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  1. From exported modernism to rooted cosmopolitanism: Middle East architecture between socialism and capitalism.Asma Mehan - 2024 - In Lennart Wouter Kruijer, Miguel John Versluys & Ian Lilley (eds.), Rooted Cosmopolitanism, Heritage and the Question of Belonging: Archaeological and Anthropological perspectives. Routledge. pp. 227-245.
    Through analysing different case studies in the Middle East, this section uses rooted cosmopolitanism as a theoretical lens to explore exported modernism and architecture between socialist and capitalist countries during the Cold War. This research analyses the circulation and local applications of urban development and modernisation paradigms in so-called ‘Third World’ countries. For assessing the socialist and capitalist-inspired modernisation processes in the Middle East, this chapter studies the cosmopolitan and trans-cultural architecture created by global and local influences. Comparing two types (...)
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  • Autonomy plus communion: a double-dignity African efficient-based moderate cosmopolitanism.Austin Moonga Mbozi - 2023 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (2):114-134.
    African ethicists have so far not agreed on a single, precise, secular and comprehensive basic norm, an Afro-Grundnorm, which captures the core values of Ubuntu sub-Saharan African cosmopolitanism. This article constructs and proffers the ‘double-dignity’ Grundnorm that partly shares with Western stoic cosmopolitans the view that our common human ontological capacity for autonomy identifies us as members of the human species. This capacity grants our first dignity, inherent dignity. Inherent dignity only grants our universal basic (security and subsistence) rights. Our (...)
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  • Three Challenges for the Cosmopolitan Governance of Technoscience.Matthew Sample - manuscript
    Promising new solutions or risking unprecedented harms, science and its technological affordances are increasingly portrayed as matters of global concern, requiring in-kind responses. In a wide range of recent discourses and global initiatives, from the International Summits on Human Gene Editing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, experts and policymakers routinely invoke cosmopolitan aims. The common rhetoric of a shared human future or of one humanity, however, does not always correspond to practice. Global inequality and a lack of accountability (...)
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  • (1 other version)Multiculturalism.Duncan Ivison - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 10169-75.
    First published in the International Encyclopaedia of Social and Behavioural Sciences (Pergamon Press, 2001); reprinted in the 2nd edition (2015). An overview of different justifications of multiculturalism in contemporary political theory, as well as various challenges to and critiques of those arguments.
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  • Spirits of Migration Meet the Migration of Spirits among the Akan Diaspora in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.Louise Muller - 2010 - African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal 4 (1):75-97.
    The aim of this research was to find out what the most popular films among the Akan in southeast Amsterdam (The Netherlands) are and how these films are used by this West African diaspora in the formation of a new religious identity after their migration to Europe. The outcome of this research is that the most popular films among the Akan are those with Pentecostal-Charismatic proselytizing messages. The Akan use these films to create an ‘imagined diasporic community’ to remain culturally (...)
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  • Educating for Restraint.Peter Olsthoorn - 2022 - In Eric-Hans Kramer & Tine Molendijk (eds.), Violence in Extreme Conditions: Ethical Challenges in Military Practice. Springer. pp. 119-130.
    Today, many armed forces consider teaching virtues to be an important complement to imposing rules and codes from above. Yet, it is mainly established military virtues such as courage and loyalty that dominate both the lists of virtues and values of most militaries and the growing body of literature on military virtues. Some of these virtues, however, may be less suited for today’s missions, which more often than not require restraint on the part of military personnel. This chapter looks into (...)
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  • A Comment on Raphael Cohen-Almagor’s Just, Reasonable Multiculturalism.Stephen Newman - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2347-2356.
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  • Creolizing Modern Buddhism: A Reply to Yarran Hominh & A. Minh Nguyen.Evan Thompson - 2021 - Comparative Philosophy 13 (1).
    In reply to Hominh and Nguyen, I argue that “creolizing” methods in the study and practice of Buddhism should not be opposed to historicist and contextualist modes of investigation and understanding. Rather, historicism and contextualism can and should inform creolizing approaches.
