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  1. Fully Unconscious and Prone to Habit: The Characteristics of Agency in the Structure and Agency Dialectic.Sadiya Akram - 2013 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 43 (1):45-65.
    While the human agent must have the capacity for reflexivity, intentionality and consciousness, the same agent must also be affected by the social world in which she lives: herein lies the essence of the structure and agency dialectic. This paper argues that while some realists are in principle committed to a dialectical relationship between structure and agency, there is some dissonance between this commitment and the concepts of agency that they develop. I highlight the exclusion of the unconscious and habit (...)
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  • Toward pragmatist methodological relationalism: From philosophizing sociology to sociologizing philosophy.Osmo Kivinen & Tero Piiroinen - 2006 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 36 (3):303-329.
    University of Turku, Finland In this article, relationalist approaches to social sciences are analyzed in terms of a conceptual distinction between "philosophizing sociology" and "sociologizing philosophy." These mark two different attitudes toward philosophical metaphysics and ontological commitments. The authors’ own pragmatist methodological relationalism of Deweyan origin is compared with ontologically committed realist approaches, as well as with Bourdieuan methodological relationalism. It is argued that pragmatist philosophy of social sciences is an appropriate tool for assisting social scientists in their methodological work, (...)
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  • Gender and charismatic power.Paul Joosse & Robin Willey - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (4):533-561.
    Working beyond the inclination to inaugurate alternative theoretical traditions alongside canonical sociology, this article demonstrates the value of recovering latent gender theory from within classic concepts—in this case, Weber’s “charisma.” Close readings of Weber reveal, (a) tools for theorizing extraordinary, non-masculinist agency, and, (b) clues that account for the conventional wisdom (popular and scholastic) that charisma is “not for women.” While contemporary movements may be tempted to eschew charismatic leadership per se because of legacies of dominance by men, there is (...)
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  • Luc Boltanski’s pragmatic sociology: A Bourdieusian critique.Will Atkinson - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (3):310-327.
    Luc Boltanski’s programme of pragmatic sociology, now gaining substantial attention among English-speaking sociologists, was forged in opposition to the supposed excesses and blind spots of Pierre Bourdieu’s ‘critical sociology’. After outlining the main lines of development of Boltanski’s project and emphasizing the major points of difference with Bourdieu, the article offers a critical Bourdieusian response to pragmatic sociology. It highlights a number of ways in which Boltanski’s position is based on a misreading or distortion of Bourdieu’s ideas, is less unlike (...)
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  • The Social as Heaven and Hell: Pierre Bourdieu's Philosophical Anthropology.Gabriel Peters - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (1):63-86.
    Many authors have argued that all studies of socially specific modalities of human action and experience depend on some form of “philosophical anthropology”, i.e. on a set of general assumptions about what human beings are like, assumptions without which the very diagnoses of the cultural and historical variability of concrete agents' practices would become impossible. Bourdieu was sensitive to that argument and, especially in the later phase of his career, attempted to make explicit how his historical-sociological investigations presupposed and, at (...)
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  • Where do the limits of experience lie? Abandoning the dualism of objectivity and subjectivity.Christian Greiffenhagen & Wes Sharrock - 2008 - History of the Human Sciences 21 (3):70-93.
    The relationship between 'subjective' and 'objective' features of social reality (and between 'subjectivist' and 'objectivist' sociological approaches) remains problematic within social thought. Phenomenology is often taken as a paradigmatic example of subjectivist sociology, since it supposedly places exclusive emphasis on actors' 'subjective' interpretations, thereby neglecting 'objective' social structures. In this article, we question whether phenomenology is usefully understood as falling on either side of the standard divides, arguing that phenomenology's conception of 'subjective' experience of social reality includes many features taken (...)
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  • Some Implications of Pierre Bourdieu’s Works for a Theory of Social SelfOrganization.Christian Fuchs - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (4):387-408.
    The philosophical implications of the sciences of complexity suggest that complex systems (such as society) function according to a dialectic of chance and necessity, multidimensionality, non-linearity and circular causality. It is argued that one could employ aspects of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory in order to establish a consistent theory of social self-organization. Bourdieu describes society in epistemological terms as consisting of mutual relationships of subjectivity/objectivity, individual/society, homogeneity/diversity, freedom/necessity, externalization of internality/internalization of externality, embodiment/objectification, modus operandi/opus operatum. The concept of the habitus (...)
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  • Complexity theories, social theory, and the question of social complexity.Peter Stewart - 2001 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 31 (3):323-360.
    In this article, the author argues that complexity theories have limited use in the study of society, and that social processes are too complex and particular to be rigorously modeled in complexity terms. Theories of social complexity are shown to be inadequately developed, and typical weaknesses in the literature on social complexity are discussed. Two stronger analyses, of Luhmann and of Harvey and Reed, are also critically considered. New considerations regarding social complexity are advanced, on the lines that simplicity, complexity (...)
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  • School beyond stratification: Internal goods, alienation, and an expanded sociology of education.Jeffrey Guhin & Joseph Klett - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (3):371-398.
