovesi, Mario Pagano, Pietro Verri, Marco Antonio Vogli, and Giammaria Ortes—and resulted in four common traits. First, the absence (...)
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  16. Imprecise Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics.Stephan Hartmann - 2015 - In Colleen E. Crangle, Adolfo García de la Sienra & Helen E. Longino, Foundations and Methods From Mathematics to Neuroscience: Essays Inspired by Patrick Suppes. Stanford Univ Center for the Study. pp. 77-82.
    In his entry on "Quantum Logic and Probability Theory" in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Alexander Wilce (2012) writes that "it is uncontroversial (though remarkable) the formal apparatus quantum mechanics reduces neatly to a generalization of classical probability in which the role played by a Boolean algebra of events in the latter is taken over the 'quantum logic' of projection operators on a Hilbert space." For a long time, Patrick Suppes has opposed this view (see, for example, the paper collected (...)
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  17. Public Health in Private.Philippa Nicole Barr - 2024 - Australian Feminist Studies 39:1-16.
    Elite women seized the public health campaign during the 1900 plague outbreak to assert political influence and advocate for sanitation reform grounded in their domestic experiences. These women advocated for their inclusion in the political sphere by valuing their domestic experiences as knowledge relevant for public health initiatives. This reframing of experience positioned them as viable citizens in the imminent Federation. Applying Laura Zanotti's concept of relational ontology, this analysis frames their actions as not simply a battle against institutional (...)
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  18. A new Giordano Bruno's autograph.Guido del Giudice (ed.) - 2008 - Di Renzo.
    A NEW, ORIGINAL GIORDANO BRUNO'S AUTOGRAPH, IN THE PRAGUE'S COPY OF CAMOERACENSIS ACROTISMUS. Extract from "The dispute of Cambrai. Camoeracensis Acrotismus" edited by Guido del Giudice, publ. Di Renzo, Rome 2008.
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  19. Modelos y pattern predictions en Hayek.Agustina Borella - 2021 - Procesos de Mercado. Revista Europea de Economía Política (2):363-380.
    The Austrian School seems to remain outside the debate on the realism of economic models. In principle, given the association of the term “model” with the Chicago School, and also for understanding that Hayek had critized the model of perfect competition as unrealistic. Even though in previous opportunities we showed how the theory of market as a process could be understood as the model of the Austrian School, and that Hayek’s criticism to the model of perfect competition was not so (...)
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  20. Contro i matematici. [REVIEW]Emiliano Ventura - 2014 - Rivista Unaspecie 11:20-22.
    È appena uscito, aprile 2014, Giordano Bruno, Contro i matematici, a cura e tradotto da Guido del Giudice, anche questo testo è edito da Di Renzo Editore. Sono ormai molti anni che l‟autore si dedica all‟opera e alla vita del Nolano, l‟ultima fatica risale al 2012 e dopo poco più di un anno ci consegna un altro capitolo della sua ricerca e riscoperta intorno la figura del filosofo di Nola.
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