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  • The Adinkra Game: An Intercultural Communicative and Philosophical Praxis.Kofi Dorvlo & A. S. C. A. Muijen - 2021 - In Kofi Dorvlo & A. S. C. A. Muijen (eds.), Cultures at School and at Home. Rauma, Finland: pp. 32.
    In 2020, an international team of intercultural philosophers and African linguists created a multilinguistic game named Adinkra. This name refers to a medieval rooted symbolic language in Ghana that is actively used by the Akan and especially the Asante among them to communicate indirectly. The Akan is both the meta-ethnic name of the largest Ghanaian cultural-linguistic group of which the Asante is an Akan cultural subgroup and of a Central Tano language of which Asante-Twi is a dialect. The Adinkra symbols, (...)
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  • Odera Oruka in the Twenty-first Century.Reginald M. J. Oduor, Oriare Nyarwath & Francis E. A. Owakah (eds.) - 2017 - Washington, DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
    The late Kenyan Prof. H. Odera Oruka (1944-1995), from his base in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of Nairobi, contributed significantly to the growth of contemporary African philosophy, and helped locate African philosophy within the global philosophical discourse. His work in areas such as normative and applied ethics, political philosophy, epistemology, and, most notably, philosophic sagacity, continues to play a pivotal role in the current discourse on African philosophy. Prof. Oruka was also one of the (...)
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  • Odera Oruka on Culture Philosophy and its role in the S.M. Otieno Burial Trial.Gail Presbey - 2017 - In Reginald M. J. Oduor, Oriare Nyarwath & Francis E. A. Owakah (eds.), Odera Oruka in the Twenty-first Century. Washington, DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. pp. 99-118.
    This paper focuses on evaluating Odera Oruka’s role as an expert witness in customary law for the Luo community during the Nairobi, Kenya-based trial in 1987 to decide on the place of the burial of S.M. Otieno. During that trial, an understanding of Luo burial and widow guardianship (ter) practices was essential. Odera Oruka described the practices carefully and defended them against misunderstanding and stereotype. He revisited related topics in several delivered papers, published articles, and even interviews and columns in (...)
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  • Diversitätsmanagement in Organisationen des Gesundheitswesens – Effizienz kontra Gerechtigkeit?Cordula Brand - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):203-217.
    „Diversität“ wird im Management als ein Schlüssel gesehen, um in Anbetracht einer globalisierten Welt als Unternehmen oder soziale Organisation wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, wirtschaftlich zu arbeiten oder Gewinnsteigerungen zu erzielen. Dieser unternehmerischen Perspektive auf Diversität stehen Konzepte gegenüber, die die ethischen Aspekte von Vielfalt im Hinblick auf Gerechtigkeit in den Mittelpunkt stellen. Beide Perspektiven werden im sogenannten „Diversitätsmanagement“ verortet, das in die organisationalen Strukturen, meist in die Personalabteilung, eingebettet ist. Es zeigt sich jedoch, dass diese Verortung nicht umfassend und zentral genug (...)
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  • The New Conflict of the Faculties: Kant, Radical Enlightenment, The Hyper-State, and How to Philosophize During a Pandemic.Robert Hanna - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):209-233.
    In this essay, I apply the Kantian interpretation of enlightenment as radical enlightenment to the enterprise of philosophy within the context of our contemporary world-situation, and try to answer this very hard quest ion: “As radically enlightened Kantian philosophers confronted by the double-whammy consisting of what I call The Hyper-State, together with the 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic, what should we dare to think and do?” The very hard problem posed by this very har d question is what I’ll call The New (...)
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  • Demarcating and Judging Medicine: Review of Broadbent’s Philosophy of Medicine. [REVIEW]Jonathan Fuller - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (2):370-376.
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  • De secessione. The Hideouts of The Catalan Way.Josep Joan Moreso - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (18):111-151.
