Results for 'Yordan Radichkov'

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  1. Свирепа Философия. Творчеството на Радичков като философска тема.Vasil Penchev - 2007 - Sofia: Академично издателство "Проф. Марин Дринов".
    The famous Bulgariann writer Yordan Radichkov's works are interpreted philosophically. The genre of philosophical and literary criticism is utilized. Any great writer referring to considerable questions of human life and being, and thus, philosophical. A few short stories, plays, and novels of Radichkov (1929-2004) are interpreted accordingly their philosophical content.
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  2. Радичков другарува с думите.Vasil Penchev - 2000 - "Филвест".
    A few works of the famous Bulgarian writer Yordan Radichkov (1929-2004) are interpreted philosophically. What is investigated is the availability and inovation of well-known ideas of Western philosophy in them. The great literature refers to human life and being: thus, it shares many topics with philosophy.
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  3. "Опит за летене": гравитация и възторженост.Vasil Penchev - 2004 - Philosophical Alternatives 13 (3):80-96.
    Thе articlе is devoted to onе of thе grеatest Bulgarian writers: Yordan Radichkov (1929-2004). Thc choice of Radichckov's work "Attеmpt of flying" is eligiЬie to an philosophical interpretation Ьccause of the following reasons. Radichkov has won public recognition in Bulgaria. Не is а classic of the Bulgarian literature and, to а great cxtent, its fасе abroad. Не has а considcraЬle effect on the Bulgarian culture: from theatre to linguistics and philosophy. His works themselves ring true and eminently (...)
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  4. Верблюдът Радичков: въображението като реалност.Vasil Penchev - 2019 - In Пламен Антов, Магическият реализъм. pp. 69-86.
    The text aims to explain Radichkov's special magical capaЬility of creating imaginary worlds. His words do not mean any external reality to which they refer. Тhеу themselves are reality. Radickov's language consists of "ontological quanta". Any ontological quantum means both reality and а certain image of it, indivisiЫe and indistinguishaЫe from each other. Here we сап also involve non-Saussurean semiotics. The signifier and the signified are indivisiЫe and complementary in any sign. The meanings are areas of agreement between human (...)
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