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  1. Reframing AI Discourse.Deborah G. Johnson & Mario Verdicchio - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (4):575-590.
    A critically important ethical issue facing the AI research community is how AI research and AI products can be responsibly conceptualised and presented to the public. A good deal of fear and concern about uncontrollable AI is now being displayed in public discourse. Public understanding of AI is being shaped in a way that may ultimately impede AI research. The public discourse as well as discourse among AI researchers leads to at least two problems: a confusion about the notion of (...)
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  • The separation of technology and ethics in business ethics.Kirsten E. Martin & R. Edward Freeman - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (4):353-364.
    The purpose of this paper is to draw out and make explicit the assumptions made in the treatment of technology within business ethics. Drawing on the work of Freeman (1994, 2000) on the assumed separation between business and ethics, we propose a similar separation exists in the current analysis of technology and ethics. After first identifying and describing the separation thesis assumed in the analysis of technology, we will explore how this assumption manifests itself in the current literature. A different (...)
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  • Technology Theory and Deliberative Democracy.Patrick W. Hamlett - 2003 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 28 (1):112-140.
    This article examines the debate about the normative relevance of social constructivism, arguing that the criticisms of Winner, Radder, and others are fundamentally accurate. The article argues that a combination of Radder's notion of nonlocal values and Martin's concern for deliberative interventions may offer a theoretical exit from the normative irrelevance that marks constructivism. The article goes on to suggest that theoretical and praxeological developments in two other literatures, participatory public policy analysis and deliberative democracy, may provide fruitful initiatives for (...)
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  • Situating Moral Agency: How Postphenomenology Can Benefit Engineering Ethics.L. Alexandra Morrison - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1377-1401.
    This article identifies limitations in traditional approaches to engineering ethics pedagogy, reflected in an overreliance on disaster case studies. Researchers in the field have pointed out that these approaches tend to occlude ethically significant aspects of day-to-day engineering practice and thus reductively individualize and decontextualize ethical decision-making. Some have proposed, as a remedy for these defects, the use of research and theory from Science and Technology Studies to enrich our understanding of the ways in which technology and engineering practice are (...)
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  • (1 other version)Long-term evaluation of a social robot in real homes.Maartje M. A. de Graaf, Somaya Ben Allouch & Jan A. G. M. van Dijk - 2016 - Interaction Studies 17 (3):461-490.
    This study aims to contribute to emerging human-robot interaction research by adding longitudinal findings to a limited number of long-term social robotics home studies. We placed 70 robots in users’ homes for a period of up to six months, and used questionnaires and interviews to collect data at six points during this period. Results indicate that users’ evaluations of the robot dropped initially, but later rose after the robot had been used for a longer period of time. This is congruent (...)
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  • Defining “Social Sustainability”: Towards a Sustainable Solution to the Conceptual Confusion.Karl De Fine Licht & Anna Folland - 2019 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2:21-39.
    The interest in "social sustainability" has recently increased in the field of urban development. We want societies, cities, and neighborhoods to be economically and environmentally sustainable, but we also want urban areas that are safe, diverse, walkable, and relaxing, just to mention a few examples. Strikingly, however, there is no consensus regarding what definition of "social sustainability" should be employed. Additionally, some people are skeptical about the prospect of finding a useful definition at all and claim it is impossible to (...)
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  • Feelings of Discontent and the Promise of Middle Range Theory for STS: Examples from Technology Dynamics.Frank W. Geels - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (6):627-651.
    This article critically discusses the state of STS, expressing feelings of discontent regarding four aspects: policy relevance, conceptual language, too much focus on complexity, theoretical styles. Middle range theory is proposed as an alternative, promising avenue. Middle range theories focus on delimited topics, make explicit efforts to combine concepts, and search for abstracted patterns and explanatory mechanisms. The article presents achievements in that direction for technology dynamics, particularly with regard to the role of expectations, niche theory and radical innovation, and (...)
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  • One robot doesn’t fit all: aligning social robot appearance and job suitability from a Middle Eastern perspective.Jakub Złotowski, Ashraf Khalil & Salam Abdallah - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (2):485-500.
    Social robots are expected to take over a significant number of jobs in the coming decades. The present research provides the first systematic evaluation of occupation suitability of existing social robots based on user perception derived classification of them. The study was conducted in the Middle East since the views of this region are rarely considered in human–robot interaction research, although the region is poised to increasingly adopt the use of robots. Laboratory-based experimental data revealed that a robot’s appearance plays (...)