    In the best literature on unilateral secession, for instance, Buchanan, it is usual to distinguish between remedial theories, which require a just cause for conceding a right to secession for the inhabitants of a territory, part of a State; and primary theories, plebiscitary theories and adscriptivist or nationalist theories. In accordance to this view, only the first are capable of justifying a unilateral right to secession. Well then, in this paper, an argument is elaborated in order to show that the (...)
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  • Love, peace and hope-How are medical ethics practices impacted by terror attacks on the healthcare system in Turkey?Sukran Sevimli - 2019 - In Darry Macer (ed.), LEGACIES OF LOVE, PEACE AND HOPE: How Education can overcome Hatred & Divide. Eubios Ethics Instute. pp. 264-278.
    The objective of this article is to shed light on some challenging questions regarding public health and medical ethics that the Turkish healthcare system has recently been forced to confront. In recent years, terrorists in eastern Turkey have launched increasingly destructive attacks, including numerous attempts to undermine the social order by targeting not only government agencies but also the healthcare system. In this study, 54 terrorist incidents specifically targeting the Turkish healthcare system and healthcare professionals were analyzed and divided into (...)
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  • Fanon’s postcolonial cosmopolitanism.Julian Go - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (2):208-225.
    While early theory and research on cosmopolitanism have been criticized for their European focus, a number of works have incorporated non-Eurocentric perspectives. This article contributes to this literature by examining the colonial production of cosmopolitan orientations as evidenced in the writings of Frantz Fanon. Colonialism has been treated as a deviation in the historical sociology of cosmopolitanism, but Fanon helps disclose how colonialism has also contributed to a particular form of cosmopolitanism that has been overlooked in existing theory and research: (...)
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  • Review of Evan Thompson's Why I Am Not a Buddhist[REVIEW]Hane Htut Maung - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (4):1-8.
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  • Mapping dehumanization studies (Preface and Introduction of Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization).Maria Kronfeldner - 2020 - In Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization. London, New York: Routledge.
    Maria Kronfeldner’s Preface and Introduction to the Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization maps the landscape of dehumanization studies. She starts with a brief portrayal of the history of the field. The systematically minded sections that follow guide the reader through the resulting rugged landscape represented in the Handbook’s contributions. Different realizations, levels, forms, and ontological contrasts of dehumanization are distinguished, followed by remarks on the variety of targets of dehumanization. A discussion on valence and emotional aspects is added. Causes, functions, and (...)
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  • Toward a Decolonial Praxis in Critical Peace Education: Postcolonial Insights and Pedagogic Possibilities.Basma Hajir & Kevin Kester - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (5):515-532.
    This paper argues for a decolonial praxis in critical peace education. Drawing on an integrative review method, the paper synthesises approaches, practices, and theories from peace and peace education literature with special attention paid to the concepts of critical peace education, cosmopolitanism, postcolonial thought, and decolonial action. The paper particularly explores the philosophical contributions of postcolonial and decolonial thought and how each could help toward decolonising approaches for critical peace education. The concept of ‘structural violence’ is critiqued as obfuscating individual (...)
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  • Kosmopolityzm jako praktyka międzygatunkowa. Parę uwag o gościnności nieantropocentrycznej.Alina Mitek-Dziemba - 2019 - Etyka 58 (1):76-96.
    Derridiańskie pytanie o paradoksalną (bez)warunkowość zakodowaną w pojęciu gościnnościjest także pytaniem o zasięg i przedmiot odniesienia: jeśli gościnność ma być tym,co rządzi wszelką interakcją, to być może nie ogranicza się ona wyłącznie do relacji międzyludzkich.Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie pojawiających się w ostatnich latach nieantropocentrycznychwizji gościnności, związanych z rozwinięciem Kantowskiego pojęcia kosmopolitycznegoprawa w odniesieniu do zwierząt i ich politycznej podmiotowości. Artykułpodejmuje wątki zwierzęcia kosmopolitycznego, kosmopolityki, kosmopolityzmu rozumianegonielogocentrycznie, jak w tradycji starożytnego cynizmu, kosmopolitycznych inspiracjiw nurcie posthumanizmu oraz projektu państwowej polityki opartej na (...)
