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  1. Scientific iconoclasm and active imagination: synthetic cells as techo-schientific mandalas.Hub Zwart - 2018 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 14 (1):1-17.
    Metaphors allow us to come to terms with abstract and complex information, by comparing it to something which is structured, familiar and concrete. Although modern science is “iconoclastic”, as Gaston Bachelard phrases it, scientists are at the same time prolific producers of metaphoric images themselves. Synthetic biology is an outstanding example of a technoscientific discourse replete with metaphors, including textual metaphors such as the “Morse code” of life, the “barcode” of life and the “book” of life. This paper focuses on (...)
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  • Nietzsche, Spinoza, and the Moral Affects.David Wollenberg - 2013 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 51 (4):617-649.
    Friedrich Nietzsche was Less Well-Read in the history of philosophy than were many of his peers in the pantheon, whether Hegel before him or Heidegger after, but he was not for that reason any less hesitant to pronounce judgment on the worth of the other great philosophers: Plato was “boring”; Descartes was “superficial”; Hobbes, Hume, and Locke signify “a debasement and lowering of the concept of ‘philosophy’ for more than a century”; Kant was an “idiot” and a “catastrophic spider,” etc.1 (...)
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  • Fabricated Truths and the Pathos of Proximity: What Would be a Nietzschean Philosophy of Contemporary Technoscience?Hub Zwart - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (3):457-482.
    In recent years, Nietzsche’s views on (natural) science attracted a considerable amount of scholarly attention. Overall, his attitude towards science tends to be one of suspicion, or ambivalence at least. My article addresses the “Nietzsche and science” theme from a slightly different perspective, raising a somewhat different type of question, more pragmatic if you like, namely: how to be a Nietzschean philosopher of science today? What would the methodological contours of a Nietzschean approach to present-day research areas (such as neuroscience, (...)
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  • Ambiguity and The Absolute : Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty on the question of truth.Frank Chouraqui - 2014 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The book offers the first systematic comparative treatment of the thoughts of Nietzsche and Merleau-Ponty. Through an account of each philosopher's thought as organized around their ambiguous relationship with the concept of truth, the book offers an elucidation of the concept of ambiguity and its dependence on the absolute as one of the determining features of modern thinking.
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  • Calling Science Pseudoscience: Fleck's Archaeologies of Fact and Latour's ‘Biography of an Investigation’ in AIDS Denialism and Homeopathy.Babette Babich - 2015 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29 (1):1-39.
    Fleck's Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact foregrounds claims traditionally excluded from reception, often regarded as opposed to fact, scientific claims that are increasingly seldom discussed in connection with philosophy of science save as examples of pseudoscience. I am especially concerned with scientists who question the epidemiological link between HIV and AIDS and who are thereby discounted—no matter their credentials, no matter the cogency of their arguments, no matter the sobriety of their statistics—but also with other classic examples of (...)
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  • Nietzschean Self-Cultivation: Connecting His Virtues to His Ethical Ideal.Matthew Dennis - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (1):55-73.
    Interpretations of Nietzsche as a virtue theorist have proliferated in recent years as commentators have sought to read him as a modern eudaimonistic philosopher while also attempting to show what makes his contribution to this tradition valuable and distinctive.1While some commentators still contend that interpreting Nietzsche as a eudaimonist is antithetical to his overtly-stated philosophical aims,2 over the last decade there has been a upsurge of support for such readings, especially from commentators who emphasise what they claim is the pervasive (...)
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  • Freud’s dreams of reason: the Kantian structure of psychoanalysis.Alfred I. Tauber - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (4):1-29.
    Freud (and later commentators) have failed to explain how the origins of psychoanalytical theory began with a positivist investment without recognizing a dual epistemological commitment: simply, Freud engaged positivism because he believed it generally equated with empiricism, which he valued, and he rejected ‘philosophy’, and, more specifically, Kantianism, because of the associated transcendental qualities of its epistemology. But this simple dismissal belies a deep investment in Kant’s formulation of human reason, in which rationality escapes natural cause and thereby bestows humans (...)
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  • ¿Un transhumanismo nietzscheano? Sobre la parcialidad del alegato.Marina García-Granero - 2020 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 53:33-54.
