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Andrei Nekhaev [14]Andrei V. Nekhaev [1]
  1.  91
    Kripke’s Evil Demon, Cartesian Semantics and Epistemic Supervenience.Andrei V. Nekhaev - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (2):60-70.
    In his article Evgeny Borisov offers an original solution to Kripke’s sceptical problem of meaning. Its conceptual core is the point of view of the participant of speech acts. He believes that first-person statements of speech act participants like “I know for certain that the expression ‘e’ is used by me in the meaning of m” cannot carry any epistemic fallacies. As a criticism, I propose to point out that non-factual Cartesian semantics have serious epistemic flaws that make it vulnerable (...)
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  2. Shine and Povetry of Semantic Platonism.Andrei Nekhaev - 2022 - Πραξηmα. Journal of Visual Semiotics 9 (3):118–126.
    The article presents criticism of Katz’s proto-theory. Based on the principles of semantic Platonism, he offers a new understanding of the relationship between sense and reference. However, his account faces three strong objections: against non-causal ways of accessing abstract Platonic entities (Benacerraf–Field–Cheyne), against intuition as the faculty to a priori knowledge of grammar facts (Horwich–Cheyne–Oliver), and against the medial status of finite intensionals in matters for fixing the reference of linguistic expressions (Kripke–Boghossian–Kush). Without convincing answers to these objections, Katz’s proto-theory (...)
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  3.  63
    Teletransportation, Replication and Mereology.Andrei Nekhaev - 2024 - Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity 9 (4):81–98.
    The paper criticizes pessimistic views on survival into teletransporter. It is considered, in particular, the recent attempt of Alexey Kardash and Konstantin Morozov to defend the pessimists’ views by means of the criterion of mereorganic continuity. This defence faces two serious problems. Firstly, it is based on a fundamentally flawed description of the mechanics of teleportation. Under the guise of teletransportation, the procedure discussed is quite different — replication (creation of a perfect copy for some original object from suitable matter). (...)
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  4.  54
    The Problem of Natural Rights Justification in the New Classical Natural Law Theories.Andrei Nekhaev - 2024 - Law and State 15 (2):18-25.
    The relevance of this study is due to the need to analyze foreign scientific literature in the field of philosophy of law, revealing trends in the evolution and development of natural law theories. Despite the significant number of publications on the theory of natural law its key theses and arguments are discussed by post-soviet scientists in isolation from modern discussions by foreign jurists. The subject of the research in the paper is the reconstruction and rational interpretation of the arguments of (...)
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  5. Personal Reboot and Survival.Andrei Nekhaev - 2020 - Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity 5 (3):101–108.
    The article contains a reconstruction of the rapid psychological change argument by Scott Campbell. According to the standard psychological approach, the identity of a person is tied to persistence one’s memories, beliefs, wants and intentions. A person stays the same person if one holds strongly psychologically connected and continuous over time. the structure of rapid psychological change argument is compared with the argument of incredibly long-lasting psychological change by David lewis. It is concluded that the main goals of critical attacks (...)
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  6.  36
    The Truth about “Truth”.Andrei Nekhaev - 2018 - Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science 12 (45):34-46.
    Truthteller sentences (e.g. “This sentence is true”) and sentences of the no-no paradox (e.g. “The following sentence is false” and “The previous sentence is false”), in contrast to Liar-like sentences (e.g. “This sentence is false”), have an excess of consistent unique truth values. This circumstance makes it possible to consider such sentences as examples of genuine semantic pathologies. The way to treat them can be found in the anaphoric prosentential theory of truth. This form of non-redundancy deflationism takes the notion (...)
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  7. Punishing (Not)Innocent Persons?Andrei Nekhaev - 2023 - Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity 8 (3):73–94.
    This article provides a critical analysis of Mark Walker’s type-token theory. This theory purports to describe, explain, and justify the mechanism by which moral and legal responsibility can be attributed to exact and complete duplicates of persons. However, Walker’s defence of the view of persons as abstract entities is met with several metaphysical objections. Alternatively, a new approach to moral and legal responsibility is developed based on principles of agency law, in which the conception of a guilty person does not (...)
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  8. Evil Law as the Pure Law: Critical Remarks on the Philosophy of Law of H.L.A. Hart.Andrei Nekhaev - 2019 - Tomsk State University Journal 20 (440):72–80.