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  • ‘Grasping the Difficulty in its Depth’: Wittgenstein and Globally Engaged Philosophy.Thomas D. Carroll - 2019 - Sophia 60 (1):1-18.
    In recent years, philosophers have used expressions of Wittgenstein’s (e.g. “language-games,” “form of life,” and “family resemblance”) in attempts to conceive of the discipline of philosophy in a broad, open, and perhaps global way. These Wittgenstein-inspired approaches indicate an awareness of the importance of cultural and historical diversity for approaching philosophical questions. While some philosophers have taken inspiration from Wittgenstein in embracing contextualism in philosophical hermeneutics, Wittgenstein himself was more instrumental than contextual in his treatment of other philosophers; his focus (...)
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  • Literary Intentionalism.Robbie Kubala - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (4):503-515.
    In the philosophical debate about literary interpretation, the actual intentionalist claims, and the anti-intentionalist denies, that an acceptable interpretation of fictional literature must be constrained by the author’s intentions. I argue that a close examination of the two most influential recent strands in this debate reveals a surprising convergence. Insofar as both sides (a) focus on literary works as they are, where work identity is determined in part by certain (successfully realized) categorial intentions concerning, e.g., title, genre, and large-scale instances (...)
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  • (1 other version)Neither Parochial nor Cosmopolitan: Cultural Instruction in the Light of an African Communal Ethic.Thaddeus Metz - 2019 - Education as Change 23:1-16.
    What should be the aim when teaching matters of culture to students in public high schools and universities, at least given an African context? One, parochial approach would focus exclusively on imparting local culture, leaving students unfamiliar with, or perhaps contemptuous of, other cultures around the world. A second, cosmopolitan approach would educate students about a wide variety of cultures in Africa and beyond it, leaving it up to them which interpretations, values, and aesthetics they will adopt. A third way, (...)
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  • Moral relativism.Christopher Gowans - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Moral relativism is an important topic in metaethics. It is also widely discussed outside philosophy (for example, by political and religious leaders), and it is controversial among philosophers and nonphilosophers alike. This is perhaps not surprising in view of recent evidence that people's intuitions about moral relativism vary widely. Though many philosophers are quite critical of moral relativism, there are several contemporary philosophers who defend forms of it. These include such prominent figures as Gilbert Harman, Jesse J. Prinz, J. David (...)
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  • A Short Study on Spinoza's View of Religion.İbrahim Okan Akkın - 2018 - In Roman Dorczak, Christian Ruggiero, Regina-Lenart Gansiniec & M. Ali Icbay (eds.), Research and Development on Social Sciences. Jagiellonian University. pp. 225-232.
    It is a matter of philosophical debate whether Jonathan Israel’s assessment of Spinoza’s notion of ‘state religion’ can be interpreted as an atheistic and Marxist reading of Spinoza. Contrary to the widely accepted view, Spinoza has a peculiar understanding of religion; and thus, his views cannot, simply, be equated with atheism. By relying on this fact, in this article, I am going to shed light on the issue and try to show to what extent Israel’s interpretation goes beyond what Spinoza (...)
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  • How to Escape Irrelevance: Performance Philosophy, Public Philosophy and Borderless Philosophy.رابرت هانا - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 12 (24):55-82.
    Carlo Cellucci has rightly pointed out that contemporary professional academic philosophy has a serious problem of irrelevance. Performance philosophy and public philosophy are two recent attempts to solve that problem and radically transform professional academic philosophy into what I call real philosophy. Nevertheless, performance philosophy and public philosophy have some prima facie problems. My goal in this essay is to make some headway towards solving these two prima facie problems, first, by briefly describing ways of conceptually clarifying and purposively unifying (...)
