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  1. The material theory of induction.John D. Norton - 2021 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary Press.
    The inaugural title in the new, Open Access series BSPS Open, The Material Theory of Induction will initiate a new tradition in the analysis of inductive inference. The fundamental burden of a theory of inductive inference is to determine which are the good inductive inferences or relations of inductive support and why it is that they are so. The traditional approach is modeled on that taken in accounts of deductive inference. It seeks universally applicable schemas or rules or a single (...)
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  • Can We Justifiably Assume the Cosmological Principle in Order to Break Model Underdetermination in Cosmology?Claus Beisbart - 2009 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 40 (2):175-205.
    If cosmology is to obtain knowledge about the whole universe, it faces an underdetermination problem: Alternative space-time models are compatible with our evidence. The problem can be avoided though, if there are good reasons to adopt the Cosmological Principle (CP), because, assuming the principle, one can confine oneself to the small class of homogeneous and isotropic space-time models. The aim of this paper is to ask whether there are good reasons to adopt the Cosmological Principle in order to avoid underdetermination (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Pseudo-Problem of Creation in Physical Cosmology.Adolf Grünbaum - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (3):373 - 394.
    According to some cosmologists, the big bang cosmogony and even the (now largely defunct) steady-state theory pose a scientifically insoluble problem of matter-energy creation. But I argue that the genuine problem of the origin of matter-energy or of the universe has been fallaciously transmuted into the pseudo-problem of creation by an external cause. A fortiori, it emerges that the initial "true" and "false" vacuum states of quantum cosmology do not vindicate biblical divine creation ex nihilo at all.
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  • Creation as a pseudo-explanation in current physical cosmology.Adolf Grünbaum - 1991 - Erkenntnis 35 (1-3):233 - 254.
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  • (1 other version)“The Most Philosophically Important of All the Sciences”: Karl Popper and Physical Cosmology.Helge Kragh - 2013 - Perspectives on Science 21 (3):325-357.
    While Karl Popper’s philosophy of science has only few followers among modern philosophers, it is easily the view of science with the biggest impact on practicing scientists. According to Peter Medawar, Nobel laureate and eminent physiologist, Popper was the greatest authority ever on the scientific method. He praised the “great strength of Karl Popper’s conception of the scientific process,” a main reason for the praise being “that it is realistic—it gives a pretty fair picture of what goes on in real (...)
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  • Privileged, Typical, or not even that? – Our Place in the World According to the Copernican and the Cosmological Principles.Claus Beisbart & Tobias Jung - 2006 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 37 (2):225-256.
    If we are to constrain our place in the world, two principles are often appealed to in science. According to the Copernican Principle, we do not occupy a privileged position within the Universe. The Cosmological Principle, on the other hand, says that our observations would roughly be the same, if we were located at any other place in the Universe. In our paper we analyze these principles from a logical and philosophical point of view. We show how they are related, (...)
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  • Space, Time and Falsifiability Critical Exposition and Reply to "A Panel Discussion of Grünbaum's Philosophy of Science".Adolf Grünbaum - 1970 - Philosophy of Science 37 (4):469 - 588.
    Prompted by the "Panel Discussion of Grünbaum's Philosophy of Science" (Philosophy of Science 36, December, 1969) and other recent literature, this essay ranges over major issues in the philosophy of space, time and space-time as well as over problems in the logic of ascertaining the falsity of a scientific hypothesis. The author's philosophy of geometry has recently been challenged along three main distinct lines as follows: (i) The Panel article by G. J. Massey calls for a more precise and more (...)
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  • False Vacuum: Early Universe Cosmology and the Development of Inflation.Chris Smeenk - 2005 - In Eisenstaedt Jean & Knox A. J. (eds.), The Universe of General Relativity. Birkhauser. pp. 223-257.
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  • Cosmology as a science.Peter G. Bergmann - 1970 - Foundations of Physics 1 (1):17-22.
    In recent years, observational techniques at cosmological distances have been sufficiently improved that cosmology has become an empirical science, rather than a field for unchecked speculation. There remains the fact that its object, the whole universe, exists only once; hence, we are unable to separate “general” features from particular aspects of “our” universe. This might not be a serious drawback if we were justified in the belief that presently accepted laws of nature remain valid on the cosmological scale. In the (...)
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  • Enhancing Teachers’ Awareness About Relations Between Science and Religion.Cibelle Silva & Alexandre Bagdonas - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (9-10):1173-1199.
    Educators advocate that science education can help the development of more responsible worldviews when students learn not only scientific concepts, but also about science, or “nature of science”. Cosmology can help the formation of worldviews because this topic is embedded in socio-cultural and religious issues. Indeed, during the Cold War period, the cosmological controversy between Big Bang and Steady State theory was tied up with political and religious arguments. The present paper discusses a didactic sequence developed for and applied in (...)
