Results for 'posthumanizm'

4 found
  1. (1 other version)Natura ludzka w narracji posthumanizmu dystopijnego.Dawid Misztal - 2017 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo. Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski W Olsztynie 23:71-90.
    For the prominent figures of dystopic posthumanism biotechnological progress means not only new possibilities of solving the most nagging problems, but also many extremely dangerous consequences: a modification of social organization, an undermining of morality, and some changes in the way we understand our identity. Thinkers such as Fukuyama, Kass, Sandel and Habermas consider those consequences as a threat to human nature. In the article I examine the way they construct the latter notion (i.e. human nature) in their arguments.
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  2. Rosi Braidotti, The Posthuman. [REVIEW]Rec Magdalena HOŁY-ŁUCZAJ - 2014 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 4 (1):181-188.
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  3. Religijne aspekty transhumanizmu.Dawid Misztal - 2017 - In Pawel Grabarczyk & Tomasz Sieczkowski (eds.), Granice sacrum. Wymiary religijności w myśli współczesnej. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. pp. 135-156.
    The article presents relations between transhumanism and religion with emphasis on their ambiguity. Despite its decidedly secular self-interpretation, tranhumanism appears to be smuggling religious or crypto-religious contents. Attempting to show this, I begin with short, general characteristics of transhumanism. Then its eschatological and metaphysical themes are pointed as the main bearers of religious dead weight. This allows to depict the ways transhumanist thinkers try to elaborate religious undercurrent of their own stance, and the critique of transhumanism developed by Christian theologians (...)
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  4. Opowieść o pewnej utopii, czyli kilka uwag o naturze ludzkiej w ujęciu Francisa Fukuyamy.Dawid Misztal - 2014 - In Narracje post-kryzysowe w humanistyce. pp. 59-72.
    As one of the most prominent figures of dystopic posthumanism Francis Fukuyama views biotechnological revolution as presumably the most dangerous challenges we are going to face in what he calls our posthuman future. In his opinion human enhancement will lead inevitably to some forms of eugenic practices, blurring the difference between humans and other live forms, posing the problem of legal status of modified individuals, etc. Hence he calls for establishment of a new regulatory instruments for controlling biotechnological research and (...)
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