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  1. “Make our communities better through data”: The moral economy of smart city labor.Preston Welker & Ryan Burns - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    Smart cities are now an established context in which data and digital technologies shape urban politics. Despite increased scholarly focus on algorithmic governance, smart cities and their data production still heavily rely on human labor, raising questions about how that labor is recruited and the implications of different recruitment strategies. In this paper, we illuminate the relations and practices mobilized to recruit the labor required to produce, analyze, and enact data that produce smart cities. We argue that smart cities recruit (...)
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  • Known or knowing publics? Social media data mining and the question of public agency.Giles Moss & Helen Kennedy - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    New methods to analyse social media data provide a powerful way to know publics and capture what they say and do. At the same time, access to these methods is uneven, with corporations and governments tending to have best access to relevant data and analytics tools. Critics raise a number of concerns about the implications dominant uses of data mining and analytics may have for the public: they result in less privacy, more surveillance and social discrimination, and they provide new (...)
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  • A Tidal Wave of Inevitable Data? Assetization in the Consumer Genomics Testing Industry.Nicole Gross & Susi Geiger - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (3):614-649.
    We bring together recent discussions on data capitalism and biocapitalization by studying value flows in consumer genomics firms—an industry at the intersection between health care and technology realms. Consumer genomics companies market genomic testing services to consumers as a source of fun, altruism, belonging and knowledge. But by maintaining a multisided or platform business model, these firms also engage in digital capitalism, creating financial profit from data brokerage. This is a precarious balance to strike: If these companies’ business models consist (...)
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  • Enforcing public data archiving policies in academic publishing: A study of ecology journals.Daniel S. Katz, Carl Boettiger, Karthik Ram & Dan Sholler - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    To improve the quality and efficiency of research, groups within the scientific community seek to exploit the value of data sharing. Funders, institutions, and specialist organizations are developing and implementing strategies to encourage or mandate data sharing within and across disciplines, with varying degrees of success. Academic journals in ecology and evolution have adopted several types of public data archiving policies requiring authors to make data underlying scholarly manuscripts freely available. The effort to increase data sharing in the sciences is (...)
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  • Grassroots resource mobilization through counter-data action.Carl DiSalvo & Amanda Meng - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    In this paper, we document the counter-data action and data activism of a grassroots affordable housing advocacy group in Atlanta. Our observation and insight into these data activities and strategies are achieved through ethnographic and engaged research and participatory design. We find that counter-data action through community-collected data is rooted in a legacy of Atlanta’s black activism and black scholarship; that this data activism enabled resource mobilization and critical conscious making; and that design and media production are essential post counter-data (...)
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  • Data ideologies of an interested public: A study of grassroots open government data intermediaries.Gwen Shaffer & Andrew Schrock - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (1).
    Government officials claim open data can improve internal and external communication and collaboration. These promises hinge on “data intermediaries”: extra-institutional actors that obtain, use, and translate data for the public. However, we know little about why these individuals might regard open data as a site of civic participation. In response, we draw on Ilana Gershon to conceptualize culturally situated and socially constructed perspectives on data, or “data ideologies.” This study employs mixed methodologies to examine why members of the public hold (...)
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  • The social imaginaries of data activism.Minna Ruckenstein & Tuukka Lehtiniemi - 2018 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    Data activism, promoting new forms of civic and political engagement, has emerged as a response to problematic aspects of datafication that include tensions between data openness and data ownership, and asymmetries in terms of data usage and distribution. In this article, we discuss MyData, a data activism initiative originating in Finland, which aims to shape a more sustainable citizen-centric data economy by means of increasing individuals' control of their personal data. Using data gathered during long-term participant-observation in collaborative projects with (...)
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  • The datafication revolution in criminal justice: An empirical exploration of frames portraying data-driven technologies for crime prevention and control.Pamela Ugwudike & Anita Lavorgna - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    The proliferation of big data analytics in criminal justice suggests that there are positive frames and imaginaries legitimising them and depicting them as the panacea for efficient crime control. Criminological and criminal justice scholarship has paid insufficient attention to these frames and their accompanying narratives. To address the gap created by the lack of theoretical and empirical insight in this area, this article draws on a study that systematically reviewed and compared multidisciplinary academic abstracts on the data-driven tools now shaping (...)
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  • Algorithmic affordances for productive resistance.Nancy Ettlinger - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
    Although overarching if not foundational conceptualizations of digital governance in the field of critical data studies aptly account for and explain subjection, calculated resistance is left conceptually unattended despite case studies that document instances of resistance. I ask at the outset why conceptualizations of digital governance are so bleak, and I argue that all are underscored implicitly by a Deleuzian theory of desire that overlooks agency, defined here in Foucauldian terms. I subsequently conceptualize digital governance as encompassing subjection as well (...)
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  • An invitation to critical social science of big data: from critical theory and critical research to omniresistance.Ulaş Başar Gezgin - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):187-195.
    How a social science of big data would look like? In this article, we exemplify such a social science through a number of cases. We start our discussion with the epistemic qualities of big data. We point out to the fact that contrary to the big data champions, big data is neither new nor a miracle without any error nor reliable and rigorous as assumed by its cheer leaders. Secondly, we identify three types of big data: natural big data, artificial (...)
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  • Questioning Big Data: Crowdsourcing crisis data towards an inclusive humanitarian response.Jeroen Wolbers, Kees Boersma, Peter Groenewegen, Julie Ferguson & Femke Mulder - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    The aim of this paper is to critically explore whether crowdsourced Big Data enables an inclusive humanitarian response at times of crisis. We argue that all data, including Big Data, are socially constructed artefacts that reflect the contexts and processes of their creation. To support our argument, we qualitatively analysed the process of ‘Big Data making’ that occurred by way of crowdsourcing through open data platforms, in the context of two specific humanitarian crises, namely the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and (...)
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  • Dreaming of AI: environmental sustainability and the promise of participation.Nicolas Zehner & André Ullrich - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    There is widespread consensus among policymakers that climate change and digitalisation constitute the most pressing global transformations shaping human life in the 21st century. Seeking to address the challenges arising at this juncture, governments, technologists and scientists alike increasingly herald artificial intelligence (AI) as a vehicle to propel climate change mitigation and adaptation. In this paper, we explore the intersection of digitalisation and climate change by examining the deployment of AI in government-led climate action. Building on participant observations conducted in (...)
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