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Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by David Kishik & Stefan Pedatella (2010)

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  1. Rethinking the Learning Society: Giorgio Agamben on Studying, Stupidity, and Impotence.Tyson E. Lewis - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (6):585-599.
    In this article, the author rethinks critiques of the learning society using Giorgio Agamben’s theory of potentiality. Summarizing several major contributions to our understanding of the limitations of the discourse of learning, the author proposes that critics thus far have failed to fully pinpoint the exact danger of learning. Importantly, learning is not only a rejection of the democratic or political dimension of education but it is first and foremost predicated on a false ontology of potentiality. What is put at (...)
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  • Citing ‘Whatever’ Authority: The ethics of quotation in the work of Giorgio Agamben.Colby Dickinson - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (4):406-420.
    This article seeks to lay out an analysis of Giorgio Agamben’s central claims with regard to the formation of a theory of citationality. By juxtaposing Walter Benjamin’s theory of citations alongside his more recent, critical engagements with the Western theological tradition, Agamben sets himself the goal of redefining ethics along Levinasian lines in order to arrive at a respect for the face of ‘whatever’ being before us, the true source towards which all citations point.
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  • The educational meaning of tiredness: Agamben and Buytendijk on the experience of (im)potentiality.Joris Vlieghe - 2016 - Ethics and Education 11 (3):359-371.
    In this article, I go deeper into the educational meaning of tiredness. Over and against the mainstream view that tiredness is an impediment for education, I show that this phenomenon is intrinsically meaningful. My arguments are based, first, on a detailed phenomenological analysis of tiredness, as proposed by Buytendijk. Tiredness can be defined as the point where lack of willpower and lack of ability become utterly indistinguishable. Second, I turn to Agamben’s genealogy of the will, which shows that willpower was (...)
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  • The profanation of revelation: On language and immanence in the work of Giorgio Agamben.Colby Dickinson - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (1):63-81.
    This essay seeks to articulate the many implications which Giorgio Agamben's work holds for theology. It aims, therefore, to examine his conceptualizations of language in light of particular historical glosses on the “name of God” and the nature of the “mystical,” as well as to highlight the political task of profanation, one of his most central concepts, in relation to the logos said to embody humanity's “religious” quest to find its Voice. As such, we see how he challenges those standard (...)
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  • It’s a Profane Life: Giorgio Agamben on the freedom of im-potentiality in education.Tyson Edward Lewis - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (4):334-347.
    In this article, I explore the importance of Giorgio Agamben’s theory of potentiality for rethinking education. While potentiality has been a long-standing concern for educational practitioners and theorists, Agamben’s work is unique in that it emphasizes how potentiality can only be thought of in relation to impotentiality. This moment of indistinction—what I refer to as im-potential—has important implications. First, I argue that if potentiality and impotentiality are separated from one another, the result is a stratified educational system where some students (...)
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  • Cyborg agency: The technological self-production of the (post-)human and the anti-hermeneutic trajectory.Andreas Beinsteiner - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 153 (1):113-133.
    This paper situates Günther Anders’s diagnosis of a shift in the modes of human self-production from hermeneutic and educational practices to techno-scientific interventions in the broader context of observations concerning posthumanism and biopolitics (e.g. Peter Sloterdijk, Giorgio Agamben). It proposes to reframe the problem of human self-production within the philosophy of media and traces a common anti-hermeneutic trajectory to which both technoscientific transhumanism and certain strands of posthumanism belong, insofar as they are based on an ontology that exclusively considers causally (...)
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  • The impurity of praxis: Arendt and Agamben.Katarina Sjöblom - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (1):145-162.
    If politics is understood as a foundational and open-ended activity, a general problem that arises from such a framing concerns the question of how to sustain the possibility of continuous openings without converting action into permanence and closure. In this article, we approach this problematic by treating Hannah Arendt as an exemplary figure in the current of political thought that emphasizes the indeterminate nature of action. We focus more specifically on how Arendt addressed the question of sustaining action by exploring (...)
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  • The Disrobing of Aphrodite: Brigitte Bardot in Le Mépris.Oisín Keohane - 2022 - Film-Philosophy 26 (2):171-195.