    El artículo analiza desde una perspectiva crítica las tentativas de interpretar a Nietzsche como un precursor del transhumanismo. Tras una breve contextualización del fecundo debate en torno a Nietzsche y el transhumanismo, se evalúa el carácter fraccional o parcial del alegato de Stefan Sorgner en favor de un “transhumanismo nietzscheano”. Después, se investiga la tensión entre humanidad, la superación del ser humano y su cría en los escritos de Nietzsche. Una vez ejecutado este análisis, y sin ánimo de caer en (...)
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  • Nihilism, Neonihilism, Hypernihilism: ‘Nietzsche aujourd’hui’ Today?Ashley Woodward - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):244-264.
    The ‘French reading’ of Nietzsche crystallized almost 50 years ago at the 1972 conference at Cerisy-la-Salle, Nietzsche aujourd’hui. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual conference of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society, with the theme of ‘The Politics of Difference’, Newcastle University, 20–21 September 2018. Nietzsche’s fortunes have since undergone some dramatic shifts in France, but there are signs that he is once again on the ascendency, in particular the 2016 edited collection Pourquoi nous sommes Nietzschéens (a (...)
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  • Musical “Covers” and the Culture Industry.Babette Babich - 2018 - Research in Phenomenology 48 (3):385-407.
    This essay foregrounds “covers” of popular recorded songs as well as male and female desire, in addition to Nietzsche’s interest in composition, together with his rhythmic analysis of Ancient Greek as the basis of what he called the “spirit of music” with respect to tragedy. The language of “sonic branding” allows a discussion of what Günther Anders described as the self-creation of mass consumer but also the ghostly time-space of music in the broadcast world. A brief allusion to Rilke complements (...)
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  • Empedokles in Nietzsches Dramenentwürfen.Prudence Audié - 2024 - Nietzsche Studien 53 (1):1-16.
    Empedocles in the Face of Mythological Deities. A Reading of Nietzsche’s Dramatic Drafts. This article examines Nietzsche’s interest in Empedocles. Less prominent in Nietzsche’s thought than other pre-Socratic philosophers, Empedocles is difficult to classify. He is characterized by his tensions and ambivalence. By examining Nietzsche’s various drafts for a drama about the death of the philosopher from Agrigento, I will show how philological studies combine with Nietzsche’s philosophical thinking to question Empedocles’ ambivalence toward mythological divinities. Art of staging, excessive desire (...)
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  • Heidegger's Jews: Inclusion/Exclusion and Heidegger's Anti-Semitism.Babette Babich - 2016 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 47 (2):133-156.
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  • The Philosopher and the Volcano.Babette Babich - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement):206-224.
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  • Tecnotrascendencia como ilusión narcisista.Mariano Rodriguez Gonzalez - 2019 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 76:67-77.
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  • Nietzsche’s Ariadne: On Asses’s Ears in Botticelli/dürer – and Poussin’s Bacchanale.Babette Babich - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):570-605.
    In what follows I raise the question of Ariadne and Dionysus for Nietzsche, including the relative size of Ariadne’s ears, as Dionysus observes at the close of “Ariadne’s Lament” [Klage der Ariadne]. Nietzsche’s references to ears invoke not only Nietzsche’s “selective” concern with having the right ears but also the question of myth and genealogical context. Reading through myth is key not only in terms of the textual, lyric tradition but also painting and sculpture, including sarcophagi in antiquity. It makes (...)
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  • Ascese E gaia ciência na "genealogia da moral" de Nietzsche.Helmut Heit - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (137):373-389.
    RESUMO Neste artigo argumento que Nietzsche desenvolve a ideia de uma gaia ciência, que afirma a vida, como um possível resultado de uma história cultural do ascetismo e da sublimação. As seções finais da "Genealogia da moral" introduzem uma distinção entre ciência normal e idealista e discutem suas respectivas relações com o ascetismo. A prática do trabalho científico normal e a busca idealista pela verdade revelam, ambas, a falta de ideais autônomos. Uma análise de sua compreensão do conhecimento hipotética e (...)
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  • Infinite Monkeys: Nietzsche and the Cruel Optimism of Personal Immortality.Robert Johnson - unknown
    Nietzsche is a popular source of inspiration for transhumanist writers. Some, such as Sorgner and More, argue that Nietzsche ought to be considered a precursor of the movement. Transhumanism is a philosophy committed to the desirability of using technology to transform human beings, through significant alteration of their brains and bodies, into a new posthuman species. One of the defining characteristics of transhumanism is the desire for personal immortality. I argue that this feature of transhumanism is wholly incompatible with Nietzsche’s (...)
