Results for 'technophilia'

  1. Technophilia or technophobia for the XXI century education.Paloma Castillo (ed.) - 2022 - The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM).
    Conference proceedings. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Education (ICEDU 2022) held March 24-26, 2022 and organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) of Sri Lanka. HOW TO CITE: Castillo, P. (2022). Technophilia or technophobia for the XXI century education. In E. P. Sheehan & M, Köhler (Eds.), The Book of Abstracts 8th International Conference on Education (ICEDU 2022) (p. 91). The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Acta de congreso. Comunicación presentada al 8th (...)
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  2. Technology and Human Existence.Edmund Byrne - 1979 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):55-69.
    Can humans exist without machines? Yes, in principle; but not in the numbers or in the manner to which they have become accustomed. However, the quality of machine-intensive existence is directly proportional to the degree of humans' control over their technology. Such control they can exercise, if at all, only by controlling the corporations from which technologies emanate. This can't be achieved by individuals acting in isolation but requires collective cooperation, e.g., in the form of worker control, which may eventually (...)
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  3. Philosophy of Technology in the Digital Age: The datafication of the World, the homo virtualis, and the capacity of technological innovations to set the World free.Blok Vincent - 2023 - Wageningen: Wageningen University.
    I will start my inaugural address by outlining the main argument of my lecture. First, I will identify the phenomenon that philosophers of technology research. This subject matter, in my view, consists not only of ethical issues that disruptive technologies raise but also of the disruption of the world in which we live and act by these technologies. I will illustrate this disruption by reflecting on the convergence of the physical and the virtual in the digital world, which is expected (...)
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