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  1. Stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens. Biopolitical alternatives. God problem. (in Russian).Valentin Cheshko (ed.) - 2012 - publ.house "INGEK".
    Mechanisms to ensure the integrity of the system stable evolutionary strategy Homo sapiens – genetic and cultural coevolution techno-cultural balance – are analyzed. оe main content of the study can be summarized in the following the- ses: stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens includes superposition of three basic types (biological, cultural and technological) of adaptations, the integrity of the system provides by two coevolutionary ligament its elements – the genetic-cultural coevolution and techno-cultural balance, the system takes as result of by (...)
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  • (6 other versions)Подходи към осмисляне на периода на "перестройка" в СССР. Проектът за репроектиране на социализма (1 част).Vasil Penchev - 2008 - История 16 (2-3):113-121.
    В средата на 80-те години съветското общество не е в криза, а в изчерпаност. До криза довежда тъкмо опитът да се преодолее тази изчерпаност. Дотогава, макар в последните години на Брежнев все по-бавно, икономиката и обществото се развиват за сметка сметка на екстензивни фактори. Това, което се опитва да направи Горбачов е да· прехвърли развитието на интензивни релси. Възможно ли е изобщо обаче интензивно развитие в рамките на егалитаристка и колективитека менталност или в икономика, която може да си позволи да (...)
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  • Open Orthodoxy as an alternative and perspective.Iurii Kovalenko - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:48-57.
    In this research, author analyzes and interprets data of sociological researches of the Razumkov Centre concerning the religious self-identification of Ukrainian citizens, their attitude towards the Church in general and towards the denominations and religions presented in Ukraine in the dynamics from the year 2000 to nowadays. The author also considers external and internal outlook trends and shows a dangerous contradiction between them. As an alternative to solve this conflict, the author suggests the idea of Open Orthodoxy and presents an (...)
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  • Vasily sesemann’s aesthetic ideas and beauty of the ethical action behavior. Preface to the publication of vasily sesemann’s manuscript — the problem of spiritual beauty.Dalius Jonkus - 2018 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 7 (2):531-541.
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  • Beyond Nietzsche: The Overhuman as a Dialectical Reality and its Evidence in the Myth.Hermes Varini - 2018 - Философия И Гуманитарные Науки В Информационном Обществе 20:10.
    Unveiled from its latent status of myth, from the dawn of civilization until nowadays mass media culture as a necessary need of power in a world of intrinsic human powerlessness, an existential condition as antithetical to the latter in the very terms of power signifies the grandest possible of human perspectives to inhere within the state of affairs of a Real certainly vast enough to contain it respecting its unfathomable profundity in space and in time. By focusing accordingly on the (...)
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  • Historical and Spiritual Origins and Characteristics of the Pentecostal Faith- Unitarian in Ukraine.O. Sokolovs'kiy - 2013 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 4 (23):277-283.
    We consider the appearance of Antytrynitary religious association of Evangelical Christians in the Spirit of the Apostles, dynamics and key factors for its development. Relevance of the study process of becoming Pentecostal movement in Ukraine as a religious Antytrynitary phenomenon caused features of his development. Antytrynitary men are followers of the Christian religious doctrines who are deny or not recognize, for whatever reasons, the dogma of the Holy Trinity of three single incarnation of God. Formation and development of domestic Antytrynitary (...)
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  • Paradigmatic Transformations of the Western European Theory of Knowledge: From the Formal Distinction “Classical – Non-Classical” to Search for Meaningful Definitions.Tatyana M. Ryabushkina - 2021 - Антиномии 21 (4):31-60.
    The article is aimed at revealing the key features of epistemological paradigms, which change each other in the process of development of Western European thinking. The need for such a study is due to the fact that the distinction ‘classic – non-classic’, which is accepted in Russian philosophical literature, has a formal character. The non-classical paradigm is defined by indicating the absence of certain features of the classical paradigm, such as, for example, fundamentalism, self-centrism, science-centrism, but not by finding the (...)
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  • The principle of federalism in the Ukrainian liberal thought of the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XIX century.Yu Svishchio - 2017 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 36 (2):87-96.
    Приріст населення за рахунок міграції, географічна відокремленість, наявність корінних народів несуть свій відбиток на формування спільних рис у політичних системах США та Канади. Проте є чимало інших факторів, які сприяли еволюції цих держав у ті структури, якими ми їх знаємо сьогодні. Незважаючи на економічну могутність, політичну вагу, місце на геополітичній, геоекономічній та геокультурній мапах світу, США та Канада не є ізольованими утвореннями та перебувають під дією процесів демократизації, модернізації та глобалізації. Американська війна за незалежність вкупі з набором ціннісних орієнтирів іммігрантів (...)
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  • Transnational and gender paradigms in the study of international mobility: the case of Ukraine.Alisa Tolstokorova - 2013 - Russian Sociological Review 12 (2):98-121.
    The paper is aimed at the analysis of the latest approaches to research in the social sciences including mobility paradigm, the transnational perspective and the gendered approach to the study of social phenomenа. The research problem addressed in the paper is the possibility of examining these innovative approaches to social phenomena in a dialectical nexus. The paper draws from the analysis of secondary theoretical sources backed up by the findings of a multi-cited field research focused on the study of gendered (...)
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