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  • Feminism and Constructivism: Do Artifacts Have Gender?Merete Lie & Anne-Jorunn Berg - 1995 - Science, Technology and Human Values 20 (3):332-351.
    This article explores possibilities for establishing dialogues between feminism and constructivism in the field of technology studies. Based on an overview of Norwegian feminist debates about technology, it indicates several points where feminism and constructivism meet and can mutually benefit from each other. The article critically examines feminist studies questioning the problems of technological determinism, social deternacnism, and essentialism. It criticizes constructivism for a lack of concern for gender and politics but holds that it is still possible to use theoretical (...)
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  • Upon Opening the Black Box and Finding It Full: Exploring the Ethics in Design Practices.Marc Steen - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (3):389-420.
    Contemporary design practices, such as participatory design, human-centered design, and codesign, have inherent ethical qualities, which often remain implicit and unexamined. Three design projects in the high-tech industry were studied using three ethical traditions as lenses. Virtue ethics helped to understand cooperation, curiosity, creativity, and empowerment as virtues that people in PD need to cultivate, so that they can engage, for example, in mutual learning and collaborative prototyping. Ethics of alterity helped to understand human-centered design as a fragile encounter between (...)
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  • (Re)constructing technological society by taking social construction even more seriously.E. J. Woodhouse - 2005 - Social Epistemology 19 (2 & 3):199 – 223.
    After recognizing that technologies are socially constructed, questions arise concerning how technologies should be constructed, by what processes, and granting how much influence to whom. Because partisanship, uncertainty, and disagreement are inevitable in trying to answer these questions, reconstructivist scholarship should embrace the desirability of thoughtful partisanship, should focus on strategies for coping intelligently with uncertainties, and should make central the study of social processes for coping with disagreement regarding technoscience and its utilization. That often will entail siding with have-nots, (...)
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  • Using Wittgenstein to Respecify Constructivism.David Francis - 2005 - Human Studies 28 (3):251-290.
    Taking its orientation from Peter Winch, this article critiques from a Wittgensteinian point of view some “theoreticist” tendencies within constructivism. At the heart of constructivism is the deeply Wittgensteinian idea that the world as we know and understand it is the product of human intelligence and interests. The usefulness of this idea can be vitiated by a failure to distinguish conceptual from empirical questions. I argue that such a failure characterises two influential constructivist theories, those of Ernst von Glasersfeld and (...)
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  • Technology as world building.Anne Chapman - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (1):59 – 72.
    This paper addresses the question of 'What is technology?' in order to develop a framework for the assessment and regulation of technology. I suggest that technology is how we build our world, drawing on the distinctions between the world and the earth, and between the human activities of labour, work and action, made by Hannah Arendt. Arendt's thought has a number of implications for how we should think about and assess the world, and thus technology: the world should not be (...)
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  • Social shaping of technology in TA and HTA.Christian Clausen & Yutaka Yoshinaka - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 2 (s 2-3):221-246.
    The social shaping of technology (SST) approach to analysing technological development lends itself to an understanding of the relatively negotiated, heterogeneous, and local character of technologies, politicising the mediated nature of sociotechnical change. Here, conditions of actor engagement lie at the heart of analysing technology in social context—that is, the occasions, strategies, and scope of influence that are afforded different actors, by way of how particular problems come to be defined and resolved. In this paper we examine the framing of (...)
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  • Outsider Initiatives in the Reconstruction of the Car: The Case of Lightweight Vehicle Milieus in Switzerland.Gregor Dürrenberger & Bernhard Truffer - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (2):207-234.
    This article analyzes the relevance of a specific form of social networks, so-called innovative milieus, for the development of radical innovations. Two Swiss initiatives which developed highly energy-efficient means of individual transport in the past ten years are analyzed in terms of the resources they could mobilize and the risks they run. To assess the milieu's potential for radical innovation, we examine the construction of a lightweight safety system, the social construction of the product category "lightweight vehicle, " and the (...)
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  • Reframing social groups, closure, and stabilization in the social construction of technology.Lee Humphreys - 2005 - Social Epistemology 19 (2 & 3):231 – 253.