    The article examines the issue of a necessary connection between the phenomena of law and morality. According to legal positiv- ism, morality is not a criterion of the legitimacy for legal norms. The law can have any content including absolutely immoral (the so-called “separability thesis”). Law issues are not connected with discussing the moral merits of a possible judicial decision. They are only closely related to studying various purely legal phenomena like precedents, judicial discretion, legislatures, etc. The ascriptive legal statements (...)
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  9. Why Does So Matter to Be a Dead Person?Andrei Nekhaev - 2021 - Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity 6 (3):90–107.
    According to animalism we are identical with human animals. Our death coincides with the cessation of the functioning of an organism. Biological approach to personal identity seems to imply that the corpse causally connected to me (as an organism) is not me. In other words, there is no such an entity as a human animal that later becomes a corpse. It is so-called «the corpse problem». However, there are various views compatible with animalism, for instance the thesis that after death (...)
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  10. What Does It Mean to Be Bald and a Liar? A New Option for a Unified Approach to Paradoxes.Andrei Nekhaev - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (3):48–54.
    In his article, Vsevolod Ladov poses an important question – might paradoxes admit of a uniform solution? As an answer, I propose looking at an approach in which it is argued that we must recognize the truth predicate as merely analogous to a vague predicate. The proponents of this approach (V. McGee, J. Tappenden, H. Field, G. Priest and D. Hyde) insist that there is a structural relation between sorites paradoxes and self-reference paradoxes and that they should have a unified (...)
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  11. English Derby in Philosophy: John Locke versus Derek Parfit.Andrei Nekhaev - 2019 - Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity 4 (2):72–81.
    The article presents a critical analysis of views on the problem of personal identity which are proposed by two great English philosophers — John Locke and Derek Parfit. Lockean personality is considered as a basic metaphysical structure, subject to moral responsibility for all actions performed on its behalf. Parfitian personality, in contrast, denies any identical essence through time as an extremely improbable metaphysical structure, instead assuming an existential chain of one life’s stages with psychological continuity. As an alternative to these (...)
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  12.  57
    Post Machine, Self-Reference and Paradoxes.Andrei Nekhaev - 2018 - Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science 12 (46):58-66.
    The Russell–Tarski hierarchical approach regards self-reference as a unified source of the emergence for a broad family of various semantic paradoxes. The Russell–Tarski hierarchical approach became the object of numerous critical attacks after the appearance of infinite forms of paradoxes without self-reference at the end of the 20th century. The “Infinite Liar” proposed by the American logician Stephen Yablo, in particular, is usually seen as the most powerful and convincing counterargument against the Russell–Tarski hierarchical approach. The “Infinite Liar” does not (...)
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  13.  55
    Yablo’s Paradox and Circulus Vitiosus: Why Lie about Yourself When You Can Lie about Everyone Else?Andrei Nekhaev - 2019 - Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science 13 (50):255-261.
    The article is a critical essay of Evgeny Borisov’s research, which examines the logical structure and meaning of infinite semantic paradoxes (in particular, Yablo’s paradox). According to his view, the strict formalization of the infinite sequence of sentences in Yablo’s paradox requires selfreferential circularity descriptions. This view is based on Priest’s argument that a uniform representation of the content for Yablo’s paradoxical sentences can only be given by means of the two-place predicate of satisfaction. But it guarantees the existence of (...)
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  14. Nominalist Theory of Aesthetic Experience.Andrei Nekhaev - 2023 - Lomonosov Philosophy Journal 56 (1):66–81.
    The article presents a critique of aesthetic realism. The core of this theory contains three theses: (AR) aesthetic properties are the sources of aesthetic experience; (PA) perceptual acquaintance with the objects of aesthetic evaluation is a sine qua non condition for making an judgment; (DM) aesthetic properties are describable. Arguments of faultless disagreement, esse is percipi, and zombie art cast doubt on theses (AR) and (DM). Based on this critique, an alternative nominalist theory of aesthetic experience is proposed, in which (...)
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  15. Types of the Theory of Types in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Andrei Nekhaev - 2021 - Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science 15 (62):218–227.
    The article contains a critical analysis of Wittgenstein’s theory of logical symbolism. According to an influential interpretation, Wittgenstein presented in the Tractatus a new method of solving paradoxes. This method seems a simple and effective alternative to Russell’s type theory. Wittgenstein’s theory of logical symbolism is based on the requirement of clear notation and the context principle: the type of a symbol only “shows” itself in the way we use the signs of our language. The function sign φ(φx) does not (...)
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