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  1. Le strutture dell'ordinario.Achille C. Varzi - 1999 - In Luigi Lombardi Vallauri (ed.), Logos dell’essere, logos della norma. Bari: Editrice Adriatica. pp. 489–530.
    The general hypothesis underlying this work is that mereology (the study of the relations between an entity and its parts) and topology (understood as the study of the qualitative relations of connection and compactness) may jointly constitute adequate grounds for the formal-ontological analysis of the world of ordinary experience. The analysis focuses on certain minimal (structural) principles on the basis of which different philosophical theories may be erected.
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  • A note on solidity.Ernest W. Adams - 1988 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 66 (4):512 – 516.
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  • Sobre contacto y continuidad: los límites entre las cosas.Gonzalo Nuñez - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (306):1783-1804.
    Este trabajo realiza un estudio metafísico sobre la noción de contacto en términos de límites a partir de una ontología de objetos materiales. Dos cosas están en contacto cuando sus límites (o partes de ellos) se topan espacialmente. Las tesis relacionista y la substantivista sobre la naturaleza del espacio son evaluadas en sus compromisos respecto a la idea de contacto. Sin embargo, puesto que considerando algunos descubrimientos de la física cuántica es posible descartar la idea de contacto físico, la discusión (...)
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  • On the method of superposition.Ernest W. Adams - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):693-708.
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  • Classical physical abstraction.Ernest W. Adams - 1993 - Erkenntnis 38 (2):145 - 167.
    An informal theory is set forth of relations between abstract entities, includingcolors, physical quantities, times, andplaces in space, and the concrete things thathave them, or areat orin them, based on the assumption that there are close analogies between these relations and relations between abstractsets and the concrete things that aremembers of them. It is suggested that even standard scientific usage of these abstractions presupposes principles that are analogous to postulates of abstraction, identity, and other fundamental principles of set theory. Also (...)
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  • Idealization in applied first-order logic.Ernest W. Adams - 1998 - Synthese 117 (3):331-354.
    Applying first-order logic to derive the consequences of laws that are only approximately true of empirical phenomena involves idealization of a kind that is akin to applying arithmetic to calculate the area of a rectangular surface from approximate measures of the lengths of its sides. Errors in the data, in the exactness of the lengths in one case and in the exactness of the laws in the other, are in some measure transmitted to the consequences deduced from them, and the (...)
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  • Topological Foundations of Cognitive Science.Carola Eschenbach, Christopher Habel & Barry Smith (eds.) - 1984 - Hamburg: Graduiertenkolleg Kognitionswissenschaft.
    A collection of papers presented at the First International Summer Institute in Cognitive Science, University at Buffalo, July 1994, including the following papers: ** Topological Foundations of Cognitive Science, Barry Smith ** The Bounds of Axiomatisation, Graham White ** Rethinking Boundaries, Wojciech Zelaniec ** Sheaf Mereology and Space Cognition, Jean Petitot ** A Mereotopological Definition of 'Point', Carola Eschenbach ** Discreteness, Finiteness, and the Structure of Topological Spaces, Christopher Habel ** Mass Reference and the Geometry of Solids, Almerindo E. Ojeda (...)
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