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Modal Logic As Dialogical Logic

Synthese 127 (1-2):57-93 (2001)

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  1. Dialogical logic.Laurent Keiff - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Propositional Quantification in Bimodal S5.Peter Fritz - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (2):455-465.
    Propositional quantifiers are added to a propositional modal language with two modal operators. The resulting language is interpreted over so-called products of Kripke frames whose accessibility relations are equivalence relations, letting propositional quantifiers range over the powerset of the set of worlds of the frame. It is first shown that full second-order logic can be recursively embedded in the resulting logic, which entails that the two logics are recursively isomorphic. The embedding is then extended to all sublogics containing the logic (...)
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  • Dialogues as a dynamic framework for logic.Helge Rückert - unknown
    Dialogical logic is a game-theoretical approach to logic. Logic is studied with the help of certain games, which can be thought of as idealized argumentations. Two players, the Proponent, who puts forward the initial thesis and tries to defend it, and the Opponent, who tries to attack the Proponent’s thesis, alternately utter argumentative moves according to certain rules. For a long time the dialogical approach had been worked out only for classical and intuitionistic logic. The seven papers of this dissertation (...)
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  • What is categorical structuralism?Geoffrey Hellman - 2006 - In Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzman, M. Rebushi & H. Visser, The Age of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 151--161.
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  • Hybrid counterfactual logics David Lewis meets Arthur prior again.Katsuhiko Sano - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (4):515-539.
    The purpose of this paper is to argue that the hybrid formalism fits naturally in the context of David Lewis’s counterfactual logic and that its introduction into this framework is desirable. This hybridization enables us to regard the inference “The pig is Mary; Mary is pregnant; therefore the pig is pregnant” as a process of updating local information (which depends on the given situation) by using global information (independent of the situation). Our hybridization also has the following technical advantages: (i) (...)
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  • Reasoning about Dependence, Preference and Coalitional Power.Qian Chen, Chenwei Shi & Yiyan Wang - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (1):99-130.
    This paper presents a logic of preference and functional dependence (LPFD) and its hybrid extension (HLPFD), both of whose sound and strongly complete axiomatization are provided. The decidability of LPFD is also proved. The application of LPFD and HLPFD to modelling cooperative games in strategic form is explored. The resulted framework provides a unified view on Nash equilibrium, Pareto optimality and the core. The philosophical relevance of these game-theoretical notions to discussions of collective agency is made explicit. Some key connections (...)
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  • Axiomatizing modal inclusion logic and its variants.Aleksi Anttila, Matilda Häggblom & Fan Yang - forthcoming - Archive for Mathematical Logic:1-39.
    We provide a complete axiomatization of modal inclusion logic—team-based modal logic extended with inclusion atoms. We review and refine an expressive completeness and normal form theorem for the logic, define a natural deduction proof system, and use the normal form to prove completeness of the axiomatization. Complete axiomatizations are also provided for two other extensions of modal logic with the same expressive power as modal inclusion logic: one augmented with a might operator and the other with a single-world variant of (...)
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  • The Age of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today.Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzman, M. Rebushi & H. Visser (eds.) - 2006 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This book explores the interplay between logic and science, describing new trends, new issues and potential research developments.
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  • The Fitch-Church Paradox and First Order Modal Logic.Carlo Proietti - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (1):87-104.
    Reformulation strategies for solving Fitch’s paradox of knowability date back to Edgington. Their core assumption is that the formula \, from which the paradox originates, does not correctly express the intended meaning of the verification thesis, which should concern possible knowledge of actual truths, and therefore the contradiction does not represent a logical refutation of verificationism. Supporters of these solutions claim that can be reformulated in a way that blocks the derivation of the paradox. Unfortunately, these reformulation proposals come with (...)
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  • Awareness as Potential for Knowledge.Pengfei Song & Wei Xiong - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (2):669-703.
    With the idea of analyzing awareness as potential for knowledge, we propose a novel semantics for awareness logic. Expressivities of languages with different combinations of modalities for this semantics are investigated. We explore the properties of our semantics and compare our model with Fagin & Halpern model and the model by Heifetz et al. in partitional settings. A series of equivalence results are established from the comparison. Finally, we provide two axiomatizations for implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge, respectively, and prove (...)
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  • Continuous Accessibility Modal Logics.Caleb Camrud & Ranpal Dosanjh - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (1):221-266.
    In classical modal semantics, a binary accessibility relation connects worlds. In this paper, we present a uniform and systematic treatment of modal semantics with a continuous accessibility relation alongside the continuous accessibility modal logics that they model. We develop several such logics for a variety of philosophical applications. Our main conclusions are as follows. Modal logics with a continuous accessibility relation are sound and complete in their natural classes of models. The class of Kripke frames where a continuous accessibility relation (...)
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  • Logics and algebras for multiple players.Loes Olde Loohuis & Yde Venema - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (3):485-519.
    We study a generalization of the standard syntax and game-theoretic semantics of logic, which is based on a duality between two players, to a multiplayer setting. We define propositional and modal languages of multiplayer formulas, and provide them with a semantics involving a multiplayer game. Our focus is on the notion of equivalence between two formulas, which is defined by saying that two formulas are equivalent if under each valuation, the set of players with a winning strategy is the same (...)
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  • Essay Review.[author unknown] - 2001 - History and Philosophy of Logic 22 (2):99-112.
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  • A History Based Logic for Dynamic Preference Updates.Can Başkent & Guy McCusker - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (3):275-305.
    History based models suggest a process-based approach to epistemic and temporal reasoning. In this work, we introduce preferences to history based models. Motivated by game theoretical observations, we discuss how preferences can dynamically be updated in history based models. Following, we consider arrow update logic and event calculus, and give history based models for these logics. This allows us to relate dynamic logics of history based models to a broader framework.
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  • Adaptive structure seeking dialogues.Matthieu Fontaine - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In dialogical logic, the proof process is conceived in terms of argumentative games in which a proponent of a thesis and an opponent interact. Different levels of rules allow to define different logical contexts of argumentation. This provides to dialogical logic a genuine pluralistic dimension. In this paper, we introduce the rules of a new modal dialogical approach referred to as “Adaptive Structure Seeking Dialogues” (A-SSD). A-SSD have their roots in Structure Seeking Dialogues (SSD), on the one hand, and in (...)
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  • Game-theoretic semantics for non-distributive logics.Chrysafis Hartonas - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (5):718-742.
    We introduce game-theoretic semantics for systems without the conveniences of either a De Morgan negation, or of distribution of conjunction over disjunction and conversely. Much of game playing rests on challenges issued by one player to the other to satisfy, or refute, a sentence, while forcing him/her to move to some other place in the game’s chessboard-like configuration. Correctness of the game-theoretic semantics is proven for both a training game, corresponding to Positive Lattice Logic and for more advanced games for (...)
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  • The Diversity of Cognitive Processes in a Dialogue.Katarzyna Budzyńska Olena Yaskorska - 2016 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 28:57-94.
    The aim of the paper is to propose a unified formal account of dialogical cognitive processes so that it allows the analysis of similarities and differences between those processes. Formal dialogue systems constitute two basic categories or paradigms of modelling communication depending on what cognitive process is described by a given system. The first paradigm consists of designing a set of dialogue rules in a similar manner to Lorenzen’s dialogue logic, and according to which players jointly aim to prove the (...)
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