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  • Au commencement était la métaphore: Une intuition précoce de Nietzsche sur la primauté de la métaphore comme matrice cognitive.Laurent Lamy - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (132):521-540.
    RÉSUMÉ Cette étude met en perspective le précédent constitué par les travaux précoces du jeune Nietzsche où ce dernier fait valoir la force structurante de la métaphore comme matrice des facultés cognitives. Nous offrons d’abord une brève esquisse des postulats et des acquis des grammaires cognitives associées aux travaux d’Eleanor Rosch, ensuite de George Lakoff et Mark Johnson, ainsi qu’à la notion d’inscription corporelle de l’esprit développée par Francesco Varela. Cet exercice sert de propédeutique à une série de lectures tangentes (...)
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  • The Wanderer’s Promise: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the “Nearest Things”.Jill Marsden - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):117-133.
    In this essay I explore what might be meant by the “nearest things” in Nietzsche’s philosophy. In the first part of the essay I contextualise Nietzsche’s concerns with “the closest things of all” in the “free spirit” period (1878–1882) and raise the question of how knowledge of them is possible. This idea is developed in the second part of the paper in relation to the claim that dominant (Platonic/christian) habits of thought impede our understanding of the body. In the third (...)
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  • Nietzsche ante Schopenhauer: negación y reinvención de la finalidad.Begoña Pessis - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (1):45-58.
    El objetivo de mi trabajo estriba en reconocer sucintamente algunos de los puntos principales en que se fundamenta la posición de Nietzsche en relación a la teleología natural. El modo de atajar la cuestión será, en esta oportunidad, oponer la visión de Nietzsche al estado en que dejó Schopenhauer la cuestión. Para ello, abordaré en primer lugar algunos de los elementos que emparentan ambos proyectos y, en segundo lugar, un aspecto clave que parece alejarlos irremediablemente. Además de esclarecer este último (...)
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  • Should Anyone Care about Scientific Progress?Raphael Sassower - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (1):58-90.
    Scientific progress has been understood as synonymous with the growth of knowledge and the advancement of humanity. In this brief survey, this concept is problematized both in rhetorical terms and within the neoliberal framework. Despite the sustained marketing of the scientific community and its funding agencies, the dangers associated with progress are explained and highlighted.
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  • Fictions and Theories of the Posthuman: From Creature to Concept.Carole Guesse - 2019 - Dissertation, Université de Liège
    The posthuman is a multidimensionally hybrid figure: it denotes both the post-biological or technological being that mostly inhabits science-fiction stories as well as the ensuing reconceptualisation of what it means to be human. Even within these conditions, it remains hybrid: posthuman beings are mixes of organic and non- organic materials while posthuman conceptualisations combine philosophical and technological perspectives. This dissertation claims that the profoundly hybrid nature of the posthuman forces its texts – whether fictional or theoretical – to adopt similarly (...)
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  • "Como tornar-se o que se é": Si-mesmidade e fatalismo em Nietzsche.Eduardo Nasser - 2011 - Dissertatio 33:189-226.
    “Como tornar-se o que se é” é a máxima que Nietzsche resgata da II Ode Pítica, de Píndaro, para fazer frente ao “conhece-te a ti mesmo”. “Conhece-te a ti mesmo” é a “receita para o declínio” enquanto “como tornar-se o que se é” exprime a “conservação de si”. O estabelecimento dessa oposição requer, todavia, alguns esclarecimentos. Antes de tudo, não podemos ignorar que Nietzsche recorre à tradução latina nosce te ipsum para o grego gnothi seauton, uma opção engenhosa, sobretudo se (...)
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  • O problema da intencionalidade na fórmula "Como alguém se torna o que se é" de Nietzsche.Jorge Luiz Viesenteiner - 2010 - Dissertatio 31:97-117.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a questão da intencionalidade na fórmula “Como alguém se torna o que se é”, registrada por Nietzsche como subtítulo a Ecce homo. O problema da intencionalidade emerge, por um lado, a partir de uma frase do próprio livro de Nietzsche que reza: “Que alguém se torne o que é pressupõe que não suspeite sequer remotamente o que é”; e, por outro lado, da hipótese segundo a qual ‘tornar-se o que se é’ ocorre unicamente através (...)
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