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  • The Problematic Non-Western cosmopolitanism in Africa today: Grappling with A modernity outside history.Stephen Chan - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (4):351-366.
    The question, ‘can Africa deal with a postcoloniality without reference to the colonising metropole?’ neglects that Africa must deal with many powers that were not colonisers. Dealing with China requires a relationship outside the period of formal colonial rule, and requires a new cosmopolitanism that can be difficult, yet vibrant.
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  • Englishes and cosmopolitanisms in South Africa.Stephanie Rudwick - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (4):417-428.
    Against the background of South Africa’s ‘official’ policy of multilingualism, this study explores some of the socio-cultural dynamics of English as a lingua franca (ELF) in relation to how cosmopolitanism is understood in South Africa. More specifically, it looks at the link between ELF and cosmopolitanism in higher education. In 2016, students at Stellenbosch University (SU) triggered a language policy change that enacted English (as opposed to Afrikaans) as the primary medium of teaching and learning. English has won recognition as (...)
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  • Diogenes the Cynic on Law and World Citizenship.Christopher Paone - 2018 - Polis 35 (2):478–498.
    Against the traditional reading of Cynic cosmopolitanism, this essay advances the thesis that Diogenes’ world citizenship is a positive claim supported by philosophical argument and philosophical example. Evidence in favor of this thesis is a new interpretation of Diogenes’ syllogistic argument concerning law (nomos) (D.L. 6.72). Important to the argument are an understanding of Diogenes’ philanthropic character and his moral imperative to ‘re-stamp the currency’. Whereas Socrates understands his care as attached specially to Athens, Diogenes’ philosophical mission and form of (...)
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  • Identity and strategies of identification: a moral and aesthetic shift in architecture and urbanism.Laura T. Di Summa-Knoop - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 3 (2):111-123.
    The relationship between architecture and urban centers and concepts such as community and identity is undeniably complex and has been described, by both philosophers and architectural theorists, in radically different ways. In this essay, I will focus on the contrast between the role of architecture and cities as providers of a sense of identity while also emphasizing the risks associated with this conception. I will begin with an overview of a few theories arguing—on aesthetic, moral, and functional grounds—for the necessity (...)
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  • Tractatus practico-theoreticus.Nythamar De Oliveira - 2016 - Porto Alegre, Brazil: Editora Fi.
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  • Meditation and Consciousness: can we experience experience as broken?Jake H. Davis - 2018 - In Rocco J. Gennaro (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Consciousness. New York: Routledge.
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  • Human Rights, An Overview.Abram Trosky - 2014 - Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology:908–915.
    The discursive character of human rights prevents a precise summary of historical origin, rationale, or definition outside of the various codifications in religious texts, secular philosophies, founding national documents, and international treaties, charters, conventions, covenants, declarations, and protocols. Regarding the objects of human rights, we can speak of a “foundational five” 1) Personal security 2) Material subsistence 3) Elemental equality 4) Personal Freedom and 5) Recognition as a member of the human community. Despite, or perhaps because of its multivalence, the (...)
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  • Culture beyond identity.Jeffrey Church - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (8):791-809.
    Liberal approaches to multiculturalism and cultural nationalism have met with severe criticism in recent years. This article makes the case for an alternative, Aristotelian approach developed in the work of the ‘founding father’ of culture, J. G. Herder. According to Herder, culture is worthy of political recognition because it contributes to the realization of our common but contradictory human telos. Only a plurality of cultures, each realizing a unique balance of our contradictory needs, can bring wholeness to our common nature. (...)
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  • Troubled Diversities, Multiple Identities and the Relevance of Royce: What makes a community worth caring about?Michael Raposa - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (4):432-443.
    This article raises questions about what it means to be a diverse academic community and about why such diversity is worth struggling to achieve. The controversial arguments of Walter Benn Michaels are critically examined as a stimulus and prelude to considering the more constructive perspectives supplied by Amartya Sen and Josiah Royce. Royce's early 20th century philosophical writings, in particular, are evaluated as resources for thinking about the ideal nature of a college or university community in the 21st century.