    This paper complicates, extends, and modifies Pinch and Bijker's original social construction of technology, specifically their concepts of relevant social groups, closure, and stabilization, in order to gain insight into long-term processes of how we use and understand technology. First, this paper identifies four broad categories of relevant social groups in the social construction of technology based on stake holdings and compares them according to their activities, resources, and directionality. Second, the paper discusses the distinctions between closure and stabilization of (...)
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  • Prediction as an Impediment to Preparedness: Lessons from the US Hurricane and Earthquake Research Enterprises.Genevieve E. Maricle - 2011 - Minerva 49 (1):87-111.
    No matter one’s wealth or social position, all are subject to the threats of natural hazards. Be it fire, flood, hurricane, earthquake, tornado, or drought, the reality of hazard risk is universal. In response, governments, non-profits, and the private sector all support research to study hazards. Each has a common end in mind: to increase the resilience of vulnerable communities. While this end goal is shared across hazards, the conception of how to get there can diverge considerably. The earthquake and (...)
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  • Three Decades of Social Construction of Technology: Dynamic Yet Fuzzy? The Methodological Conundrum.Sumitran Basu - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (3):259-275.
    Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) formed a key component of the ‘new sociology of technology’, which emerged in mid-1980s and heralded the entry of social constructivist theory into the domain of technology from science. A large number of empirical case studies were generated using SCOT methodology in the following three decades, encompassing a wide range of technological artefacts or systems. This essay reviews the trajectory of SCOT as a distinct intellectual tradition in technology studies. First, an attempt is made to (...)
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  • Enhancing human agency through redress in Artificial Intelligence Systems.Rosanna Fanni, Valerie Eveline Steinkogler, Giulia Zampedri & Jo Pierson - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):537-547.
    Recently, scholars across disciplines raised ethical, legal and social concerns about the notion of human intervention, control, and oversight over Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. This observation becomes particularly important in the age of ubiquitous computing and the increasing adoption of AI in everyday communication infrastructures. We apply Nicholas Garnham's conceptual perspective on mediation to users who are challenged both individually and societally when interacting with AI-enabled systems. One way to increase user agency are mechanisms to contest faulty or flawed AI (...)
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  • The (Re)Turn to History: A Comment on Wiebe E. Bijker, "Do Not Despair: There Is Life After Constructivism".Richard Hull - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (2):242-244.
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  • Making a Difference: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge and Urban Energy Policies.Simon Marvin, Simon Guy & Robert Evans - 1999 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 24 (1):105-131.
    Infrastructure management has traditionally been based on a logic of predict and provide in which rising demand was met with an increase in infrastructure capacity. However, recent changes in political, economic, and environmental priorities mean that projects such as new roads, which simply expand supply, have become more controversial, and that reducing demand is now a key challenge. This article is about the different ways in which infrastructure managers have tried to achieve reductions in demand, as well as the range (...)
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  • Philosophy of science in the netherlands.James W. McAllister - 1997 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 11 (2):191 – 204.
    Conditions for philosophy of science in the Netherlands are not optimal. The climate of opinion in Dutch philosophy is unsympathetic to the sciences, partly because of the influence of theology. Dutch universities offer no taught graduate programmes in philosophy of science, which would provide an entry route for science graduates. A great deal of Dutch research in philosophy of science is affected by an exegetical attitude, which fosters the interpretation and evaluation of other writers rather than the development of original (...)
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  • (Re)Constructing Technological Society by Taking Social Construction Even More Seriously 1.E. J. Woodhouse - 2005 - Social Epistemology 19 (2):199-223.
    After recognizing that technologies are socially constructed, questions arise concerning how technologies should be constructed, by what processes, and granting how much influence to whom. Because partisanship, uncertainty, and disagreement are inevitable in trying to answer these questions, reconstructivist scholarship should embrace the desirability of thoughtful partisanship, should focus on strategies for coping intelligently with uncertainties, and should make central the study of social processes for coping with disagreement regarding technoscience and its utilization. That often will entail siding with have‐nots, (...)
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  • Book Reviews : Thinking through Technology: The Path between Engineering and Philosophy, by Carl Mitcham. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994, 394 pp. $47.50 (cloth); $17.95 (paper. [REVIEW]Pablo J. Boczkowski - 1996 - Science, Technology and Human Values 21 (3):366-369.
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