    Sociologists of education often emphasize goods that result from a practice (external goods) rather than goods intrinsic to a practice (internal goods). The authors draw from John Dewey and Alasdair MacIntyre to describe how the same practice can be understood as producing “skills” that center external goods or as producing habits (Dewey) or virtues (MacIntyre), both of which center internal goods. The authors situate these concepts within sociology of education’s stratification paradigm and a renewed interest in the concept of alienation, (...)
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  • Towards a tragic social science: Critique, translation, and performance.Sam Han - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 170 (1):9-27.
    Taking ‘the idea of the tragic’ as a point of departure, this article articulates an approach to sociology and social theory from the perspective of a ‘tragic vision’. In arguing for the relevance of ‘tragic thought’ for the analysis of contemporary crises, it suggests that ‘the tragic’ must be understood as a reflection of the long tail of the formation of a particular secular, modern ‘ethico-onto-epistemology’. In making this case, the article provides an ‘interpretive genealogy’ of tragic ethics in social (...)
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  • Why social scientists still need phenomenology.Christopher Houston - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 168 (1):37-54.
    Pierre Bourdieu famously dismissed phenomenology as offering anything useful to a critical science of society – even as he drew heavily upon its themes in his own work. This paper makes a case for why Bourdieu’s judgement should not be the last word on phenomenology. To do so it first reanimates phenomenology’s evocative language and concepts to illustrate their continuing centrality to social scientists’ ambitions to apprehend human engagement with the world. Part II shows how two crucial insights of phenomenology, (...)
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  • The Essential Ambiguity of the Social.Bryan Green - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (2):108-136.
    Methodological divisions in sociology, the study of the social, are not just deep and persistent but patterned—most obviously in the separate development of qualitative methods in ethnography and grounded theory, but also in subsidiary divisions within those separations, following the same pattern. The pattern being too deep-rooted to be explained as empirical happenstance, it will be explored here as the effect of an equally deep-rooted condition. More exactly, through postulating that sociology’s subject-matter, the social, is ontologically rooted in an essential (...)
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  • The Alexander School of Cultural Sociology.Mustafa Emirbayer - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 79 (1):5-15.
    I pursue three aims in this article: (1) a contextualization of Jeffrey Alexander’s cultural sociology within the broader trajectory of his intellectual development; (2) a sketch of the key ideas of his approach to cultural analysis against the backdrop of contemporary debates regarding culture and social structure; and (3) an appreciation and critical assessment of Alexander’s program.
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  • Recombining micro/macro: The grammar of theoretical innovation.Monika Krause - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (2):139-152.
    This article analyses the patterns underlying debates in sociological theory, using the debate surrounding the distinction between ‘micro’ and ‘macro’ as its case. Although – and indeed because – few authors have attempted explicit definition of the distinction, a number of different distinctions have been subsumed under these labels and research has been shaped by packages of assumptions that have gone largely unexamined in their contradictory nature. The article disaggregates the different distinctions that have been associated with the terms ‘micro’ (...)
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  • The particularity of the universal: critical reflections on Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic power and the state.Stephen Quilley & Steven Loyal - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (5):429-462.
    A critical review of Bourdieu’s theory of the state is developed here against the backdrop of both his wider theoretical project and empirical studies. Elaborating the concepts of symbolic capital, symbolic violence, and symbolic domination, the centrality that Bourdieu accords to symbolic forms is compared to benchmark Weberian accounts that start with the state monopoly of violence. Reviewing also some of the burgeoning secondary literature discussing his theory of the state, Bourdieu’s writings, which encompass various antinomies, are shown to vacillate (...)
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  • A critical social systems view of the internet.Wolfgang Hofkirchner - 2007 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 37 (4):471-500.
    The article discusses principles that form part of evolutionary systems thinking in social sciences and humanities. It is argued that introducing the concept of self-organization relates agency and structures in a way that makes it possible to take up certain features of Critical Theory by which it can meet the demands for a critical social science. These principles are applied to the question of whether there is convergence or divergence in and by means of the Internet. It will be clarified (...)
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  • Explanation, understanding and determinism in Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology.Gabriel Peters - 2014 - History of the Human Sciences 27 (1):124-149.
    This article locates Bourdieu’s sociology within the lasting controversy concerning the nature of causal explanation and interpretative understanding in the social sciences, with a special focus on the classical problem surrounding the alleged compatibility between these procedures. First, it is argued that Bourdieu’s praxeological and relational perspective on the social universe leads him not only to join the ‘compatibility field’ of the debate, but to sustain, more radically, the identity between explanation and understanding. Second, the article defends the view that (...)
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  • Critique and social movements: Looking beyond contingency and normativity.Paola Rebughini - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (4):459-479.
    This article aims to confront the principal arguments of the concept of critique in sociology and to demonstrate the emergence in recent years of a re-dimensioned conception of critique, on the one hand, of a pragmatic, pluralistic and contingent nature, and, on the other, show how the need for a strong and transcendental concept of critique that does not renounce the possibility of individual and collective emancipation is still present. This article argues that the analytic and empirical space in which (...)
