Results for 'Vytautas Sinica'

4 found
  1. Intuicijų ir transcendencijos reikšmė grindžiant racionalumą.Vytautas Vyšniauskas - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 95:203-212.
    The paper deals with the paradox that rationality demands rational substantiation which can’t be given in principle. Thus it is argued that only intuition can prevail against skepticism and subjectivism. But intuition is "transcendent" to rationality and therefore its acceptance as the substantiation of rationality implies existence of transcendental reality. In itself it has infinite regress qua infinite reiteration of reality levels without any qualitative ontological alteration, therefore only infinite transcendence is able to ground a finite immanence.
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  2. Clavis Sinica: Breve História da Longa Batalha Pelo Sistema de Escrita Chinesa no Ocidente Entre os Séculos XVI e XIX.Cristiano Mahaut de Barros Barreto - 2017 - Alfa 61 (1):201-225.
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  3. Remarks in Panel Discussion at Academia Sinica’s “Language and Practice in East Asian Thought” Conference.Harvey Lederman - manuscript
    Remarks on method in the history of Chinese philosophy for analytic philosophy.
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  4. Politically Correct: Von philosophischen Entgleisungen zu einer gereinigten Philosophie.Viatcheslav Vetrov - 2018 - Minima Sinica 2017 (1):1-26.
    Fully in accord with the Aristotelian confidence in things that are probable (even if not really likely to happen in the near future), the essay anticipates an interplanetary critique against geocentric ways of thinking peculiar to most humans on Earth: Japanese, Chinese, English, Germans, Russians, etc. who insist on using expressions like sunset and sunrise and thus heavily offend the feelings of anyone coming from planets that do not enjoy Earth’s proximity to the Sun. As this critique would not be (...)
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