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Critique and its foundations: on critical realism and the Frankfurt School.Jaakko Nevasto - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (2):169-186.details
Adorno, Foucault and critique.Deborah Cook - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (10):0191453713507016.details
Negative freedom or integrated domination? Adorno versus Honneth.Naveh Frumer - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):126-141.details
Negative Organicism: Adorno, Emerson, and the Idea of a Disclosing Critique of Society.Arvi Särkelä - 2020 - Critical Horizons 21 (3):222-239.details
‘To Lend a Voice to Suffering is a Condition for All Truth’: Adorno and International Political Thought.Kate Schick - 2009 - Journal of International Political Theory 5 (2):138-160.details
(1 other version)Adorno's Reconception of the Dialectic.Brian O'Connor - 2011 - In Michael Baur & Stephen Houlgate, The Blackwell Companion to Hegel. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 537-555.details
Subject trouble: Judith Butler and dialectics.Marcel Stoetzler - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (3):343-368.details
Vicious circles: Adorno, Dewey and disclosing critique of society.Arvi Särkelä - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (10):1369-1390.details
Adorno on mass societies.Deborah Cook - 2001 - Journal of Social Philosophy 32 (1):35–52.details
Nature Becoming Conscious of Itself.Deborah Cook - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (3):296-306.details
Adorno’s critique of late capitalism: Negative, explanatory and practical.Fabian Freyenhagen - 2011 - In Karin de Boer & R. Sonderegger, Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.details
A political economy of the senses: Neoliberalism, reification, critique.Vasilis Grollios - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (4):481-484.details
Adorno on sport.William J. Morgan - 1988 - Theory and Society 17 (6):813-838.details
Social critique in the totally socialized society.Matthias Benzer - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (5):575-603.details
Adorno’s Negative Dialectic: Theme, Point, and Methodological Status.Nicholas Joll - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (2):233–53.details
Gayatri Spivak, Planetarity and the Labor of Imagining Internationalism.Auritro Majumder - 2017 - Mediations 30 (2).details
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The problem of subsumption in Kant, Hegel and Marx.Andres Saenz De Sicilia - unknowndetails
Beyond the Intimations of Mortality: Chakrabarty, Anthropocene, and the Politics of the Possible.Sandeep Banerjee - 2017 - Mediations 30 (2).details
Adorno’s Animal Philosophy.Jonathan Hollingsworth - unknowndetails
Civil Death in the Dominion of Freedom: Liberia and the Logic of Capital.Shane Chalmers - 2017 - Law and Critique 28 (2):145-165.details
Commodification in law: Ideologies, intractabilities, and hyperboles. [REVIEW]Nick Smith - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (1):101-129.details
The Limits of Art. [REVIEW]Davis A. Smith-Brecheisen - 2017 - Mediations 30 (2).details