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Language death and liberal politics

In Will Kymlicka & Alan Patten (eds.), Language Rights and Political Theory. Oxford University Press. pp. 210--229 (2003)

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  1. Kymlicka’s Alignment of Mill and Engels: Nationality, Civilization, and Coercive Assimilation.Tim Beaumont - 2022 - Nationalities Papers 50 (5):1003-21.
    John Stuart Mill claims that free institutions are next to impossible in a multinational state. According to Will Kymlicka, this leads him to embrace policies kindred to those of Friedrich Engels, aimed at promoting mononational states in Europe through coercive assimilation. Given Mill’s harm principle, such coercive assimilation would have to be justified either paternalistically, in terms of its civilizing effects upon the would-be assimilated, or non-paternalistically, with reference to the danger that their non-assimilation would pose to others. However, neither (...)
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  • Language Loss and Illocutionary Silencing.Ethan Nowak - 2020 - Mind 129 (515):831-865.
    The twenty-first century will witness an unprecedented decline in the diversity of the world’s languages. While most philosophers will likely agree that this decline is lamentable, the question of what exactly is lost with a language has not been systematically explored in the philosophical literature. In this paper, I address this lacuna by arguing that language loss constitutes a problematic form of illocutionary silencing. When a language disappears, past and present speakers lose the ability to realize a range of speech (...)
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  • Survey article: The justification of minority language rights.Alan Patten - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 17 (1):102-128.
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  • From Inevitable Establishment to Mutual Exclusion: The Challenge for Liberal Neutrality.Avigail Ferdman - 2017 - Public Reason 9 (1-2).
    One of the challenges that liberal neutrality faces in diverse societies is how to maintain neutrality towards conception of the good life, when establishment of a particular conception of the good and exclusion of other conceptions is inevitable, as in the case of language regulation. A possible solution is to justify this establishment by appealing to universal reasons, thus refraining from endorsing the intrinsic value of the established conception. This paper argues that such a solution is limited, as it does (...)
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