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  1. Author’s response: Evelleen Richards: Darwin and the making of sexual selection. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017, xxxiii+669pp, $47.50 HB.Evelleen Richards - 2018 - Metascience 27 (3):411-420.
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  • Eclipsing the Eclipse?: A Neo-Darwinian Historiography Revisited.Max Meulendijks - 2021 - Journal of the History of Biology 54 (3):403-443.
    Julian Huxley’s eclipse of Darwinism narrative has cast a long shadow over the historiography of evolutionary theory around the turn of the nineteenth century. It has done so by limiting who could be thought of as Darwinian. Peter Bowler used the eclipse to draw attention to previously understudied alternatives to Darwinism, but maintained the same flaw. In his research on the Non-Darwinian Revolution, he extended this problematic element even further back in time. This paper explores how late nineteenth-century neo-Darwinian conceptualizations (...)
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  • Economics, Darwinism, and the Case of Disciplinary Imports.Valentin Cojanu - 2013 - American Journal of Economics and Sociology 72 (1).
    The problem of causality in economics is still contended by various epistemological alternatives. The article builds on the received view of Darwinism in economics and examines the way in which economics and biology find common ground in concepts and assumptions that reflect causal commonalities of the natural and the social world. We claim that the role the contingent pattern plays in understanding socioeconomic change provides reasons to concede corrections to a rule-based causal mechanism. The article concludes on the merits of (...)
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  • Peter Bowler Evolution: The History of an Idea, 25th Anniversary Edition.Erik L. Peterson - 2011 - Science & Education 20 (5-6):557-562.
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