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  1. «Philosophy is a flower blooming against a background of an epoch».Mariia Kashuba, Pavlo Bartusiak, Volodymyr Olinkevych & Olesia Smolinska - 2017 - Sententiae 36 (2):154-170.
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  • Культурно-символічна картина світу латинського християнського середньовіччя: Онтологічний вимір.Yurii Svatko - 2020 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 5:26-59.
    The present paper is a continuation of the previous appearances by the author addressing the phenomenon of the cultural-symbolic world pictures as typologically founded in the “epoch-making” ontologies and culturally expressed versions of history. In their construction, philosophy is responsible for the love of wisdom, history – for the given in making the consciousness of being, culture – for the personal expression of human history. This article re-constructs the world picture of the Latin Christian Medieval Ages, adequate to the author’s (...)
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  • Gender strategies and political leadership.N. V. Кhamitov & D. D. Dandekar - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 15:40-48.
    Purpose. The purpose of the article is to understand the issue of gender strategies of political leadership. Theoretical basis. The works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars helped to find out the specifics of male and female leadership. The article applied the latest methodology of androgyny-analysis. According to this methodology, sex has not only a biological, psychological and social, but also an existential dimension. So, the existential dimension of gender is soulfulness as an existential femininity and spirituality as an existential masculinity. (...)
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  • John Stuart Mill and George Berkeley: an uninvestigated line of the development of British Empiricism.Oleksiy Panych - 2010 - Sententiae 22 (1):75-85.
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  • The current state of the project "Russkyi mir" and the consequences of its implementation in Ukraine.Volodymyr Hurzhy - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:73-84.
    In the author's article Volodymyr Hurzhy "The current state of the project "Russkyi mir" and the consequences of its implementation in Ukraine" interprets the project "Russian measure" as a new form of the Russian national idea, which always had a relational-mythological core and was associated with ideas about choices Russian people. From the ideological point of view, the doctrine of the "Russkyi mir" is an option of a religiously motivated ideology appealing to the Orthodox values, specifically meaningful Russian history, the (...)
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  • Музична освіта в україні: Філософсько-праксеологічний підхід як методологічний концепт дослідження.А. П Сторожук - 2015 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 60:25-36.
    В статті досліджується концепція стійкого розвитку у аспекті основних етапів її становлення та інституалізації, а також найбільш актуальних трендів її використання у якості перспективної соціальної технології. Розкивається поняття «стійкий розвиток» як особлива форма підтримання стабільного співвідношення між соціальними параметрами людства та природним середовищем його мешкання. З’ясовані проблемні зрушення та змістові новації у розумінні та інтерпретації ідей стійкого розвитку.
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  • Ukrainian-Polish relations in Galicia and policies of the Austrian government late XIX – early XX century.O. Sheremeta - 2015 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 2:229-233.
    The article analyzes the political situation in Galicia late XIX - early XX century. The author considered policy of the Austrian government in the Ukrainian-Polish confrontation. The factors which determined this politic and its impact on the development of Ukrainian national movement in Galicia are determined.
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  • Youth Visegrad countries in political modernization process.V. Stelmakh - 2015 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 2:209-216.
    Youth is the potential which determines the future of the state. In the end of XXth beginning of XXI-st century Central and Eastern European countries experienced transformations of the political systems. Visegrad Group was formed in 1991 to force Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary to the European Union. Despite the importance of a complex of socio-political and economic preconditions of socialist regimes’ collapse, the article shows that it is also necessary to take youth factor into account. Modernization of the principles of (...)
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