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Logiques des mondes

Paris: Editions du Seuil (2006)

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  1. (1 other version)Applied ethics - Perspectives from Romania.Shunzo Majima & Valentin Muresan (eds.) - 2013 - Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, Hokkaido University.
    The volume Applied Ethics. Perspectives from Romania is the first contribution that aims at showing to the Japanese reader a sample of contemporary philosophy in Romania. At the same time a volume of contemporary Japanese philosophy is translated into Romanian and will be published by the University of Bucharest Press. -/- Applied Ethics. Perspectives from Romania includes several original articles in applied ethics and theoretical moral philosophy. It is representative of the variety of research and the growing interest in applied (...)
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  • Beyond Bartleby and Bad Faith: Thinking Critically with Sartre and Deleuze.Dominic Smith - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (1):83-105.
    This essay argues that important critical and political perspective can be gained on Deleuze's famous essay, ‘Bartleby; or, The Formula’ by viewing it as an attempt to move beyond the Sartrean framework of ‘bad faith’. The argument comprises four sections. In section one, I contextualise Deleuze's essay in terms of contrasting readings of Bartleby, from a prior account by Georges Perec, to contemporary accounts indebted to Deleuze, from Hardt and Negri's Empire to Gisèle Berkman's recent L'Effet Bartleby. The argument of (...)
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  • On Marxism’s Field of Operation: Badiou and the Critique of Political Economy.Gavin Walker - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (2):39-74.
    Alain Badiou’s theoretical work maintains an ambiguous relation to Marx’s critique of political economy. In seemingly refusing the Marxian analytical strategy of displacement and referral across the fields of politics and economy, Badiou is frequently seen to be lacking a rigorous theoretical grasp of capitalism itself. In turn, this is often seen as a consequence of his understanding of political subjectivity. But the origins of this ‘lack’ of analysis of the social relation called ‘capital’ in his work can also be (...)
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  • If Not Here, Then Where? On the Location and Individuation of Events in Badiou and Deleuze.James Williams - 2009 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 3 (1):97-123.
    This paper sets out a series of critical contrasts between Alain Badiou and Gilles Deleuze's philosophies of the event. It does so in the context of some likely objections to their positions from a broadly analytic position. These objections concern problems of individuation and location in space-time. The paper also explains Deleuze and Badiou's views on the event through a literary application on a short story by John Cheever. In conclusion it is argued that both thinkers have good answers to (...)
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  • Gilles Deleuze and Michel Henry: Critical contrasts in the deduction of life as transcendental.James Williams - 2008 - Sophia 47 (3):265-279.
    To address the theological turn in phenomenology, this paper sets out critical arguments opposing the theist phenomenology of Michel Henry and Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy of the event. Henry’s phenomenology has been overlooked in recent commentaries compared with, for example, Jean-Luc Marion’s work. It will be shown here that Henry’s philosophy presents a detailed novel turn in phenomenology structured according to critical moves against positions developed from Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty. This demonstration is done through a strong contrast with Deleuze and (...)
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  • Phantom of consistency: Alain Badiou and Kantian transcendental idealism.Adrian Johnston - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (3):345-366.
    Immanuel Kant is one of Alain Badiou’s principle philosophical enemies. Kant’s critical philosophy is anathema to Badiou not only because of the latter’s openly aired hatred of the motif of finitude so omnipresent in post-Kantian European intellectual traditions—Badiou blames Kant for inventing this motif—but also because of its idealism. For Badiou-the-materialist, as for any serious philosophical materialist writing in Kant’s wake, transcendental idealism must be dismantled and overcome. In his most recent works, Badiou attempts to invent a non-Kantian notion of (...)
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  • Philosophy as anti-religion in the work of Alain Badiou.Justin Clemens & Jon Roffe - 2008 - Sophia 47 (3):345-358.
    The Heideggerian rupture in the history of philosophy in the name of a phenomenological and poetic ontology has provided an opening which many of the key figures in twentieth century continental thought have exploited. However, this opening was marked by Heidegger himself as an ambiguous one, insofar as metaphysics was perhaps integrally ‘onto-theology,’ that is, ultimately continuous with the world-historical capture of the thought of being. This piece argues that the philosophy of Alain Badiou, which departs from the recognition that (...)
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  • The catechism of the citizen: Politics, law and religion in, after, with and against Rousseau. [REVIEW]Simon Critchley - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (1):5-34.
    As a way of thinking through the bleakness of the political present through which we are all too precipitously moving, this essay attempts to demonstrate the interconnections between three concepts: politics, law and religion. By way of a detailed reading of Rousseau, I try to show how any conception of legitimate politics and law requires a conception of religion at its base and as its basis. In my view, this is highly problematic and in the conclusion an argument is presented (...)
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  • Agape and the Anonymous religion of atheism.Lorenzo Chiesa & Alberto Toscano - 2007 - Angelaki 12 (1):113 – 126.
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  • Islamism Revisited: A Lacanian Discourse Critique.Andrea Mura - 2014 - European Journal of Psychoanalysis (1):107-126.
    The aim of this article is to highlight the relevance of Lacanian psychoanaly-sis for an understanding of Islamism, unfolding its discursive-ideological complexity. Inan attempt to reply to Fethi Benslama’s recent exploration of the function of the fatherin Islam, I suggest that Benslama’s argument about the ‘delusional’ character of Islamismand the link he envisages between the emergence of Islamism and the crisis of ‘tradi-tional’ authoritative systems, should be further investigated so as to avoid potential risksof essentialism. A different reading of Islamism (...)
