Results for 'Suzeanne Benet'

4 found
  1. La metáfora ecologista en torno a la técnica.Lucas Benet - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 103:187-210.
    Insertar el fenómeno dentro del discurso es posible únicamente cuando se lo arropa conceptualmente. La metáfora cumple la función retórica cuando se aleja de su fenómeno en la vida empírica y surge en la vida simbólica como forma de expresión ulterior y conceptual respecto al fenómeno mentado. Las metáforas no son literales, sino que tienen un sentido figurado. Los límites de la metáfora en torno a la tecnología, en nuestro caso, se delimitan cuando el fenómeno no permite un segundo plano (...)
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  2. Pererio ‘cattivo maestro’: su un cold case nella storia della pedagogia gesuitica.Cristiano Casalini - 2014 - In Stefano Caroti & Alberto Siclari (eds.), _Filosofia e religione. Studi in onore di Fabio Rossi_. Raccolti da Stefano Caroti e Alberto Siclari. Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino. pp. 59-110.
    Benet Pererio (1535-1610) began teaching philosophy at the Collegio Romano in 1559. A few years later, the rector, Diego Ledesma, and another professor of the Collegio, Achille Gagliardi, accused him of endorsing Averroistic positions during his lectures. This episode has recently been studied, among others, by Paul Richard Blum, who has blurred the lines of the alleged Averroism of Pererius, identifying a series of sources, often Neo-Platonic, which suggest an exploitation of the allegation of Averroism by Ledesma. In turn, (...)
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  3. Benedictus Pererius and the ordo doctrinae. Lessons and texts in the first Jesuits' philosophy.Cristiano Casalini - 2015 - Noctua 2 (1-2):204-232.
    Contrary to a long-lasting caricature, which depicted the Jesuits as prone followers of the pedagogical dictate of Aristotle, the Jesuits were among the firsts to challenge his established order of books and questions. In the second half of the Sixteenth century, some Jesuit professors of philosophy, such as Benet Perera, the Coimbrans, and Francisco Suárez, consistently and purportedly modified the traditional order of discipline for dealing with philosophical issues, according the rational order of doctrine. In particular, this paper presents (...)
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  4. La maladie infantile de la politique (le gauchisme, le droitisme).Steve Humbert-Droz - 2016 - Iphilo (Mulligan):50-63.
    On compte, parmi les nombreux ennemis de Kevin Mulligan, une foule de personnes bigarrées et (selon notre professeur) profondément vicieuses : les philosophes continentaux, les pharisiens, les amis de l’Europe, des Droits de l’Homme, du politiquement correct, des lettres, des études genres et bien sûr, les gauchistes. On peut faire remonter le terme "gauchiste" à Lénine (1920) qui en usait pour designer cette gauche (communiste) qui, pour rester fidèle à son idéologie, refusait de participer aux élections et, par conséquent, était (...)
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