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  1. From the Ultimate God to the Virtual God: Post-Ontotheological Perspectives on the Divine in Heidegger, Badiou, and Meillassoux.Jussi Backman - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 6 (Special):113-142.
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  • Las ontologías de lo común en la estética y en el arte actuales.Jordi Massó Castilla - 2013 - Isegoría 49:533-547.
    En las últimas décadas, dos líneas de pensamiento han querido hacerse cargo de la necesidad de pensar “lo común” desde coordenadas ontológicas. Una, representada principalmente por Jean-Luc Nancy y Alain Badiou, retoma los análisis de Heidegger sobre el Mitsein; la otra parte de los análisis que Toni Negri hace de la noción de “multitud” de Spinoza. Estas dos “ontologías de lo común” han dado pie a sendas estéticas que persiguen una finalidad política. Este trabajo estudia estas tendencias con el fin (...)
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  • Deleuze and Mathematics.Simon B. Duffy - 2006 - In Simon Duffy (ed.), Virtual Mathematics: the logic of difference. Clinamen.
    The collection Virtual Mathematics: the logic of difference brings together a range of new philosophical engagements with mathematics, using the work of French philosopher Gilles Deleuze as its focus. Deleuze’s engagements with mathematics rely upon the construction of alternative lineages in the history of mathematics in order to reconfigure particular philosophical problems and to develop new concepts. These alternative conceptual histories also challenge some of the self-imposed limits of the discipline of mathematics, and suggest the possibility of forging new connections (...)
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  • Un homme ivre d'immanence: Deleuze's Spinoza and Immanence.Jack Stetter - 2021 - Crisis and Critique 8 (1):388-418.
    Although Deleuze’s work on Spinoza is widely known, it remains poorly understood. In particular, Deleuze’s interpretation of Spinoza’s immanentism has not been treated sufficient care; that is, with an eye to the context of its elaboration and the way in which it gradually takes on different characteristics. With this paper, I offer a synoptic analysis of Deleuze’s views on immanence in Spinoza and examine how these change over the course of Deleuze’s career. There are three ascending stages here: a first (...)
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  • Missed Encounter: althusser–mao–spinoza.Jason Barker - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (4):71-89.
    This paper considers the trajectory of Althusser's Spinozism pre- and post-May ‘68. Where Althusser's application of Spinoza would often lead him into unknown or non-Marxist territory, one alternative way to think this relation is through the figure of Mao, whose concept of non-antagonistic contradiction I propose to read in terms of Spinoza's “determinate negation.” Although not going so far as to suggest that a certain combination of Mao and Spinoza would have enabled Althusser to “complete” Marx, this paper speculates on (...)
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  • Gian-Carlo Rota & Gilles Ch'telet, deux mathématiciens aux avant-postes de l'obscur.Charles Alunni - 2017 - Revue de Synthèse 138 (1-4):19-49.
    Cet article vise à montrer l’extrême proximité entre ces deux mathématiciens-philosophes que furent Gian-Carlo Rota et Gilles Châtelet disparus la même année. Au moins quatre points communs les relient : une philosophie romantique radicale ; une rigueur intellectuelle exemplaire ; une vision affine de la recherche mathématique ; une révolte intérieure exécrant tout sensus communis.This text shows the great proximity between two mathematicianphilosophers, Gilles Châtelet and Gian-Carlo Rota who both died in the same year 1999. There are at least four (...)
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  • Acercamiento badiousiano a la noción de ‘puntos de vista’: Del relativismo de la finitud constructivista al universalismo de la infinitud no constructible.Mikel Varela Pequeño - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 82:7-20.
    En este artículo abordaremos la cuestión de los ‘puntos de vista’ desde la propuesta filosófica de Alain Badiou. Para ello, recurriremos especialmente a L’être et l’événement y a los últimos seminarios, destinados a elaborar el material para L’Immanence des vérités, y centraremos el interés en las orientaciones de pensamiento constructivista y genérica. De tal modo que asociaremos el constructivismo a la noción de ‘puntos de vista’ y ensayaremos una especie de alternativa a partir de los postulados de Badiou sobre la (...)
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  • Beyond formalisation an interview.Alain Badiou - 2003 - Angelaki 8 (2):111 – 136.
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  • Philosophy as anti-religion in the work of Alain Badiou.Justin Clemens & Jon Roffe - 2008 - Sophia 47 (3):345-358.
    The Heideggerian rupture in the history of philosophy in the name of a phenomenological and poetic ontology has provided an opening which many of the key figures in twentieth century continental thought have exploited. However, this opening was marked by Heidegger himself as an ambiguous one, insofar as metaphysics was perhaps integrally ‘onto-theology,’ that is, ultimately continuous with the world-historical capture of the thought of being. This piece argues that the philosophy of Alain Badiou, which departs from the recognition that (...)
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  • Actualité de Jean-Toussaint Desanti. Mathesis en suspens.Charles Alunni - 2017 - Revue de Synthèse 138 (1-4):337-346.
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  • Nuo dalyvavimo proto sąvokoje prie dalyvavimo pasaulio įvykyje.Augustinas Dainys - 2013 - Žmogus ir Žodis 15 (4).
    Straipsnyje aptariami du alternatyvūs žmogiškosios būtybės buvimo būdai: dalyvavimas proto sąvokoje ir dalyvavimas pasaulio įvykyje. Teigiama, kad tradicinė Vakarų filosofija nuo Parmenido ir Platono iki R. Descarteso, I. Kanto ir G. Hegelio gali būti apibūdinama kaip dalyvavimas proto sąvokoje. Šiai tradicijai būdingas siekis pasaulio daiktus pajungti proto sąvokai ir pagal jos projektą perdaryti, keisti pasaulį. Tai nulėmė ekologinę katastrofą. Šią katastrofą galima įveikti tik pakeitus paradigmą ir perėjus prie dalyvavimo pasaulio įvykyje paradigmos. Remiamasi A. Badiou įvykio samprata, kuri priešinama Descarteso (...)
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