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  1. Triple contingency: The theoretical problem of the public in communication societies.Piet Strydom - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (2):1-25.
    This paper seeks to show that the proposition of 'double contingency' introduced by Parsons and defended by Luhmann and Habermas is insufficient under the conditions of contemporary communication societies. In the latter context, the increasing differentiation and organization of communication processes eventuated in the recognition of the epistemic authority of the public, which in turn compels us to conceptualize a new level of contingency. A first step is therefore taken to capture the role of the public in communication societies theoretically (...)
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  • Reflexivity.Dick Pels - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (3):1-25.
    Reflexivity, or the systematic attempt to include the spokesperson in accounts of the social world, is a magnetic signature and inherent riddle of all modern thinking about knowledge and science. Turning the narrative back upon the narrator may sharpen our critical wits about the `inescapable perspectivity' of human knowledge; but self-referential accounts may also trigger endless loops of meta-theorizing and lose track of the object itself. Negotiating the twin pitfalls of spiralling meta-reflexivity and flat naturalistic accounts, I argue for a (...)
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  • Crisis and critique in Jürgen Habermas’s social theory.Rodrigo Cordero - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (4):497-515.
    At a time when ideas of crisis and critique are at the forefront of public discourse, this article seeks to understand moments of crisis vis-à-vis critique as a key feature of critical social theory. It addresses Jürgen Habermas’s strong claim that this relationship accounts for a ‘model of analysis’ concerned with grasping the ‘diremptions’ of social life. To elaborate this reading, the article pays attention to the main problems Habermas identifies in conventional ways of understanding the concepts of ‘crisis’ and (...)
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  • Reflexive Modernization Temporalized.Barbara Adam - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (2):59-78.
    This article considers the relevance of time theory for Beck's theory of reflexive modernization and vice versa. It focuses in particular on discontinuity in the context of continuity, on decontextualization, naturalization and responsibility as key concerns of both perspectives on the industrial way of life. It makes explicit the temporal underpinnings of that cultural form with respect to five Cs: the creation of time to human design (C1), the commodification of time (C2), the compression of time (C3), the control of (...)
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  • Ulrich Beck: E-Special Introduction.Gabe Mythen - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):383-409.
    This e-special issue of Theory, Culture & Society showcases work published in the journal by and about the late German sociologist Ulrich Beck (1944–2015). Beck became known as a pioneering and inventive thinker, continuously engaged in a quest to capture the essence of the modern age, whilst simultaneously wrestling with the upcoming horizons of the future. During his career, he was responsible for developing some of the defining sociological concepts of the late 20th and early 21st century, including risk, reflexive (...)
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  • Cosmopolis: An Introduction.Mike Featherstone - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (1):1-16.
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  • Reflexive Modernization and Beyond.Luigi Pellizzoni - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (4):99-125.
    The relationship between knowledge and values, experts and lay people, represents a major issue of the debate involving environment and technology. There is a growing awareness that the connection between value commitments and technical solutions, scientific expertise and lay competence, is much more entangled than once was believed. The article deals with this issue by analysing Robert Dahl's `minipopulus' and Silvio Funtowicz and Jerry Ravetz's `extended peer communities' arguments. They are subsequently inserted into the sociological debate which is, at present, (...)
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  • The Multifaceted Challenges of the Digital Transformation: Creating a Sustainable Society.Gheorghe Nadoleanu, Ana Rodica Staiculescu & Emanuela Bran - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):300-316.
    Technology and society are deeply interconnected, as technology emerges from the existent cultural framework and consequently shapes society on the micro level of human interaction and the larger scale of social structure and system. This paper tackles the digital transformation present in Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0. We analyse disruptive digital technologies by focusing on the social or cultural context of their creation, their core philosophy, and the impact they seem to have or how society may be shaped by their (...)
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  • 'Botanizing on the asphalt'? The complex life of cosmopolitan bodies.Nigel Clark - 2000 - Body and Society 6 (3-4):12-33.
    Notions of complexity, non-linear dynamics and self-organization in the natural sciences seem to resonate with certain literary and social scientific traditions of thinking about cosmopolitan life in a sense that may be more than merely metaphorical. Just as science speaks of forms and patterns which come into being spontaneously, unpredictably and `from below', so too is there a resurgent interest in a `baroque' vision of modernity which foregrounds chance encounters and `underworld' associations. The parallels are still stronger if we take (...)
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  • Rethinking Subpolitics.Boris Holzer & Mads P. Sørensen - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (2):79-102.
    Beck uses the term `subpolitics' to refer to forms of politics outside and beyond the representative institutions of the political system of nation-states. From the perspective of the theory of reflexive modernization, the proliferation of subpolitics indicates a weakening of the `iron cage' of bureaucratic, state-oriented politics. We argue that subpolitics does indeed challenge conventional notions of politics. It mobilizes sources of societal influence that transcend the formal political system. In particular, subpolitics correlates with the command over positive or negative (...)