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  • Museums and Philosophy – Of Art, and Many Other Things Part II. [REVIEW]Ivan Gaskell - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (2):85-102.
    This two‐part article examines the very limited engagement by philosophers with museums, and proposes analysis under six headings: cultural variety, taxonomy, and epistemology in Part I, and teleology, ethics, and therapeutics and aesthetics in Part II. The article establishes that fundamental categories of museums established in the 19th century – of art, of anthropology, of history, of natural history, of science and technology – still persist. Among them, it distinguishes between hegemonic (predominantly Western) and subaltern (minority or Indigenous) museums worldwide. (...)
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  • Cosmopolitan cities: the frontier in the twenty-first century?A. Timur Sevincer, Shinobu Kitayama & Michael E. W. Varnum - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • A Brief Sketch of the Possibility of a Hegelian Cosmopolitanism.David Edward Rose - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (1):40-52.
    The following paper investigates the possibility of an account of cosmopolitan thought inspired by Hegel's treatment of Kant's ethical theory and his associated social concept of recognition. Cosmopolitanism requires the agent to recognize themself as a global agent participating in a shared community, but conventional political strategies do not possess the resources to satisfy this demand for self-understanding. Such a self-understanding is enabled by the objective freedom of a common shared humanity grounded in rational self-determination. The paper shows that it (...)
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  • The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race.Naomi Zack (ed.) - 2017 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press USA.
    The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race provides up-to-date explanation and analyses by leading scholars of contemporary issues in African American philosophy and philosophy of race. These original essays encompass the major topics and approaches in this emerging philosophical subfield that supports demographic inclusion and diversity while at the same time strengthening the conceptual arsenal of social and political philosophy. Over the course of the volume's ten topic-based sections, ideas about race held by Locke, Hume, Kant, Hegel, and Nietzsche are (...)
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  • Solidarity and Cosmopolitanism.Simon Derpmann - 2009 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12 (3):303-315.
    The review article examines the relation of solidarity and cosmopolitanism in contemporary political philosophical and sociological debates. In some contexts solidarity and cosmopolitanism are closely related, in others they are understood to be incompatible. The main body of the report is divided into three parts displaying a tentative classification of the reviewed literature on the subject. The first part serves to outline a general account of solidarity, the communal obligations that follow from it, and its opposition to the moral arguments (...)
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  • An Exploration into the Developmental Psychology of Ethical Theory with Implications for Business Practice and Pedagogy.Neil Brady & David Hart - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (4):397-412.
    This article is an attempt to understand ethical theory not just as a set of well-developed philosophical perspectives but as a range of moral capacities that human beings more or less grow into over the course of their lives. To this end, we explore the connection between formal ethical theories and stage developmental psychologies, showing how individuals mature morally, regarding their duties, responsibilities, ideals, goals, values, and interests. The primary method is to extract from the writings of Kohlberg and his (...)
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  • (1 other version)Neither bad apple nor bad barrel: how the societal context impacts unethical behavior in organizations.Michael Gonin, Guido Palazzo & Ulrich Hoffrage - 2011 - Business Ethics: A European Review 21 (1):31-46.
    Every time another corporate scandal captures media headlines, the ‘bad apple vs. bad barrel’ discussion starts anew. Yet this debate overlooks the influence of the broader societal context on organizational behavior. In this article, we argue that misbehaviors of organizations (the ‘barrels’) and their members (the ‘apples’) cannot be addressed properly without a clear understanding of their broader context (the ‘larder’). Whereas previously, a strong societal framework dampened the practical application of the Homo economicus concept (business actors as perfectly rational (...)
