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From east to west: odyssey of a soul

New York: Routledge (2000)

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  1. The Theory and Application of Critical Realist Philosophy and Morphogenetic Methodology: Emergent Structural and Agential Relations at a Hospice.Martin Lipscomb - unknown
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  • The Metaphysics of a Contemporary Islamic Shari'a: A MetaRealist Perspective.Matthew L. N. Wilkinson - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (4):350-365.
    The philosophy of metaReality and, in particular, ideas of transcendence can ‘underlabour’ for the re-enchantment of Islamic praxis, ethics and law by helping to uncover in a systematic, non-arbitrary way the spiritual objectives inherent in the basic beliefs, practices and obligations of Islam. The commonly accepted elements of the Islamic legal pathway, such as the obligation of marriage, far from being inhibiting, can help humans access the dialectical pulse of freedom and the emancipatory meaning inherent tendentially in human relationships. Thus, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Bhaskar's Critique of the Philosophical Discourse of Modernity.Mervyn Hartwig - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (4):485-510.
    Uniquely among contemporary philosophies, Roy Bhaskar’s system of critical realism attempts to sublate (draw out the real strengths of and surpass) the philosophical discourse of modernity considered as a dialectically developing totality. This paper systematically expounds and comments on Bhaskar’s metacritique of that discourse and situates it briefly in relation to Jürgen Habermas’s earlier critique.
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  • How to Tell Better Cosmic Stories: A Rejoinder to Nick Hostettler.Heikki Patomäki - 2010 - Journal of Critical Realism 9 (1):104-111.
    In response to Hostettler, I clarify the intended meanings of ‘After Critical Realism?’ My point is not to abandon critical realism but to develop it further and make it more self-reflexively critical. Bhaskar's journey through different stories about our place in the cosmos is a dialectical learning process from Althusserian scientist existentialism, via an all-encompassing dialectical philosophy as a theory of moral good grounded in every expressively veracious action or remark, to a pluralist notion of God. Bhaskar's questions are deep (...)
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  • The Pulse of Freedom? Bhaskar's Dialectic and Marxism.Sean Creaven - 2002 - Historical Materialism 10 (2):77-141.
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  • (1 other version)Science Education as Emancipatory: The case of Roy Bhaskar's philosophy of meta‐Reality.Michalinos Zembylas - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (5):665–676.
    In this essay, I argue that Roy Bhaskar's philosophy of meta‐Reality creates the middle way to theorize emancipation in critical science education: between empiricism and idealism on the one hand, and naïve realism and relativism, on the other hand. This theorization offers possibilities to transcend the usual dichotomies and dualisms that are often perpetuated in some feminist and multiculturalist accounts of critical science education. Further, meta‐Reality suggests a radically new way to re‐visit the suspect notion of emancipation. The implications for (...)
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  • (1 other version)Science Education as Emancipatory: The case of Roy Bhaskar's philosophy of meta‐Reality.Michalinos Zembylas - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (5):665-676.
    In this essay, I argue that Roy Bhaskar's philosophy of meta‐Reality creates the middle way to theorize emancipation in critical science education: between empiricism and idealism on the one hand, and naïve realism and relativism, on the other hand. This theorization offers possibilities to transcend the usual dichotomies and dualisms that are often perpetuated in some feminist and multiculturalist accounts of critical science education. Further, meta‐Reality suggests a radically new way to re‐visit the suspect notion of emancipation. The implications for (...)
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  • Roy Bhaskar with Mervyn Hartwig, The Formation of Critical Realism: A Personal Perspective. [REVIEW]Nick Wilson - 2012 - Journal of Critical Realism 11 (2):247-254.
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  • Approaches to Critical Realism: Bhaskar and Lonergan.Timothy Walker - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (2):111-127.
    ABSTRACTThe thought of Bernard Lonergan remains relatively unknown among those in the tradition of critical realism associated with Roy Bhaskar. In this paper, I argue that Lonergan’s approach to philosophical questions is both deeply consonant with the thought of Bhaskar and complementary to it. Following a brief overview of different approaches to critical realism, Lonergan’s epistemology is outlined, and parallels drawn with the thought of Bhaskar. The congruence of Lonergan’s philosophy with modern science and its openness to the transcendent are (...)
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  • ‘There Must Be Consequences’: The Impact of Misaligned Behaviour Management Perspectives in Remote Indigenous Education.Ian Mackie, Gary MacLennan & Brad Shipway - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (3):303-314.
    ABSTRACTThis article argues for a rejection of approaches to school discipline which are rooted in behaviourism and Humean notions of causality. An alternative approach is called for, one that draws upon critical realism to sustain an interdisciplinary depth-realism explanation of the causal mechanisms at play in Indigenous students' struggles for emancipation. The critical realist metaReality approach to spirituality – suggests a deeper reality in which we are all intimately connected. As such, the freedom of each is necessarily dependent on the (...)