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  • Inertia, gravitation and metaphysics.Lawrence Sklar - 1976 - Philosophy of Science 43 (1):1-23.
    Several variant "Newtonian" theories of inertia and gravitation are described, and their scientific usefulness discussed. An examination of these theories is used to throw light on traditional epistemological and metaphysical questions about space and time. Finally these results are examined in the light of the changes induced by the transition from "Newtonian" to general relativistic spacetime.
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  • Some epistemic questions of cosmology.Petar V. Grujić - 2007 - Foundations of Science 12 (1):39-83.
    We discuss a number of fundamental aspects of modern cosmological concepts, from the phenomenological, observational, theoretical and epistemic points of view. We argue that the modern cosmology, despite a great advent, in particular in the observational sector, is yet to solve important problems, posed already by the classical times. In particular the stress is put on discerning the scientific features of modern cosmological paradigms from the more speculative ones, with the latter immersed in some aspects deeply into mythological world picture. (...)
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  • Tests and Problems of the Standard Model in Cosmology.Martín López-Corredoira - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (6):711-768.
    The main foundations of the standard \CDM model of cosmology are that: the redshifts of the galaxies are due to the expansion of the Universe plus peculiar motions; the cosmic microwave background radiation and its anisotropies derive from the high energy primordial Universe when matter and radiation became decoupled; the abundance pattern of the light elements is explained in terms of primordial nucleosynthesis; and the formation and evolution of galaxies can be explained only in terms of gravitation within a inflation (...)
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  • A Survey of Inductive Generalization.John D. Norton - unknown
    Inductive generalization asserts that what obtains in known instances can be generalized to all. Its original form is enumerative induction, the earliest form of inductive inference, and it has been elaborated in various ways, largely with the goal of extending its reach. Its principal problem is that it supplies no intrinsic notion of strength of support so that one cannot tell if the generalization has weak or strong support.
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  • The Standard Cosmological Model: Achievements and Issues.George Ellis - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1226-1245.
    The present day standard cosmological model is a great theoretical achievement. This chapter surveys the main themes that have arisen and issues that are still oustanding.
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  • The concepts of "beginning" and "creation" in cosmology.Jayant V. Narlikar - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (3):361-371.
    The paper is inspired by the arguments raised recently by Grunbaum criticizing the current approaches of many cosmologists to the problem of spacetime singularity, matter creation and the origin of the universe. While agreeing with him that the currently favored cosmological ideas do not indicate the biblical notion of divine creation ex nihilo, I present my viewpoint on the same issues, which differs considerably from Grunbaum's. First I show that the symmetry principle which leads to the conservation law of energy (...)
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  • On Hubble's law of redshift, Olbers' paradox and the cosmic background radiation.A. K. T. Assis - 1992 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 12:10-16.
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  • The causal efficacy of space.Dudley Shapere - 1964 - Philosophy of Science 31 (2):111-121.
    Through an analysis of conditions under which the question of spatial anisotropy can be raised, the present paper brings out intimate conceptual relationships between the scientific concept of space and the concepts of entities, behavior, and explanation specified by scientific theories. Thus scientific departures from ordinary usage (or from usage in other scientific theories) of the term "space" entail corresponding shifts in the use of other terms not generally seen to be connected. As a case study of the relations between (...)
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  • Nonphysical Souls Would Violate Physical Laws.David L. Wilson - 2015 - In Keith Augustine & Michael Martin (eds.), The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 349-367.
    This paper argues that nonphysical souls would violate fundamental physical laws if they were able to influence brain events. Though we have no idea how nonphysical souls might operate, we know quite a bit about how brains work, so we can consider each of the ways that an external force could interrupt brain processes enough to control one’s body. It concludes that there is no way that a nonphysical soul could interact with the brain—neither by introducing new energy into the (...)
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  • Philosophical Contexts of the Steady-State Universe.Helge Kragh - 2022 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 12 (1):129-145.
    Modern standard big bang cosmology was preceded by a 15-year controversy with the rival steady-state theory of the universe. At a time when cosmologically relevant observations were scarce and cosmology was widely regarded as an immature science, or not a science at all, much of the debate took place by means of arguments that were essentially philosophical. Remarkably, professional philosophers, including some of the key figures of Anglo-American philosophy of science, took an active part in the debate; no less remarkably, (...)
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  • Adolf Grünbaum on the Steady-State Theory and Creatio Continua of Matter Out of Nothing.Mirsaeid Mousavi Karimi - 2011 - Zygon 46 (4):857-871.
    The ideas of creatio ex nihilo of the universe and creatio continua of new matter out of nothing entered the arena of natural science with the advent of the Big Bang and the steady-state theories in the mid-twentieth century. Adolf Grünbaum has tried to interpret the steady-state theory in such a way, to show that the continuous formation of new matter out of nothing in this theory can be explained purely physically. In this paper, however, it will be shown that (...)