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  • The poetics, politics and writing of memory.Robert Keith Percival - unknown
    The overall aim of the composite thesis is the critical examination of the poetics and politics of memory, particularly in the extended role of the ekphrasis in literature. The creative work A Strange Chinese Tale draws on theoretical elements from Debord, Deleuze, Lefebvre, and Baudrillard, and provides a narrative for the post-modern political and cultural landscape of contemporary China, in relation to the individual’s search for a sense of belonging. The exegesis The Poetics, Politics and Writing of Memory argues for (...)
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  • Ritual Male Infant Circumcision and Human Rights.Allan J. Jacobs & Kavita Shah Arora - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (2):30-39.
    Opponents of male circumcision have increasingly used human rights positions to articulate their viewpoint. We characterize the meaning of the term “human rights.” We discuss these human rights arguments with special attention to the claims of rights to an open future and to bodily integrity. We offer a three-part test under which a parental decision might be considered an unacceptable violation of a child's right. The test considers the impact of the practice on society, the impact of the practice on (...)
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  • Truly humanitarian intervention: considering just causes and methods in a feminist cosmopolitan frame.Ann E. Cudd - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (3):359-375.
    In international law, ‘humanitarian intervention’ refers to the use of military force by one nation or group of nations to stop genocide or other gross human rights violations in another sovereign nation. If humanitarian intervention is conceived as military in nature, it makes sense that only the most horrible, massive, and violent violations of human rights can justify intervention. Yet, that leaves many serious evils beyond the scope of legal intervention. In particular, violations of women's rights and freedoms often go (...)
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  • The relevance of nomadic forager studies to moral foundations theory: moral education and global ethics in the twenty-first century.Douglas P. Fry & Geneviève Souillac - 2013 - Journal of Moral Education 42 (3):346-359.
    Moral foundations theory (MFT) proposes the existence of innate psychological systems, which would have been subjected to selective forces over the course of evolution. One approach for evaluating MFT, therefore, is to consider the proposed psychological foundations in relation to the reconstructed Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness. This study draws upon ethnographic data on nomadic forager societies to evaluate MFT. Moral foundations theory receives support only regarding the Caring/harm and Fairness/cheating foundations but not regarding the proposed Loyalty/betrayal and Authority/subversion foundations. These (...)
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  • Towards cosmopolitan citizenship? Women’s rights in divided Turkey.Nora Fisher Onar & Hande Paker - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (4):375-394.
    Identity politics and citizenship are often envisaged in dichotomous terms, but cosmopolitan theorists believe commitments to “thin” universal values can be generated from divergent “thick” positions. Yet, they often gloss over the ways in which the nexus of thick and thin is negotiated in practice—a weak link in the cosmopolitan argument. To understand this nexus better, we turn to women’s rights organizations (WROs) in polarized Turkey to show that women affiliated with rival camps (e.g., pro-religious/pro-secular, Turkish/Kurdish, liberal/leftist) can mobilize over (...)
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  • The Cosmopolitan Turn. Recasting 'dialogue' and 'difference'.Torill Strand - 2010 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 19 (1):49 - 58.
    This paper draws attention to the potential pitfalls and possibilities of a new cosmopolitanism. The first part of the paper briefly portrays cosmopolitanism as a name and metaphor for a way of life, an ideal and an outlook. The second part, however, discloses a paradoxical attribution of the metaphor, revealing the ways in which it assumes something which it is not. The third part of the paper further explores the powers of this paradox, arguing that the new cosmopolitanism can be (...)
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  • An Actor-Network Theory of Cosmopolitanism.Hiro Saito - 2011 - Sociological Theory 29 (2):124-149.
    A major problem with the emerging sociological literature on cosmopolitanism is that it has not adequately theorized mechanisms that mediate the presumed causal relationship between globalization and the development of cosmopolitan orientations. To solve this problem, I draw on Bruno Latour's actor- network theory to theorize the development of three key elements of cosmopolitanism: cultural omnivorousness, ethnic tolerance, and cosmopolitics. ANT illuminates how humans and nonhumans of multiple nationalities develop attachments with one another to create network structures that sustain cosmopolitanism. (...)
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