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Looking Backward: 2000-1887

Utopian Studies 8 (2):118-120 (1997)

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  1. The Value of Time Matters for Temporal Justice.Jens Jørund Tyssedal - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):183-196.
    There has recently been a revived interest in temporal justice among political philosophers. For example, lone mothers have, on average, 30 h less free time per week than people in couples without children. Recent work has focussed on free time as a distinct distributive good, but this paper argues that it would be a mistake for a theory of temporal justice to focus only on shares of free time. First, I argue that the concept of free time does not succeed (...)
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  • The Mediation is the Message.Andrew Feenberg - 2013 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 17 (1):7-24.
    Critical theory of technology brings technology studies to bear on the social theory of rationality. This paper discusses this connection through a reconsideration of the contribution of the Frankfurt School to our understanding of what I call the paradox of rationality, the fact that the promise of the Enlightenment has been disappointed as advances in scientific and technical knowledge have led to more and more catastrophic consequences. The challenge for critical theory is to understand this paradox without romantic and anti-modern (...)
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  • The Post-Dystopian Technorealism of Ted Chiang.James Hughes & Nir Eisikovits - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies 32 (1):1-14.
    In this article, we argue that Ted Chiang’s short stories offer a realist philosophy of technology, one that charts a third course between the techno-pessimism and techno-optimism that characterize the history of philosophizing about technology and much of the speculative fiction about it. We begin by surveying the history of utopian and skeptical approaches to technology in philosophy and speculative fiction. We then move to discuss two of Chiang’s recent stories and use them to articulate the author’s techno-realism. Chiang’s view, (...)
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  • The Titanic and the art of myth.Stephen Cox - 2003 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 15 (3-4):403-434.
    The myths engendered by the Titanic disaster suggest the essentially literary character of myths, the importance of individuals in their creation and consumption, the frequent insistence of their consumers on literal‐historical truth, and thus the importance of discerning whether, and why, the creators of a myth distort the truth. The myth of the Titanic should be understood as a literal‐historical myth with an especially strong literary character and claim to truth; a myth whose interest has not been exhausted by time (...)
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  • The Question Concerning Techno-Utopia.Szymon Wróbel - 2019 - Philosophy Study 9 (7).
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  • The Unfinished History of China's Future.John Fitzgerald - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 57 (1):17-31.
    This paper traces the history of thinking about the `future' in China from the late 19th to the late 20th centuries with a view to identifying China's particular `end of history'. At the turn of this century, the future of New China was prefigured in a variety of scenarios - from statist to liberal - that implied competing goals and strategies for realizing the future. These strategies were shaped by a utopian vision of Great Harmony (datong), which shaped in turn (...)
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  • The Planners and the Planned.Alan Ryan - 2013 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 25 (3-4):445-460.
    Much of what makes Hayek so controversial can be found in The Road to Serfdom, the theoretical basis of which is provided by The Counter-Revolution of Science. The first book, a polemic against the “planning mentality,” did not defend complete laissez faire, but argued that planning disrupts the coordination between prices and supply and demand; that effective planning is thus impossible in a modern industrial society; that it is coercive; and, of course, that it leads to totalitarianism. In The Counter-Revolution (...)
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  • Rationality and distribution in the socialist economy.Jan Philipp Dapprich - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Glasgow
    The thesis provides a philosophically grounded account of a socialist planned economy. While I do not primarily consider a positive case for socialism, I address two major objections to it and thus argue that the possibility of socialism as an alternative form of economic organisation has been dismissed too quickly. Furthermore, I provide an account of the precise form a socialist economy should take, outlining general principles of planning and distribution. Based on a welfarist interpretation of Marx, I show that (...)
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