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  • Out of the clash of hermeneutic rules comes ethical decision making: But does it?Johannes Iemke Bakker - 2006 - Journal of Academic Ethics 4 (1):11-38.
    IRBs and REBs use specialized language. A process of definition and re-definition of the situation occurs. That process of interpretation can usefully be considered from the perspective of interpretive social science models involving Symbolic Interaction, Semiotics and Hermeneutics. Seven examples are provided to flesh out the nuances of contextual decision making and the “casuistic” aspects of a balanced approach to complex problems. While many decisions are relatively unproblematic and can follow a template, it is not possible simply to apply a (...)
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  • Review Essay: The Glass Half-Full? An Attempt To Contextualize Jeffrey C. Alexander's The Civil Sphere.Andreas Hess - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 96 (1):135-143.
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  • Doing Sociology in The Age of Globalization.Pierpaolo Donati - 2012 - World Futures 68 (4-5):225 - 247.
    The emergence of processes of globalization has gone hand in hand with a theoretical ?crisis? in sociology. According to an increasing number of scholars, ?global society? has transformed the ?social? to such an extent that classical sociological theory and that of the nineteenth century no longer seem adequate for conceptualizing not only the ?new society,? but (human) society as such. The very distinction between human and non-human society has gone lost. In this context, is it still possible to formulate a (...)
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  • Against Reduction: Jeffrey Alexander and the Constructive Tasks of Social Theory.Trevor Hogan - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 79 (1):37-42.
    The practice of social theory is too often given to celebrity hunting, the polemical vulgarizing of one’s putative enemies, or the precocious production of totalizing and redemptive theories purporting to rescue social theory from its perennial crises of meaning, naming and explanation. The constructive task of social theory, however, can be both more modest and productive when attention is given to its substantive concern to provide codes, narratives and explanations of modernity, in all its pluralist and democratic dimensions. This is (...)
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  • Anchoring depth ontology to epistemological strategies of field theory: exploring the possibility for developing a core for sociological analysis.Sourabh Singh - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (5):429-448.
    ABSTRACTCritical realism's insight into depth ontology creates the possibility for re-imagining sociology as a science of the social world. However, critical realism has yet to gain a strong foothold in sociological analysis. Challenging the available criticism of critical realism, I argue that its main flaw is its inability to draw an appropriate epistemological strategy from its insights into depth ontology. I propose that this limitation can be overcome when we anchor the depth ontology of critical realism to the two-step epistemological (...)
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  • Science, Common Sense and Sociological Analysis: A Critical Appreciation of the Epistemological Foundation of Field Theory.Sourabh Singh - 2019 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 49 (2):87-107.
    Field theory is often criticized because sociologists applying it fail to follow two seminal rules: the three key concepts of field theory—capital, habitus, and field structure—must be implemented in relation to each other and reconstructed for the historically specific moment of their application. I claim that Bourdieu developed his conceptual tools in response to Bachelard’s insight that scientific progress requires a break from common sense. Once we appreciate the epistemological foundation of field theory concepts, we can better appreciate the rules (...)
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  • Of yarmulkes and categories: Delegating boundaries and the phenomenology of interactional expectation. [REVIEW]Iddo Tavory - 2010 - Theory and Society 39 (1):49-68.
    Based on ethnographic fieldwork and interviews, this article delineates a process through which members of an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Los Angeles unintentionally delegate boundary work and membership-identification to anonymous others in everyday life. Living in the midst of a non-Jewish world, orthodox men are often approached by others, both Jews and non-Jews, who categorize them as “religious Jews” based on external marks such as the yarmulke and attire. These interactions, varying from mundane interactions to anti-Semitic incidents, are then tacitly (...)
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  • The strength of weak programs in cultural sociology: A critique of Alexander’s critique of Bourdieu. [REVIEW]David Gartman - 2007 - Theory and Society 36 (5):381-413.
    Jeffrey Alexander’s recent book on cultural sociology argues that sociologists must grant the realm of ideas autonomy to determine behavior, unencumbered by interference from instrumental or material factors. He criticizes the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu as “weak” for failing to give autonomy to culture by reducing it to self-interested behavior that immediately reflects class position. However, Alexander’s arguments seriously distort and misstate Bourdieu’s theory, which provides for the relative autonomy of culture through the concepts of habitus and field. Because habitus (...)
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  • Developing inclusive technical capital beyond the disabled students’ allowance in England.Simon Hayhoe, Kris Roger, Sebastiaan Eldritch-Böersen & Linda Kelland - unknown
    The Disabled Students Allowance is a government grant for students aged 18 years and over in English Higher Education. Amongst other things, this grant supports the provision of traditional assistive technologies. In April 2014, the UK’s Minister for Universities, Science and Cities proposed cuts to the DSA. Although a later announcement delayed these cuts until the academic year 2016−2017, a number of universities are already preparing alternative means to support disabled students. In this article, it is argued that cuts to (...)
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  • Reviews. [REVIEW]David Inglis - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (2):253-257.
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