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  • ‘Orthodox’ Critical Realism and the Critical Realist Embrace.Mervyn Hartwig - 2009 - Journal of Critical Realism 8 (2):233-257.
    Distinguishing between ‘analytical’ or ‘orthodox’ and ‘dialectical’ readings of first-wave critical realism, this review essay engages critically with the former as exemplified in Critical Realism and the Social Sciences: Heterodox Elaborations, edited by Jon Frauley and Frank Pearce. It argues that the ‘orthodox’ reading is fixist and endist and that this is conducive to an ill-informed and unconstructive attitude of hostility to dialectical critical realism and the philosophy of meta-Reality that is at odds with the critical realist embrace and that (...)
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  • The Abyss of Intransitivity: On Critical Realism and Theories of Religion.Michael Stausberg - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 29 (2):268-274.
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  • The ontology of the Muslim male offender: a critical realist framework.Lamia Irfan & Matthew Wilkinson - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (5):481-499.
    ABSTRACT This article proposes a theoretical framework for thinking systematically about Muslim males’ involvement in criminality, derived from the philosophy of critical realism. This theoretical framework is deployed to explore primary data from life story interviews with 17 Muslim male offenders in a way that explains the role of structural and cultural factors, as well as individual agency, in participants’ involvement in crime at a range of ‘emergent’ ontological levels. As well as factors in common with offending by young males (...)
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  • Critical realism in nursing: an emerging approach.Catharine J. Schiller - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (2):88-102.
    Critical realism, a philosophical framework originally developed by Roy Bhaskar in the 1970s, represents a relatively new approach to research generally and to nursing research in particular. This article explores the ontological and epistemological tenets of critical realism and examines the application of critical realist principles to nursing research and practice through a review of the literature. It is evident that few published nursing research studies have, as of yet, utilized critical realism as their paradigm of choice. Both the strengths (...)
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  • Building on the shoulders of Bhaskar and Matthews: a critical realist criminology.Matthew Wilkinson, Muzammil Quraishi, Lamia Irfan & Mallory Schneuwly Purdie - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (2):123-144.
    Building on the insights of the late Roy Bhaskar and the late Roger Matthews, as well as some recent developments in ultra-realist criminology, this article introduces and delineates some core inte...
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  • Introducing Islamic Critical Realism: A Philosophy for Underlabouring Contemporary Islam.Matthew L. N. Wilkinson - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (4):419-442.
    This article makes the case for a contemporary philosophy of Islam to help Muslims surmount the challenges of postmodernity and to transcend the hiatuses and obstacles that Muslims face in their interaction and relationships with non-Muslims. It argues that the philosophy of critical realism so fittingly underlabours for the contemporary interpretation, clarification and conceptual deepening of Islamic doctrine and practice as to suggest and necessitate the development of a distinctive Islamic critical realist philosophy, social and educational theory and world-view, specifically (...)
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  • The great antagonism that never was: unexpected affinities between religion and education in post-secular society.David Baker - 2019 - Theory and Society 48 (1):39-65.
    A persistent sociological thesis posits that the spread of formal education causes an inevitable decline in religion as a social institution and diminishes adherence to religious beliefs in postindustrial society. Now that worldwide advanced education is a central agent in developing and disseminating Western rationality emphasizing science as the ultimate truth claim about a humanly constructed society and the natural world this seems an ever more relevant thesis. Yet in the face of a robust “education revolution,” religion and spirituality endure, (...)
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  • All You Need is Love.Mervyn Hartwig - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (2):205-224.
    This essay sets out some key qualities of love according to the philosophy of critical realism, together with Roy Bhaskar's arguments for them. It then considers how Bhaskar's claims stack up with the findings of modern physics, indicates how the category of love unifies the philosophical system of critical realism and critiques Luc Ferry's view that the reign of love has already begun in the West, before briefly discussing the practical application of Bhaskar's philosophy of love in the work of (...)
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  • Opportunity, discovery and creativity : a critical realist perspective.Lee Martin & N. R. Wilson - unknown
    In this article, we draw upon the philosophy of critical realism to reflect upon issues concerning discovery processes and opportunity development. First, paradoxes in the relationship between opportunity discovery and creativity are identified and explained. Second, the question of how to investigate opportunities is discussed and a solution informed by critical realism presented whereby three new types of discovery are identified and defined for empirical investigation. Using critical realism to augment entrepreneurial opportunity theory, we propose that discovery processes have significance (...)
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  • Realism in One Country?Frédéric Vandenberghe - 2009 - Journal of Critical Realism 8 (2):203-232.