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  • On purely probabilistic theories of scientific inference.David G. Blair - 1975 - Philosophy of Science 42 (3):242-249.
    This paper derives a mathematical expression giving the development of the probability of a scientific hypothesis with the number of confirming tests, as determined by Bayes's theorem, in a special case in which all the tests are "independent" of one another. The simple expression obtained shows clearly how the various factors influence the growth of the probability. The result is used to set a numerical lower bound on the probabilities representing the a priori beliefs of humans in generalizations that become (...)
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  • Probability in a discrete model of particles and observations.Ted Bastin - 1974 - Synthese 29 (1-4):203 - 227.
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  • Mass, energy, space.Henrik Broberg - 1991 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 1:9-10.
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  • The Copernican character of Einstein's cosmology.Allen Harder - 1972 - Annals of Science 29 (4):339-347.
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  • The importance of cosmological principles for research in cosmology.Konrad Rudnicki - 1989 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 4 (1).
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  • That Which We Call Reality.Silvan Samuel Schweber - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (1-2):149-158.
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  • A contradiction in the theory of universal expansion.Fred L. Walker - 1989 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 5 (1).
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  • Philosophy of Space and Expanding Universe in G. J. Whitrow.Giovanni Macchia - 2015 - Foundations of Science 20 (3):233-247.
    One of the few authors to have explicitly connected the physical issue of the expansion of the universe with the philosophical topic of the metaphysical status of space is Gerald James Whitrow. This paper examines his view and tries to highlight its strong and weak points, thereby clarifying its obscure aspects. In general, this really interesting philosophical approach to one of the most important phenomena concerning our universe, and therefore modern cosmology, has been very rarely tackled. This unicity increases the (...)
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  • Universal Constants as Manifestations of Relativity.A. A. Sheykin - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (2):1-12.
    We study the possible interpretation of the "universal constants" by the classification of J.-M. Lévy-Leblond. The Planck constant and the speed of light in vacuum are the most common examples of constants of this type. Using Fock’s principle of the relativity w.r.t. observation means, we show that these two constants can be viewed as manifestations of certain relativity. We also show that there is a possibility to interpret the Boltzmann constant in a similar way, and make some comments about the (...)
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  • Granice fizyki w kosmologii.Leszek M. Sokołowski - 2015 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 59:25-81.
    The message is that physics has an „outward bound” of scientific inquiry in the field of cosmology. I present it in the historical development. Physics and astronomy, developing since the seventeenth century, inherited from the early Greek philosophers the conception that the Universe as a whole is invariable. In nineteenth century this conception in conjunction with the conception of eternity of the Universe gave rise to contradictions with other laws of physics indicating that cosmology is not a branch of physics (...)
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  • Do the ‘Constants of Nature’ change with Time?D. H. Wilkinson - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (30):582-585.
    The age of minerals determined by radioactive methods agrees roughly with the age of the galaxy. This suggests that radioactive alpha-decay constants have probably changed by less than a factor of 3 or 4 during the last 3 or 4 × l09 years. It is shown that this implies that many ‘Constants of Nature’, particularly e, h and c probably change more slowly than 10−12 parts per year. The meson coupling constant also appears to change more slowly than this and (...)
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  • Anatoly Vlasov heritage: 60-year-old controversy.Kuznetsov Vladimir - 2023 - European Physical Journal H 48 (5).
    We analyzed remarkable stories linked to the famous Anatoly Vlasov equations in plasma physics. Their creation, modification, and application are interesting from a scientific viewpoint. We also show the relations between those equations dealing with electromagnetism and analogous Jeans equations describing, in particular, gravitational instability in astrophysics. The second half of the essay is devoted to the controversies and political struggle in Soviet (before 1991) and Russian (after 1991) physical communities related to Vlasov’s personality, career, and posthumous recognition. The never-ending (...)
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  • The relativity of hyperbolic space.Bernard Howard Lavenda - unknown
    Paths of shortest length, or geodesics, may not appear as straight lines because acceleration creates distortion. For spaces of constant curvature there are only two possibilities: Either rulers get longer as they move away from the origin or they shrink. Because the longitudinal Doppler shift corresponds to the measure of distance, in velocity space, this space is hyperbolic, corresponding to the second of the two possibilities. Transformations from one inertial frame to another are related to geometrical rigid motions. The square (...)
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  • The light clock: Error and implications. [REVIEW]Richard Schlegel - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (3-4):345-351.
    The light clock (a photon undergoing successive reflections between two particle mirrors a fixed distance apart) has commonly been used as a theoretical confirmation of the special-relativistic slowing of clock rates. In order to obtain that result one must describe the clock photon in a system moving relatively to the clock. However, contradictory frequency transformations for the photon, as observed from the mirrors, are then predicted by relatively moving observers. A correct and consistent analysis utilizes the Lorentz-invariant relative velocity and (...)
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