Results for 'flatulence'

  1. The Normative Significance of Flatulence: Aesthetics, Etiquette, and Ethics.Karl Pfeifer - 2020 - IAFOR Journal of Arts and Humanities 7 (1):17-25.
    Proceeding on the basis of reports of a proposal in 2011 to criminalize public flatulence in Malawi, the normative significance of flatulence is considered from the respective standpoints of aesthetics, etiquette, and ethics, and it is indicated how aesthetics and etiquette may themselves also have ethical significance. It is concluded that etiquette and ethics may both require that certain violations of etiquette and ethics should sometimes be ignored.
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  2. Knowledge-Based System for the Diagnosis of Flatulence.Jihad Tantawi & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2023 - International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER) 7 (6):23-29.
    Diagnosing flatulence involves a thorough assessment of an individual's symptoms, medical history, and, if necessary, the use of diagnostic tests. Healthcare providers gather information about the patient's medical background and conduct a physical examination to identify any signs of gastrointestinal issues. Dietary habits are evaluated, and potential triggers are identified through an elimination diet. Diagnostic tests such as breath tests, stool analysis, or imaging studies may be performed to further investigate the underlying causes of excessive flatulence. Accurate diagnosis (...)
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  3. What is metaphysics ? The one and only meaningful definition, and why traditional academic philosophy is unlikely ever to embrace it.Peter Eastman - 2017
    ‘Metaphysics’ is the quest to find the ultimate meaning and purpose of existence. It is about trying to find a decisive and conclusive resolution to the human condition, such that the human condition is fulfilled in some absolute way, and no longer at the mercy of meaningless suffering, or a dreadful sense of uncertainty. All other definitions and determinations of metaphysics are trivial, and irrelevant; and, given the critical importance of the quest for human fulfilment – our lives are not (...)
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