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[author unknown]
Linguistics and Philosophy 26 (6):781-782 (2003)

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  1. (1 other version)Zhenzhi and Acknowledgment in Wang Yangming and Stanley Cavell.William Day - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (2):174-191.
    This article highlights sympathies between Wang Yangming's notion of zhenzhi (real knowing) and Stanley Cavell's concept of acknowledgment. I begin by noting a problem in interpreting Wang on the unity of knowing and acting, which leads to considering how our suffering pain figures in our “real knowing” of another's pain. I then turn to Cavell's description of a related problem in modern skepticism, where Cavell argues that knowing another's pain requires acknowledging it. Cavell's concept of acknowledgment answers to Wang's insistence (...)
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  • Conditions of personhood.Daniel C. Dennett - 1976 - In Amélie Rorty (ed.), The Identities of Persons. University of California Press.
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  • Deferred Prosecution Agreements and the Presumption of Innocence.Roger A. Shiner & Henry Ho - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (4):707-723.
    A deferred prosecution agreement, or DPA, allows a corporation, instead of proceeding to trial on a criminal charge, to settle matters with the state by acknowledging the facts on which any charge would be based, pay a reduced fine, and agree to change the way they conduct business. Critics of DPAs have suggested that, because the defendant corporation must pay a fine and submit to structural reform without having been found guilty at trial, DPAs violate the Presumption of Innocence. This (...)
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  • From “ghost in the machine” to “spiritual automaton”: Philosophical meditation in Wittgenstein, Cavell, and Levinas. [REVIEW]Hent de Vries - 2006 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (1-3):77-97.
    This essay discusses Stanley Cavell’s remarkable interpretation of Emmanuel Levinas’s thought against the background of his own ongoing engagement with Wittgenstein, Austin, and the problem of other minds. This unlikely debate, the only extensive discussion of Levinas by Cavell in his long philosophical career sofar, focuses on their different reception of Descartes’s idea of the infinite. The essay proposes to read both thinkers against the background of Wittgenstein’s model of philosophical meditation and raises the question as to whether Cavell and (...)
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  • New Criteria for Pain: Ordinary Language, Other Minds, and the Grammar of Sensation.Kieran Cashell - 2011 - Abstracta 6 (2):178-215.
    What does ordinary language philosophy contribute to the solution of the problems it diagnoses as violations of linguistic use? One of its biggest challenges has been to account for the epistemic asymmetry of mental states experienced by the subject of those states and the application of psychological properties to others. The epistemology of other minds appears far from resolved with reference to how sensation words are used in everyday language. In this paper, I revisit the Wittgensteinian arguments and show how (...)
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  • Reason, Trust, and Relationships: Argument and the disposition to co-operate.Moira Kloster - unknown
    If we want reasoning to bridge cultural differences, argumentation theory has to show when and why to invoke a “disposition to co-operate.” But it is crucial to re-interpret co-operation as a function of relationships and processes, not as a disposition of individuals. Co-operative relationships and processes can then provide the vital path from individual scepticism to the mutual trust needed to work through difficult disputes.
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