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  • The Gendered Time Politics of Globalization: Of Shadowlands and Elusive Justice.Barbara Adam - 2002 - Feminist Review 70 (1):3-29.
    This paper seeks to bring a time perspective to the discourses of globalization and development. It first connects prominent recent gender-neutral discourses of globalization with highly gendered analyses of development, bringing together institutional—structural analyses with contextual and experiential data. It places alongside each other ‘First World’ perspectives and analyses of the changing conditions of people in the ‘developing’ world who are at the receiving end of globalized markets, and the international politics of aid. To date, neither of these fields of (...)
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  • Hermeneutic culturalism and its double: a key problem in the reflexive modernization debate.Piet Strydom - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (1):45-69.
    Proceeding from the debate opened by Beck, Giddens and Lash’s Reflexive Modernization, this paper seeks to clear the way for a more consistent and coherent concept of reflexivity in relation to the cultural-symbolic foundations of society. Seeing that Lash in his contribution to the debate inadvertently raises a key problem, i.e., the broad cognitive problem, the paper develops a critique of his hermeneutic culturalism. It focuses on the disparity between the position explicitly put forward in the debate with Beck and (...)
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  • ‘(World) risk society’ or ‘new rationalities of risk’? A critical discussion of Ulrich Beck’s theory of reflexive modernity.Klaus Rasborg - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 108 (1):3-25.
    This paper calls attention to some basic problems and inner contradictions in the German sociologist Ulrich Beck’s theory of the ‘(world) risk society’ or reflexive (second) modernity. A main thread in the critique is that of addressing the theoretical ambiguities that seem to characterize Beck’s at the same time ‘social constructivist’ and ‘realist’ notion of risk – ambiguities that seem to be repeated on the one hand in Beck’s view on the relation between knowledge and unawareness in reflexive modernity and (...)
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  • Zero-covid advocacy during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of views on Twitter/X.Kasper P. Kepp, Kevin Bardosh, Tijl De Bie, Louise Emilsson, Justin Greaves, Tea Lallukka, Taulant Muka, J. Christian Rangel, Niclas Sandström, Michaéla C. Schippers, Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit & Tracy Vaillancourt - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (2):169-199.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many advocacy groups and individuals criticized governments on social media for doing either too much or too little to mitigate the pandemic. In this article, we review advocacy for COVID-19 elimination or “zero-covid” on the social media platform X (Twitter). We present a thematic analysis of tweets by 20 influential co-signatories of the World Health Network letter on ten themes, covering six topics of science and mitigation (zero-covid, epidemiological data on variants, long-term post-acute sequelae (Long COVID), (...)
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  • Risk society revisited, again.Steve Matthewman - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 128 (1):141-152.
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  • Science, technology and modernity: Beck and Derrida on the politics of risk.Ross Abbinnett - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (1):101-126.
    The purpose of the article is to evaluate the ethical and political conclusions that Ulrich Beck draws from his account of ‘civilization risks’. I have argued that the categories of ‘life’, ‘the organic’, and the ‘technological’ which are presented in Risk Society, presuppose a certain metaphysics of ‘natural’ human identity; and that it is the inscription of this identity in the politics of risk administration which opens the possibility of an absolutely legitimized regulation of nature, humanity, and society. Thus, in (...)
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  • The Anthropocene as a Figure of Neoliberal Hegemony.Ross Abbinnett - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (4):367-379.
    The idea of the Anthropocene postulates that, epistemically and ontologically, we must consider the climatic, geological, and biological systems of the Earth as essentially bound up with the technological systems that have been developed by human beings. This idea has been aesthetically configured through images of ‘Spaceship Earth’ and in the orbital pictures of light patterns emitted by human settlements across the globe. I will argue that this shift towards the idea of the Anthropocene is complicit with a certain kind (...)
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  • Eco-spiritual Social Work as a Precondition for Social Development.Sandra B. Ferreira - 2010 - Ethics and Social Welfare 4 (1):3-23.
    This article debates the possibility that social work as a profession can, if it is not vigilant to the underlying premises of social development, contribute to the promotion of social injustice towards the same people it sets out to empower by unwittingly depleting and destroying the environment. Social development with its strong focus on economic development is driven mainly by modernity as a worldview. Values from this view underline aspects such as the natural environment as resource, economic growth and domination (...)
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  • Od dyktatury ekspertów do demokracji nieliberalnej.Janusz Grygieńć - 2021 - Civitas 28:15-40.
    Brak transparentności procesów decyzyjnych typowy dla demokracji liberalnych oraz związany z nim kryzys zaufania obywateli wobec instytucji politycznych to jedne z głównych przyczyn sukcesów odnoszonych przez stronników demokracji nieliberalnej. Zdaniem krytyków liberalizmu zbyt wiele decyzji współcześnie delegowanych jest do ciał nienadzorowanych demokratycznie. Zwolennicy koncepcji demokracji deliberacyjnej formułują różne remedia na tę sytuację. Nie czynią tego jednak stronnicy najpopularniejszej obecnie z wersji demokracji deliberacyjnej – podejścia systemowego do deliberacji. Autor artykułu twierdzi, że podejście to może legitymizować „niedemokratyczny liberalizm” – jedną z (...)