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  • Knowledge and Human Liberation: Jürgen Habermas, Sri Aurobindo and Beyond.Ananta Kumar Giri - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (1):85-103.
    Knowledge and human liberation are epochal challenges and a key question here is what the meaning of knowledge and the meaning of human liberation are. This article argues that knowledge means not only knowledge of self, society and nature as conceived within the predominant dualistic logic of modernity but also knowledge of transcendental self beyond sociological role playing, knowledge of nature beyond anthropocentric reduction and control, and knowledge of cosmos, God and transcendence in an interconnected spirit of autonomy and interpenetration. (...)
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  • The Realism and Evolutionary Personalism of N.O. Lossky.Petr Abramov & Andrei Ivanov - 2018 - Sophia 59 (4):767-778.
    The paper is devoted to Nikolay Lossky who was one of the leading Russian philosophers of the first half of the twentieth century. We demonstrate the interrelationship between three aspects of Lossky’s philosophy: realism in the theory of knowledge, hierarchical personalism, and supra-naturalistic concept of evolution. We pay attention to the contemporary relevance of Lossky, and we discuss and critique his ideas in light of those of other philosophers. Lossky acknowledges that the subject interacts with being itself and that knowledge (...)
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  • On the Relationship of Ian Barbour's and Roy Bhaskar's Critical Realism.Andreas Losch - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (1):70-83.
    ‘Critical realism’ is to some extent an equivocal term, although its ambiguity has rarely been noticed. The reason for this ambiguity is that the term has constantly been reinvented. Nevertheless, the identity of the label and many family resemblances between its uses allowed for a transfer of thought between these different, although similar concepts, bearing the same name. The purpose of this article is to highlight the similarities and differences between the Barbour family of critical realism in science and religion (...)
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  • From the Anatomy of the Global Crisis to the Ontology of Human Flourishing.Mervyn Hartwig - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (3):227-237.
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  • MetaRealism.Mervyn Hartwig - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (4):339-349.
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  • A New Global Humanity and the Calling of a Post-colonial Cosmopolis.Ananta Kumar Giri - 2009 - Journal of Human Values 15 (1):1-14.
    The discourse and practice of humanism is at a cross-road, now challenged by posthuman reflections on what it means to be human. Our understanding of human and humanism is also challenged by transformations in nation-state and citizenship. In this context, the present article explores pathways of a new global humanity emerging out of cross-cultural reflections and new intellectual and social movements.
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  • Dialectics of utopia and the pulse of freedom.Mervyn Hartwig - 2007 - Journal of Critical Realism 6 (2):267-285.
    This paper demonstrates that the historical materialist framework deployed in Utopia Ltd. is implicitly critical realist at the level of social ontology. It supplies critical realist concepts that are only implicit in the analysis, for example ‘the pulse of freedom’, and suggests a provisional critical realist typology of utopian epochs on the basis of the one that Beaumont implicitly deploys, thereby demonstrating that critical realism can sharpen, deepen and add a more adequate philosophical rationale to substantive Marxist analysis even when, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Bhaskar's Philosophy as Anti-Anthropism: A Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Thought.MinGyu Seo - 2008 - Journal of Critical Realism 7 (1):5-28.
    This article aims to contribute to the understanding of Roy Bhaskar's philosophical evolution from critical realism to the philosophy of meta-Reality. Following Bhaskar's own terminology, I define his intellectual journey as the ‘identification of dualism and duality within non-duality’ by proposing that anti-anthropism plays a key role in the developmental consistency of his system from critical realism via dialectical critical realism to meta-Reality. For this purpose, I compare Bhaskar's philosophy with Andrew Collier's theory of human rationality and spiritual emancipation based (...)
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  • Discourse Ethics and Critical Realist Ethics: An Evaluation in the Context of Business.John Mingers - 2009 - Journal of Critical Realism 8 (2):172-202.
    Until recently, businesses and corporations could argue that their only real commitments were to maximise the return to their shareholders whilst staying within the law. However, the world has changed significantly during the last ten years and now most major corporations recognise that they have significant responsibility to local and global societies beyond simply making profit. This means that there is now an increasing concern with the question of how corporations, and their employees, ought to behave, and this leads us (...)
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  • Panentheism and the undoing of disenchantment.Roderick Main - 2017 - Zygon 52 (4):1098-1122.
    In this article, I draw on historical and conceptual arguments to show, first, that disenchantment and the influential view of the relationship between science and religion to which disenchantment gives rise are rooted in the metaphysics of theism. I then introduce the alternative metaphysical position of panentheism and identify Jungian psychology as an important, if implicit, mid-twentieth-century instance of panentheistic thought. Using the example of Jungian psychology, I demonstrate how the viewpoint of panentheism undoes the implications of disenchantment for the (...)
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