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  • The errant name: Badiou and Deleuze on individuation, causality and infinite modes in Spinoza. [REVIEW]Jon Roffe - 2007 - Continental Philosophy Review 40 (4):389-406.
    Although Alain Badiou dedicates a number of texts to the philosophy of Benedict de Spinoza throughout his work—after all, the author of a systematic philosophy of being more geometrico must be a point of reference for the philosopher who claims that “mathematics = ontology”—the reading offered in Meditation Ten of his key work Being and Event presents the most significant moment of this engagement. Here, Badiou proposes a reading of Spinoza’s ontology that foregrounds a concept that is as central to, (...)
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  • Beyond formalisation an interview.Alain Badiou - 2003 - Angelaki 8 (2):111 – 136.
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  • Badiou, Marx in analiza vrednostne forme.Rado Riha - 2017 - Filozofski Vestnik 38 (1).
    Članek skuša povezati Marxa in Badiouja na področju, kjer je njun vsebinski stik minimalen, tako rekoč ničen, na področju Marxove kritike politične ekonomije. Poskus njune povezave vodi hipoteza, da obstaja homologija med Badioujevo onto-logiko v Logiki svetov, in analizo vrednostne forme v Marxovem Kapitalu 1. Ključen element te homologije je konceptualna operacija prehoda od realnosti Dvojega k Trojemu kot notranji izjemi Dvojega. V nadaljevanju članek dokazuje, da je mogoče na osnovi tega prehoda rešiti uganko predmetnosti denarnega blaga pri Marxu.
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  • ¿Se puede pensar la Comuna como acontecimiento?Jordi Riba - 2021 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 17.
    This article aims to expose three ways how the facts of the Commune of Paris has had effect of event in the theoretical work of three authors: Guyau, Badiou and Abensour. For Guyau, present in the facts, it meant the absolute transformation towards a post-foundational and de-normativized thought. For Badiou, the Commune, in addition to be an event in itself, the realization of a form of philosophy based on ontological foundations resulting from the transformation of mathematics in recent centuries. And (...)
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  • Kdo misli reduktivno? Kapitalistične živali.Frank Ruda - 2014 - Filozofski Vestnik 35 (1).
    Kako reducirati ljudi na njihovo živalsko podstat? Se je ob tem mogoče izogniti sklicevanju na povratek k prvi naravi? Prispevek na ti vprašanji odgovarja pa podlagi zgodnjih Marxovih del. V ekonomsko-filozofskih rokopisih iz leta 1843 najdemo opazko, da politična ekonomija na delavca gleda z vidika njegove gole živalskosti. Ta diagnoza anticipira dobro znano trditev Alaina Badiouja, da kapitalizem človeka reducira na živalskost. Članek prinaša tezo, da lahko s pomočjo razumevanja Marxove trditve in demonstracije njene legitimnosti bolje razumemo delovanje kapitalizma, pa (...)
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  • Multiplicidad y encuentro educativo. Un aporte de la filosofía de Alain Badiou para pensar los cambios y los procesos de subjetivación en el ámbito educativo / Multiplicity and educational encounter. A contribution from the philosophy of Alain Badiou to think the changes and the processes of subjectivation in the educational environment.Leonardo Colella - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 17 (1):11-20.
    l presente artículo se propone explorar los procesos educativos a partir de la ontología y la teoría del sujeto de Alain Badiou. Para ello busca analizar las situaciones educativas ya no desde la figura del triángulo pedagógico, sino más bien partiendo de un encuentro de individuos con una doble caracterización: la “igualdad” y el “pensamiento”. De este modo, incorpora al análisis educativo experiencias alternativas a la educación institucionalizada, como el caso de Joseph Jacotot abordado por Jacques Rancière. Asimismo, el artículo (...)
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  • Acercamiento badiousiano a la noción de ‘puntos de vista’: Del relativismo de la finitud constructivista al universalismo de la infinitud no constructible.Mikel Varela Pequeño - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 82:7-20.
    En este artículo abordaremos la cuestión de los ‘puntos de vista’ desde la propuesta filosófica de Alain Badiou. Para ello, recurriremos especialmente a L’être et l’événement y a los últimos seminarios, destinados a elaborar el material para L’Immanence des vérités, y centraremos el interés en las orientaciones de pensamiento constructivista y genérica. De tal modo que asociaremos el constructivismo a la noción de ‘puntos de vista’ y ensayaremos una especie de alternativa a partir de los postulados de Badiou sobre la (...)
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  • The aesthetic recapitulation for a democratic future.Gustavo Andrés Celedón Bórquez - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 15 (2):91-98.
    Un vínculo necesario entre estética y socialización explica la profundidad sensible que debe construir todo cambio de paradigma y toda re-socialización. La democracia no funciona sin una apropiación individual y colectiva del sentir y de la producción de sentir. Es a partir entonces del trabajo artístico y de la instrospección y exteriorización de la dimensión sensible, que toda transformación puede ser aplicada. Se recorren parcialmente los pensamientos de Alain Badiou y Bernard Stiegler. A required link between aesthetic and socialization explains (...)
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