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  1. Восьмой Российский Философский Конгресс - «Философия в полицентричном мире». Дополнения и Стендовые доклады (том V: Дополнения (А-Я) & Addenda). Сборник научных статей М.: РФО - ИФРАН - МГУ. Издательство “Логос”,ООО «Новые печатные технологии» (Москва), 2021. – 1008 стр.N. Gaidabrus (ed.) - 2021
    The philosophical point of view of Richard Heinrich Ludwig Avenarius (Habermann) (19.11.1843-18.08.1896) is still little mastered and represented in philosophical thought in modern Russia. However, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, it inspired many minds of that period. The views of Avenarius were studied by Lesevich V.V., Tronin V.V., Gurevich A.V., Chelpanov G.I., Filippov M.M., Viktorov D.V. and others. Due to historical circumstances, the time for an unbiased understanding of the concept of Richard Avenarius has stopped for (...)
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  • Kant, Universality Test, and a Criterion of Morality.R. G. Apressyan - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 11:70-85.
    The universality test is a significant reflective procedure, owing to which Kant’s categorical imperative is brought into proximity with moral practice and with an agent’s decisions made in particular circumstances and at the face of value collisions. The test is to be done in every single case by a moral agent her/himself and it aims to examine a selected maxim for its universality, that is to its congruity to universal and necessary moral law and hence to its moral dignity. This (...)
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  • The Discussion on the Principle of Universalizability in Moral Philosophy in the 1970s and 1980s: An Analysis.E. V. Loginov - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 10:65-80.
    In this paper, I analyzed the discussion on the principle of universalizability which took place in moral philosophy in 1970–1980s. In short, I see two main problems that attracted more attention than others. The first problem is an opposition of universalizability and generalization. M.G. Singer argued for generalization argument, and R.M. Hare defended universalizability thesis. Hare tried to refute Singer’s position, using methods of ordinary language philosophy, and claimed that in ethics generalization is useless and misleading. I have examined Singer’s (...)
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  • Social and economic indicators of political stability.A. Panarin - 2014 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 2 (24):231-240.
    The issue of political stability is one of the most important research problems of modern political science. The issue of political stability does not occur by itself – pressure of an internal and external environment on the political system is the condition that makes the existing power to find new ways and sources of stabilization system. One of the most important aspects of this problem is to determine the factors and the formation of a system of indicators that influence the (...)
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  • The Universality of Moral Requirements and Duties to Close Persons.A. V. Prokofyev - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 11:103-113.
    The article traces origins of the contradiction that calls into being the polemics on the moral status of duties to close persons. Special obligations are created by the unique life narrative of an actor that makes different recipients of her actions more or less distant. Those who are less distant are “close ones.” Those who are more distant are “strangers.” The basis of this distance can be different: individual sympathy, consanguinity, belonging to cultural, territorial and political communities. Special obligations presuppose (...)
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  • HUMAN TRAFFICKING: A THREAT TO STATE SECURITY AND HUMAN SECURITY.Duško Peulić - 2017 - Bezbjednost, Policija, Građani 13 (1):69-79.
    Abstract: The study observes the core of both trafficking in persons and security offering a preliminary understanding the interconnection between the two concepts which is indeed a precondition of the more thorough contemplation of this security problem. Noteworthy is also the further elaboration of the risk that link between violence and modern-day slavery represents having in mind society and the individual. This informal economy violates the principle of morality and is understood to be one of the most offensive crimes. Its (...)
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  • Binary opposition «freedom-responsibility» in informative society: raising the problem.О. П Дзьобань & Є. М Мануйлов - 2016 - Вісник Нюу Імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, Філософія Права, Політологія, Соціологія 1 (28):15-26.
    It is shown that there is essence transformation of concept of freedom and responsibility in informative society. It is shown, that the modern stage of development of civilization is characterized by destruction of cultural traditions, devaluation of the national valued systems and lining up the new on a base values of the western world, and also by the global crisis of responsibility. It is shown that as the basic circulated models come forward: society of consumption, mass culture, freedom in the (...)
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  • History of the concept «political technology».О. О Поліщук - 2016 - Вісник Нюу Імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, Філософія Права, Політологія, Соціологія 1 (28):186-195.
    The article investigates the origin and formation of concepts political technology. Reveals the connection between political and social technologies. Discovered level of development of political technology concept in political science. The basic scientific approaches to understanding the nature and essence of the concept political technology. The necessity of a comprehensive study of political technologies as a form of social technologies. On the modern stage of political development the technological constituent of policy in domestic science is characterized partial research. At the (...)
