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  1. Epistemology of transformative material activity: John Dewey's pragmatism and cultural-historical activity theory.Reijo Miettinen - 2006 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 36 (4):389–408.
    The paper compares John Dewey's pragmatism and cultural-historical activity theory as epistemologies and theories of transformative material activity. For both of the theories, the concept of activity, the prototype of which is work, constitutes a basis for understanding the nature of knowledge and reality. This concept also implies for both theories a methodological approach of studying human behavior in which social experimentation and intervention play a central role. They also suggest that reflection and thought, mediated by language and semiotic artifacts, (...)
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  • Dewey's Naturalistic Metaphysics: Expostulations and Replies.Randy L. Friedman - 2011 - Education and Culture 27 (2):48-73.
    Critics of Dewey’s metaphysics point to his dismissal of any philosophy which locates ideals in a realm beyond experience. However, Dewey’s sustained critique of dualistic philosophies is but a first step in his reconstruction and recovery of the function of the metaphysical. Detaching the discussion of values from inquiry, whether scientific, philosophical or educational, produces the same end as relegating values to a transcendent realm that is beyond ordinary human discourse. Dewey’s naturalistic metaphysics supports his progressive educational philosophy. The duty (...)
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  • Lessons from Reckwitz and Rosa: Towards a Constructive Dialogue between Critical Analytics and Critical Theory.Simon Susen - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (5):545-591.
    It is hard to overstate the growing impact of the works of Andreas Reckwitz and Hartmut Rosa on contemporary social theory. Given the quality and originality of their intellectual contributions, it is no accident that they can be regarded as two towering figures of contemporary German social theory. The far-reaching significance of their respective approaches is reflected not only in their numerous publications but also in the fast-evolving secondary literature engaging with their writings. All of this should be reason enough (...)
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  • Pragmatism and the practical relevance of truth.Reinoud Bosch - 2007 - Foundations of Science 12 (3):189-201.
    In this article, I argue that pragmatism has something to gain from returning once more to the question of truth, and acknowledging the truth of the existence of Being and its elements. The practical relevance of this insight is shown by my proposition for a practical hermeneutic social scientific method which logically follows from the truth of Being. The method is compatible with the inevitability of subjective judgments in any kind of scientific research, as well as with many pragmatist insights. (...)
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  • American Pragmatism and Feminism: Fresh Opportunities for Sociological Inquiry.Nick Rumens & Mihaela Kelemen - 2010 - Contemporary Pragmatism 7 (1):129-148.
    Despite its impact on public administration, policy development, education, philosophy and politics, American pragmatism has made a relatively small impression on the social sciences. In particular, American pragmatism has seldom influenced feminism, which is remarkable given the potentially striking affinities between these two disciplines. Drawing upon the pragmatist philosophy of John Dewey and the work of feminists who support a pragmatist approach to the study of gender, this article discusses the chequered history of relations between the two disciplines. It also (...)
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  • Sociological hermeneutics and metaphors in social sciences: a problem of demarcation concrete empirical and concrete imaginative concepts.Ondřej Stulík - 2015 - E-Logos 22 (1):92-102.
    Článek je zaměřen na vybrané implikace mezi sociologickou hermeneutikou (přístup) a analýzou metafor (analytický koncept). Konkrétně je řešen vztah lingvistického kontextu textu (jako empirického korpusu) a vyplývajících (skrytých) implikací, které jsou odhalitelné díky kontextu metaforického významu. Určený vztah může pomoci k zpřesnění role sociologické hermeneutiky v sociálních vědách, konkrétně k možnosti volby v kvalitativních metodách skrze kritickou metodologii. Výstupem článku je konstatování silné vazby mezi tvorbou kontextuálních metafor a postavením polysémického slova ve větě, která díky tomu tvoří základním referenční objekt (...)
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  • Does Pragmatism Have A Theory of Power?Joel Wolfe - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (1):120-137.
    Asking if pragmatism, and John Dewey in particular, has a theory of power poses the question about the intellectual resources that pragmatism has to offer the social sciences. Pragmatism stands accused of being naïve about power and presenting the specter of an overly soft program for doing social science. Yet, Dewey’s philosophical method provides a distinctive transactional theory of power and untapped resources for advancing social science. Dewey’s melioristic philosophical vision develops a theory of praxis that is a tacit theory (...)
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  • Handbook of philosophy of management.Cristina Neesham & Steven Segal (eds.) - 2019
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  • Pragmatism, Realism and Hermeneutics.Andrea Fiore - 2022 - Critical Hermeneutics 6 (2).
    This paper aims to analyse the notion of familiarity in Dewey’s pragmatism in order to show its important role as a tool for human beings to interpret the reality, manage it, and act within it. Starting from an examination of Deweyan transactional realism, the discourse focuses on familiarity and its related terms (such as “familiar,” “to familiarize,” but also opposites such as “unknown” or “strange”) in Dewey’s thought, to finally come to highlight its fundamental hermeneutic role. This might be useful (...)
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  • Critical Remarks on Existence Theory: Between Existentialism and Phenomenology.S. Susen - 2022 - Journal of Classical Sociology 22 (1).
    The main purpose of this paper is to examine the ‘existence theory’ proposed by Patrick Baert, Marcus Morgan, and Rin Ushiyama. To this end, it focuses on some key issues that could, and arguably should, be explored in more detail, especially if the authors decide to develop their project further, permitting them to establish a new interdisciplinary branch of inquiry. The comments and suggestions made in this paper are meant to be constructive, supporting the idea that Baert, Morgan, and Ushiyama’s (...)
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