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  1. Lacan and Debt.Andrea Mura - 2015 - Philosophy Today 59 (2):155-174.
    In this article a reference to Jacques Lacan’s ‘capitalist discourse’ will help highlight the bio-political workings of neo-liberalism in times of austerity, detecting the transition from so-called ‘debt economy’ to an ‘economy of anxiety.’ An ‘il-liberal’ turn at the core of neoliberal discourses will be examined in particular, which pivots on an ‘astute’ intersecting between outbursts of renunciation; irreducible circularity of guilt and satisfaction; persistent attachment to forms of dissipative enjoyment; and a pervasive blackmail under the register of all-encompassing regulations (...)
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  2. Political and economic theology after Carl Schmitt: The confessional logic of deferment.Andrea Mura - 2022 - Journal for Cultural Research 2022 (3):266-278.
    Carl Schmitt’s critical insights into ‘economic-technical thinking’ and the dominant role that a ‘magical technicity’ is said to assume in the social horizon of his times offers an opportunity to reframe contemporary debates on political and economic theology, exposing a theological core behind technocratic administration. Starting from this premise, the article engages with recent inquiries into so-called ‘debt economy’, assessing the affective function that ‘deferment’ and ‘confession’ perform as dominant operators in the social imaginary of neoliberal governance.
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  3. National finitude and the paranoid style of the one.Andrea Mura - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (1):58-79.
    This article inquires into the clinical figure of paranoia and its constitutive role in the articulation of the nation-state discourse in Europe, uncovering a central tension between a principle of integrity and a dualist spatial configuration. A conceptual distinction between ‘border’ (finis) and ‘frontier’ (limes) will help to expose the political effects of such a tension, unveiling the way in which a solid and striated organisation of space has been mobilised in the topographic antagonism of the nation, sustaining the phantasm (...)
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  4. The inclusive dynamics of islamic universalism: From the vantage point of sayyid qutb's critical philosophy.Andrea Mura - 2014 - Comparative Philosophy 5 (1).
    This article pursues a topological reading of Milestones, one of the most influential books in the history of Islamism. Written by Muslim thinker Sayyid Qutb, the general interest in this crucial text has largely remained restricted to the fields of Islamic Studies and Security Studies. This article aims to make the case for assuming a philosophical standpoint, relocating its significance beyond the above-mentioned fields. A creative and topological reading of this text will allow the spatial complexity of Qutb’s eschatological vision (...)
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  5. A genealogical inquiry into early Islamism: the discourse of Hasan al-Banna.Andrea Mura - 2012 - Journal of Political Ideologies 17 (1):61-85.
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  6. Cent’anni dopo 'Teologia Politica': Pensiero tecnico-economico e Impresa di Sé.Andrea Mura - 2023 - In Arthur Bradley & Elettra Stimilli (eds.), Teologia Politica Oggi? Quodlibet. pp. 67-77.
    If Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology (1922) serves as a sort of ‘ground zero’ of political theological questions, at least in the disciplinary framework of political and legal theory, today’s debate has managed to look beyond Schmitt’s analysis of political authority, public law and the prerogatives of sovereign power. Schmitt’s genealogical and analogical methods have thus been redeployed to trace not only the modern concept of power back to Christian theology between the second and the fifth centuries, but to expose a (...)
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  7. Teologia Politica e Islamismo: Universalismo e caduta apocalittica nel pensiero di Sayyid Qutb.Andrea Mura - 2019 - In Elettra Stimilli (ed.), Teologie e politica: Genealogie e attualità. Quodlibet.
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  8. Psychoanalysis, Religion and Islamic Radicalization.Andrea Mura - 2019 - In Yannis Stavrakakis (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Pyschoanalytical Political Theory. Routledge.
    The chapter begins with a brief genealogy of psychoanalytic thinking in the broad area of religion. It first looks at Freud’s early modernist dismissal of religion, comparing this with Lacan’s valorisation of the ethical quests that both religion and psychoanalysis are said to share at the heart of their discourse. It then examines Lacan’s later pessimism in opposing the ‘triumph of religion’ in our times to an increasingly uncertain future for psychoanalysis. Moving from a conceptual discussion of these themes to (...)
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  9. Islamism Revisited: A Lacanian Discourse Critique.Andrea Mura - 2014 - European Journal of Psychoanalysis (1):107-126.
    The aim of this article is to highlight the relevance of Lacanian psychoanaly-sis for an understanding of Islamism, unfolding its discursive-ideological complexity. Inan attempt to reply to Fethi Benslama’s recent exploration of the function of the fatherin Islam, I suggest that Benslama’s argument about the ‘delusional’ character of Islamismand the link he envisages between the emergence of Islamism and the crisis of ‘tradi-tional’ authoritative systems, should be further investigated so as to avoid potential risksof essentialism. A different reading of Islamism (...)
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  10. Dall’economia del debito all’economia dell’angoscia: Il paradigma dell’indebitamento al tempo dell’austerity.Andrea Mura - 2015 - LETTERa: Quaderni di Clinica E Cultura Psicoanalitica 5:193-210.
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  11. Debito e Comune: Per un’etica del non-tutto.Andrea Mura - 2015 - Aut Aut 365.
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  12. Disorienting Austerity: The Indebted Citizen as the New Soul of Europe.Andrea Mura (ed.) - 2015 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This chapter examines the relation between citizenship and orientalism under the new conditions of indebtedness resulting from austerity. Taking its departure from a condition of precarity under debt economy, the crisis of Europe is described as the anxiety produced by a reversal of those paradigms that have sustained the image of Europe so far. This reversal coincides with a return in Europe of that which for a long time was ejected outside in order for Europe itself to be constituted as (...)
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  13. Orient, Orientation, and the Western Referent.Andrea Mura - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Comparative political thought has long been defined by a major project to widen the horizons of Western thought by attending to non-European and non-western speculative traditions. This chapter explores not only the implications and potentialities of such a move, but also its possible flows. It addresses some of the limits determining the idea of ‘non-Western’ thought across comparative projects, pointing to the internal tensions, accidental assumptions and integral betrayals through which the Western tradition has constituted itself. Our approach here is (...)
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  14. The Symbolic Scenarios of Islamism: A Study in Islamic Political Thought.Andrea Mura - 2015 - Routledge.
    The Symbolic Scenarios of Islamism initiates a dialogue between the discourse of three of the most discussed figures in the history of the Sunni Islamic movement—Hasan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb, and Osama bin Laden—and contemporary debates across religion and political theory, providing a crucial foundation upon which to situate current developments in world politics. Redressing the inefficiency of the terms in which the debate on Islam and Islamism is generally conducted, the book examines the role played by tradition, modernity, and transmodernity (...)
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