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  • Universality and Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy.O. V. Artemyeva - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 11:86-102.
    The paper is devoted to the analysis of Kant’s approach to the ideas of universality and autonomy as the constitutive features of morality. The paper shows that Kant’s findings concerning these ideas were anticipated by the previous history of moral philosophy, mainly by the modern moral philosophers, who focused specifically on the elaboration of the philosophical concept of morality. Kant’s peculiar role was that, firstly, he conceptualized the ideas of universality and autonomy and formulated corresponding principles; secondly, Kant integrated both (...)
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  • All-ukrainian scientific and theoretical conference "political and legal mentality of the ukrainian society in the context of european integration".Тези Наукова конференція - 2017 - Вісник Нюу Імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, Філософія Права, Політологія, Соціологія 2 (33):246-389.
    The theses of the All-Ukrainian scientific and theoretical conference "Political and legal mentality of Ukrainian society in the context of European integration".
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  • To the question about theoretical and worldview principals of environmental mediation in legal educational aspect.І. І Коваленко & В. О Гамаюнова - 2016 - Вісник Нюу Імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, Філософія Права, Політологія, Соціологія 1 (28):128-135.
    Not only quality of life and health of population depends on the level of environmental and legal culture of citizens, but persistent development of Ukraine and its national security. Social transformations and realizing the ideas of constitutional state unnecessary predict an energization of environmental mediation. Its task is to provide an adequate solution of environmental conflicts and crimes, and also to change the paradigm of participants’ thoughts of legal education. Environmental mediation is considered as a factor of development of the (...)
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  • Political corruption in the conditions of neo-authoritarian regimes of Central Asia.I. Kushnarev - 2017 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 36 (2):4-16.
    The article studies the influence of the newest undemocratic regimes on the intensity of corruption practice in politics. It states that the current trend is the emergence of undemocratic regimes of a new type, which are characterized by the dynamic interconnection of coercion and corruption, which lead to corruptive seizure of power. It is noteworthy that such regimes have arisen in the states that had overthrown the totalitarian regime, but have not formed a democracy. Instead they have created a specific (...)
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  • Machine Wars: Machina Humeana.Andrei Nekhaev - 2015 - Russian Sociological Review 14 (3):9-47.
    The main goal of the article is to reconstruct the conceptual bases of the original sociological project contained in David Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature. The core of Humean sociology is a meticulously designed doctrine of passions. The foci of the Humean doctrine of passions are the questions of influences observed between the emotional component of human nature and the multiple forms of human actions. According to David Hume, the faculty of imagination, which operates on ideas, is not by itself (...)
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  • Globalization of culture: Contradictions and development trends.О. Г Данильян & О. П Дзьобань - 2017 - Вісник Нюу Імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, Філософія Права, Політологія, Соціологія 2 (33):29-41.
    It is shown that in connection with the globalization of the modern world, conditioned, first of all, by the rates of introduction of information technologies, in development of culture clearly lag of civilization progress appeared from scientific and technical. Civiliza-tion progress submits to other conformities to law, that is related not to dying off all tra- ditional, but with his cultivation. In this connection the problem of harmonization of in- novative and traditional forms of culture needs a study. One of (...)
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  • Quality assurance of higher education as a priority determinants of formation innovative society in ukraine.Г. П Клімова - 2017 - Вісник Нюу Імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, Філософія Права, Політологія, Соціологія 2 (33):65-73.
    The article discusses the features of the innovative type of social development and reveals the essence of an innovative society. The conditions of its formation. Particular attention is given to the quality of higher education. We study the system of higher educa- tion quality: quality of higher education building, the quality of the process of higher edu- cation and quality results of higher education. Different approaches to ensure the quality of higher education as a prerequisite for becoming an innovative society (...)
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  • Informative safety: Aspects of existential and network practices.О. П Дзьобань & Є. М Мануйлов - 2017 - Вісник Нюу Імені Ярослава Мудрого: Серія: Філософія, Філософія Права, Політологія, Соціологія 2 (33):42-54.
    In the article grounded, that informative safety occupies one of key places in the system of providing vitally of important interests of all countries. It is foremost conditioned by the urgent necessity of creation of the developed informative environment of society. But ex- actly through an informative environment mostly come true threat to national safety in the different spheres of activity of personality, society and state. In modern terms there was a requirement in overthinking and clarification of problem of informative (...)
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