    This article examines a number of philosophical concepts that are at stake in the visual culture of the nude. It particularly focuses on Aphrodite’s appearance, or rather, what I call her exposed concealment, in Jean-Luc Godard’s 1963 Le Mépris. A film, I argue, which is not only concerned with Aphrodite and the figure of the female nude via Brigitte Bardot, but which also explores the very idea of the sex goddess in cinema. In the first section I introduce arguments from (...)
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  • The Spectrum of Control: A Social Theory of the Smart City.Jathan Sadowski & Frank A. Pasquale - unknown
    There is a certain allure to the idea that cities allow a person to both feel at home and like a stranger in the same place. That one can know the streets and shops, avenues and alleys, while also going days without being recognized. But as elites fill cities with “smart” technologies—turning them into platforms for the “Internet of Things” : sensors and computation embedded within physical objects that then connect, communicate, and/or transmit information with or between each other through (...)
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  • The exception and the paradigm: Giorgio Agamben on law and life.William Stahl - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (2):233-250.
    Political theorists continue to be provoked by Giorgio Agamben’s disturbing diagnosis that ‘bare life’ – human life that is excluded from politics yet exposed to sovereign violence – is not a sign of the malfunction of modern politics but rather a revelation of how it actually functions. However, despite the enormous amount of attention this diagnosis has received, there has been relatively little discussion of Agamben’s proposed ‘cure’ for the problem that he diagnoses. In this article, I analyze the three (...)
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  • The Paradoxical Transmission of Tradition and Agamben's Potential Reading of the Rishonim.Jeffrey Bernstein - 2011 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 3 (2):225-242.
    This essay explores the significance of Agamben’s sparse references to medieval Jewish thinkers (that is, the Rishonim) and raises the question as to whether the modern interpretive horizon of “history” is adequate for providing an understanding of these thinkers.
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  • An Immobile Nomad: “the Peasant from the Danube”.Pompiliu Crăciunescu - 2018 - Human and Social Studies 7 (3):69-79.
    European writer of Romanian origin, Vintila Horia - Goncourt Prize in 1960 for the novel Dieu est né enexil - was a truly awakened consciousness of his time. Wherever he was - in Bucharest or Florence, Buenos Aires or Paris, Rome or Madrid - this “polyglot nomad” never left the unyielding values of the spirit and of knowledge. His work of literary epistemology, hisnovelistic creation - fed by exile, love and by the divine -, as well as the Journal d’un (...)
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  • La ironía crítica o los amantes de las ruinas: el esteta, el dandy y el fl'neur.Naim Garnica - 2016 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 52:151-172.
    El ensayo examina el carácter crítico de la ironía romántica de Friedrich Schlegel siguiendo las consideraciones y apropiaciones de Walter Benjamin, Harold Bloom y Paul de Man. También, el ensayo pretende mostrar el paralelismo de la actitud crítica de la ironía con tres figuras literarias románticas: el esteta, el dandy y el âneur. Estas criaturas, unidas por una fe profética en el arte, hacen de la ironía una profesión que se mueve entre la creación y la destrucción. La apropiación en (...)
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  • A different kind of emancipation? From lifestyle to form-of-life.Luigi Pellizzoni - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (1):155-171.
    The modern outlook on emancipation has made its quest inseparable from a quest for endless enhancement, based on an ever-more intensive exploitation of the biophysical world. This accounts for how unsustainable ways of living are reiterated worldwide, in spite of evidence of their deleterious effects. The underpinnings of unsustainability, and a major impediment to conceiving alternatives, come from an account of the human as ontologically indeterminate, crushed on doing, both vulnerable and powerful towards the world. The impasse of such ambivalence (...)
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  • Instruments of immolation: Giorgio Agamben and the Eucharistic reformations of the sixteenth century.Klaus C. Yoder - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (1):48-64.
    Throughout the Homo Sacer series, Giorgio Agamben takes seriously the political and philosophical significance of Christian ritual in his archaeology of Western political discourse. In Opus Dei, Agamben argues for the sacrifice of the Mass as the paradigm for the ontology of effectivity, an ontology he sees as still regnant in the West. This ontology depends on the discourse of duty or office, and it begins with the priestly office. The priest’s duty is to be an “animate instrument” in the (...)
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  • From the cyborg to the apparatus : figures of posthumanism in the philosophy of Giorgio Agamben and the contemporary performing arts of Kris Verdonck.Kristof van Baarle - 2018 - Dissertation, Universitet Gent
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