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  • Globalization and the evolution of democratic civil society: Democracy as spatial discourse.Patrick M. Jenlink - 2007 - World Futures 63 (5 & 6):386 – 407.
    At its core, the evolution of democratic civil society is a process of transcending existing, historical social space, a process that desires to dissolve "political society" into "civil society" and with it to reformulate space as more democratic, participatory public space, and global spheres of interaction. In this article, the author examines the implications of globalization and the evolution of democratic civil society. Drawing on the work of French theorists de Certeau and Lefebvre, the author examines the nature of space (...)
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  • Visualizing Risk: Images, Risk and Fear in a Health Campaign.Jessica Kuperavage - 2017 - Journal of Medical Humanities 38 (2):115-132.
    This essay considers the structure of risk in health campaign formation and design by examining an early 20th century federal campaign to reduce infant mortality. Health campaigns navigate the gap between study and practice, translating quantitative findings into prescriptive responses for individual consumers of the text. By focusing specifically on the visual rhetoric of risk, this campaign serves as a case study to examine how the public was taught to see and understand risk and preventive health at a critical point (...)
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  • Law and Precaution in the European Risk Society: The Case of EU Environmental Policy.Joseph D. Mathis & Luigi D. A. Corrias - 2017 - Ratio Juris 30 (3):322-340.
    Ulrich Beck characterized the transition from modern to late modern society as a shift from an industrial to a “risk society.” Contemporary society is challenged by negative side effects of modernization, including the increasing and imminent threat of global climate change. This article will test the validity of conceivable prescriptive elements associated with this sociological theory. In doing so, it will focus on the most recent legal developments aimed at tackling climate change within the EU. This paper finds that the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Paradojas del progreso en la aldea global.Leonardo Ordónez Díaz - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (154):137-163.
    La idea de progreso es una de las nociones más influyentes, pero también más polémicas, del mundo moderno. Ello se debe en buena medida al carácter ideológico que subyace a su empleo en diferentes contextos. En este artículo se examinan cuatro paradojas que ha generado la aplicación de la idea de progreso, cuyos efectos negativos se hacen sentir cada vez con más fuerza hoy en día. Se muestra también cómo esta idea, pese al creciente descrédito que la rodea, continúa ejerciendo (...)
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  • Reflexive Judgement, Risk and Responses.D. Pick - 2006 - Journal of Human Values 12 (1):55-64.
    Despite global acknowledgement of HIV/AIDS reaching pandemic proportions with 37.8 million people (WHO/UNAIDS 2004) living with the infection, progress towards developing effective international responses to curb its spread has been slow. The focus of current debate tends to focus on the medical treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, leading to emphasis being placed on the rapid increase in HIV infection as well as opportunistic diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria. The traditional view of responding to these challenges has been probing the (...)
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  • Gubernamentalidad.Nikolas Rose, Pat O'Malley & Mariana Valverde - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
    Este estudio revisa el desarrollo del análisis propuesto por Michel Foucault sobre el poder político en términos de gubernamentalidad, y esboza sus características principales. Se examina el despliegue de esta perspectiva, centrándose particularmente en cómo este enfoque genealógico del análisis de la conducta de todos y cada uno ha sido acogido y desarrollado en el mundo angloparlante. Se evalúan algunas de las críticas fundamentales que han sido planteadas a la analítica de la gubernamentalidad, y se arguye en favor de la (...)
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  • Environment and Participation in a Context of Political Modernisation.Jan P. M. Van Tatenhove & Pieter Leroy - 2003 - Environmental Values 12 (2):155-174.
    This article discusses the relation between environment and participation in the context of different stages of political modernisation. We focus on the dynamics of environmental policy on the one hand, and the organisation of political participation on the other. The central argument is that participation is inextricably linked to environmental issues, but that their relation differs substantially over the various stages of the institutionalisation of environmental policy. While in the 1970s supplementary forms of participation dominated, the societalisation and marketisation of (...)
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  • Cosmopolitan risk community and China’s climate governance.Joy Yueyue Zhang - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (3):327-342.
    Ulrich Beck asserts that global risks, such as climate change, generate a form of ‘compulsory cosmopolitanism’, which ‘glues’ various actors into collective action. Through an analysis of emerging ‘cosmopolitan risk communities’ in Chinese climate governance, this article points out a ‘blind spot’ in the theorization of cosmopolitan belonging and an associated inadequacy in explaining shifting power relations. The article addresses this problem by engaging with the intersectionality of the cosmopolitan space. It is argued that cosmopolitan belonging is a form of (...)
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