Results for 'Sapna Parashar'

  1. Design and Implementation of Microcontroller based Photoacoustic spectrometer and tis applications.Sapna Shukla - 2019 - International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) 10 (1):1-10.
    A compact microcontroller based photoacoustic spectrometer (PAS) has been designed and fabricated. The photoacoustic (PA) cell designed for the present study is of Helmholtz resonator type with a provision to measure the sample behavior as a function of temperature. In this system, an electret microphone is employed to achieve high signal to noise ratio. The microphone compartment is isolated from the sample compartment to avoid the heating effect to the electric microphone which detects the photoacoustic signal. A high-gain low-noise two (...)
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  2. Jurisprudence of Intellectual Property Rights.Pooja Parashar - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 3 (4):2-9.
    Abstract: The Present Article provides the Comprehensive Prudence behind the Intellectual Property Rights. In Indian sub-continent various Laws are enacted which grants Protection to the intellect. Intellectual Property has various domains and its kinds, it can be a Process, Product, Design, Literature, Music, Art, Computer programs or a Brand name. This Article covers the basic principles and the Rationality behind Intellectual Property Rights granted to the Proprietor by the Government.
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